Love is One Big Lie

Love is One Big Lie~ Chapter 13


Bomani, Sark, Lauren, and other important members of the Covenant all gathered into the room, to witness the beginning of a new era. Then, someone familiar walked in.

“Good to see you again, Cole” Sark said, shaking his hand.

“You too Mr. Sark. So uh, I heard that pigtails is the chosen one. This should be interesting” he said, taking his place in front of the machine.

All of the Covenant members were lined up in front of the machine, waiting for the click of the button.

Bomani stepped out in front.

“Welcome, my fellow agents! As you know, we have been trying to fulfill Rambaldi’s prophecy since the Covenant began! And now, right here, today, all our hard work will pay off! It’s the beginning of a new age! The age of Rambaldi!” he shouted, as all the members clapped.

“And now, let the experiment begin!” he shouted, pressing the button.


The team stormed the building, looking for any trace of Sydney or Nadia. They heard the clapping, and ran towards it.

“Jack! I think we’re too late!” Irina shouted while running.

“No! Don’t think that! We’re never too late” Jack replied.

They finally reached the room where they heard the clapping coming from.

“This is it…” Vaughn mumbled.

“On my word! 1... 2... 3!” Jack shouted, as they busted the door down and ran in.

Everyone in the room turned and looked. They tried to pull out their guns, but there weren’t faster then a bullet. Irina had her eyes set on one person in particular: Bomani.

He looked surprised, eyes wide open, and reached for his gun. However, Irina had shot him before he could draw it. Once in the heart, another in the head, to make sure there was no way he could survive.

Bomani fell to the ground, dead. His eyes still open, in that same shocked expression.

Sark and Lauren had managed to escape through the back doors, and Weiss and a group of agents chased after them.

Just when they thought they had won, the machines started to make a strange noise, and glow.

“Jack! Turn it off!” Irina shouted.

Jack didn’t know what button to hit, so he started shooting at the control panel. Sparks flew everywhere, causing a small fire, and the machines turned off.

Irina ran and opened Nadia’s machine, and Vaughn opened Sydney’s.

“Let’s get them out of here!” Irina shouted.

Weiss and his agents came back.

“We lost them. Lauren and Sark are gone” he said.

Vaughn banged his fist on a table.

“Damn her! I can’t take it anymore!” he shouted.

“Don’t get so down. It looks like Lauren took quite a beating. She looked like she got ran over by a truck” Weiss replied.

This made Vaughn smile.

“Men, we have to go!” Irina shouted, as she ran out the door.

Vaughn, Weiss, Jack, and the other agents followed.


“Set her down here” Irina said to Vaughn.

Vaughn carefully put Sydney down on the ground.

“Sydney? Sydney! Wake up! Wake up now!” Irina said, shaking her daughter.

Sydney opened her eyes, and bolted right up.

“Where am I?!?” she asked, looking around.

Vaughn kneeled down next to her, and grabbed her hand.

“Vaughn! Lauren is Covenant! I saw her! I beat her!” she said, at 100 miles per hour.

Vaughn pulled Sydney into a hug.

“I know. I’m sorry I doubted you. I’m so sorry…”

Irina smiled at the two. She remembered what it felt like to be young and in love.

“Wait! Where is Nadia?!?” Sydney asked.

“She’s here, sweetheart” Irina replied, pointing a Nadia.

“She got shot with a tranq dart. She should be out for a while” Sydney said, snuggling back into Vaughn’s arms.

Jack walked over and sat down to Nadia. His daughter, which he had never met. He stroked her hair.

“This is you’re daughter Jack. Nadia. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her before” Irina said, sitting down next to him.

Sydney watched her parents. She hadn’t seen them like that since she was six years old. How she longed for her family to be like that again. Only this time, with Nadia.

“I hate to disturb you’re family reunion, but we have to go. It’s not safe here” Weiss said, patting Vaughn on the shoulder.

Vaughn nodded, and looked down at Sydney, who was staring back at him. She smiled, and he leaned in to steal a kiss, although he didn’t have to because she was more then happy to give it to him.


“There was a problem” Sark said into the phone.

“What kind of problem?” the familiar voice on the other end asked.

“Nadia and Sydney are at large. Jack and Irina came to the rescue. Bomani is dead” he replied.

He heard something smash in the background.

“As much as I hate to do this to Sydney, I have to. I must know Rambaldi’s endgame. You will find them both, and continue with the procedure” the voice on the other end said.

Sark hung up.

“What now?” Lauren asked.

“We take this van to the airport and go to L.A.” Sark replied, as he climbed into a black van.

Lauren climbed in after.


Once they reached L.A., they headed to the office to explain the situation to Dixon.

“Okay. Here is what we’re going to do. Sydney and Nadia, you’ll stay here until we can sort this all out. The rest of you can stay here too, if you’d like” he declared.

“That’s okay. I’m heading home to find my sisters. If you need anything, you know what to do” Irina said, leaving.

The gang watched her walk out of the building, and there was a moment of silence.

“I’m staying here with Sydney” Vaughn said, holding her hand.

Dixon nodded.

“What about you Jack?” he asked.

“I’ll go home. Don’t worry about me” he replied.

They were interrupted the nurse who had just came running up.

“Nadia is awake!” she shouted.

“Can I see her?” Sydney asked.

“Wait. I want to talk to her alone first” Jack said, butting in.

Sydney stared at him in confusion.

“A father daughter thing?” she asked.

“Uh huh” Jack replied.

Sydney smiled.

“Well, it’s nice to have a sister ‘cause now you won’t waste you’re lectures on me, 24/7!” Sydney exclaimed.

She was rewarded by a smack on the back of the head from Jack.

"Ow! That's my lump!” she shouted, pointing to the bandage on her head. Underneath was a giant lump that Bomani had left when he slammed her into the ground.


Jack slowly entered the room, and Nadia bolted straight up.

“You’re my father…” she whispered, tears in her eyes.

Jack nodded, and took a seat next to her bed.

“I’m sorry I never got to meet you before” he replied.

“It’s okay. It’s not you’re fault. Sydney didn’t even know who I was. I assumed that mother told you” she said, laying back down.

“You’re mother was afraid that if she told anybody of you’re existence, it would endanger you’re life” he replied.

She stared him in the eye, and there was an awkward silence.



“I’m glad you’re here now. That’s all that matters”


Jack came out of Nadia’s room, and headed to the lobby, where Sydney and Vaughn were waiting.

“What took you so long?” she asked, crossing her arms.

“Patching things up” he replied, as she sat down.

Her and Vaughn nodded, and entered Nadia’s room.


"Sydney!" she said, a smile beaming across her face.

"Hi" Sydney replied, as she grasped Nadia's hand. It was their new way of saying hello.

Nadia looked over to see Vaughn.

"I remember you..." she whispered.

Vaughn looked at her, shocked.

"When I was little. You freed me" she added, sitting up.

"I've never... seen you" he replied.

"No, not you. You're father" she said.

"Uh, okay" he replied.

"He died, freeing me. I am eternally greatful to him, and you" she said, tears streaming down her face.

"Nadia. We're not safe yet. We're guessing that the Covenant has agents all over the place looking for us. We should be ready for the worst" Sydney interrupted.

Nadia nodded.

"I know. Well, I'm ready to fight if you are" she said, getting up out of the hospital bed.

"You two shouldn't be fighting. It's you guys they're after, so if they get a hand on even one of you, it could be all over" Vaughn said.

"I know..." Sydney replied.

Then, something crossed her mind. The Rambaldi artifact she found when she was little! Was it still in her sandbox? She had to go and check. That message she recieved must have meant something.

"Vaughn, I need to go to my dad's house" she mumbled.

"What?!? You can't leave this building! It's too risky!" he shouted.

"No. I think I may know how to stop the Covenant, but I need to go to my dad's house first. You can even come with me, if you want" she explained.

Vaughn was quiet, and sat down in a chair. After a couple of minutes, he finally came up with an answer.

"You, me, and you're father will go. Nadia, you will stay here" her said, getting back up.

"B-But I-"

"No! If we're ambushed, and they capture me, atleast they still need to find you. We shouldn't be together until the Covenant is gone" Sydney explained.

Nadia knew Sydney was right. it would make it easier for the Covenant, if they were together. They could grab them both at once. If they were apart, at least of they captured one of them, they would still have to capture the other.

Nadia agreed.


When Sydney and Vaughn came out of Nadia's room, they explained their situation. Jack opposed, but after a while of debating, he finally gave in. Sydney, Vaughn, and Jack headed to Jack's house, while the C.I.A. got ready for battle.
Here are some spoilers for the next chapter:

<!--spoilerbs--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>SPOILER </td></tr><tr><td id='SPOILER'><!--spoilerbe-->“So, how long have you known my sister?” she asked.

“Oh. I met her here and I was her handler. There is a rule that a Handler/Asset relationship is strictly professional. Well, after we took down SD-6, we started dating. Then, she disappeared for 2 years, and I kinda was seeing someone else. Then I broke with the person I was seeing, and now she doesn’t want me back” Weiss explained.

“Wow. That sounds a lot like Mr. Vaughn’s story” she replied.

“Well, kinda” he said.

"Sure"<!--spoileres--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--spoileree-->

<!--spoilerbs--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>SPOILER </td></tr><tr><td id='SPOILER'><!--spoilerbe-->“Director Dixon! Our surveillance team picked up a jet coming into L.A.! On it, we saw Sark, Lauren, and tons of Covenant agents” Marshall shouted, running up to Dixon, showing him the pictures of Sark and all the men.<!--spoileres--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--spoileree-->

<!--spoilerbs--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>SPOILER </td></tr><tr><td id='SPOILER'><!--spoilerbe-->She started digging around it, and she brushed off the sand. It was the artifact! A golden box with a Rambaldi symbol: <0><!--spoileres--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--spoileree-->
Wow! This is really good! I just got caught up- you're amazing- even if the spoilers were really confusing- lol! Thanks for the PM's! You are doing such an awesome job! *xoxo*em*
Love is One Big Lie~ Chapter 14

“So you’re the passenger, eh?”

“Yep. And you are?”

“Weiss. Eric Weiss, at your service” he answered.

“I’m Nadia. Nadia Santos” she said.

“So, uh, do you wanna come take a look around the office with me?” Weiss asked.

“Sure. I’d love to” she replied.


“This is my desk. It isn’t as big as all the other desks, but you know what they say: the smaller, the better”

“Are you still talking about your desk, because I get the feeling your not” Nadia said.

“Dang woman! Harsh!”

Nadia couldn’t help but giggle.

“So, how long have you known my sister?” she asked.

“Oh. I met her here and I was her handler. There is a rule that a Handler/Asset relationship is strictly professional. Well, after we took down SD-6, we started dating. Then, she disappeared for 2 years, and I kinda was seeing someone else. Then I broke with the person I was seeing, and now she doesn’t want me back” Weiss explained.

“Wow. That sounds a lot like Mr. Vaughn’s story” she replied.

“Well, kinda” he said.

“That’s exactly what Mr. Vaughn told me. Are you lying?”


“Yes you are. Tell me how you really met my sister”

“Enough of this. I’ll tell you later. First, let’s go look at the cool stuff”


Sydney, Jack, and Vaughn all arrived at Jack’s house.

“Can I do it by myself?” Sydney asked.

Both men looked at each other, and nodded.

She opened the gate to the backyard, and made her way to the sandbox.

“Wow! I haven’t been here since I was 17! It hasn’t changed much…”

She could see that her sandbox was the way she left it. Her jungle gym was in perfect condition too. The giant tree with the tire swing was there, and so was her mom’s flower garden.After her mom died, Sydney had put her heart and soul into keeping the garden alive. It was one of the few memories of her mother she had left.

She made her way over to the sandbox, and crouched down.

“I must have burried it again…” she mumbled.

She couldn’t see the shiny gold object anymore. It was probably buried under a foor of sand.

She picked up her shovel, and started digging.


“Director Dixon! Our surveillance team picked up a jet coming into L.A.! On it, we saw Sark, Lauren, and tons of Covenant agents” Marshall shouted, running up to Dixon, showing him the pictures of Sark and all the men.

“Okay people! The Covenant is coming! Grab your weapons and get into position!” he shouted.

The people ran across the office grabbing guns, and crouching behind desks for comfort.

“Nadia, Weiss, come with me” Dixon said.

Dixon lead them into the basement. It was cold and dark.

“Weiss, you protect Nadia. Stay down here, since they probably won’t find you. I’m going to call Sydney” Dixon explained.

Dixon climbed back up the stairs, and while he did so, he called Sydney.



“Hey Dixon. What’s up?”

“Our surveillence picked up Sark and Lauren and a lot of other Covenant agents landing in L.A., and it isn’t safe. Find whatever it is you’re looking for, and hurry back!” he replied, as he hung up.


“Dad! Vaughn!”


“They found Sark, Lauren andf a bunch of Covenant agents landing in L.A., and Dixon wants us back as soon as possible!”

“Then hurry up!” both men replied.

Sydney continued digging, and she struck something.

She started digging around it, and she brushed off the sand. It was the artifact! A golden box with a Rambaldi symbol: <0>

She tried to pull it out, but it was still stuck in the sand. She would have to dig futher to release it.


“Okay everyone. I’m pretty sure that the C.I.A. has picked us up on their satellites. Everything is going according to plan. Just remember what I told you, and stick to it” Sark said, talking to some Covenant agents.

“Julian, we need to talk” Lauren said, pointing to the corner.

Sark nodded, and they walked over to it.

“It’s really Sydney we need. What’s the point in snatching Nadia? I mean, Sydney would be a lot easier to get to then Nadia. Nadia is more protected” Lauren explained.

“I’ve told you already. In order to bring out the true cause of Rambaldi, we need Sydney. It will be done through her. However, the only way we can get Sydney bring our Rambaldi’s true cause is through the Passenger. The Rambaldi manuscript we acquired in Tokyo said “When then Passenger and my Chosen One reunite, the Passenger will bring out my Chosen One’s full purpose: to serve me” that is why we need both Sydney and Nadia” Sark replied.

“But, Nadia and Sydney have already been reunited” Lauren said, confused.

“Yes, Nadia and Sydney have met, but no, they haven’t “reunited” like Rambaldi said. I think I know how to get them to do this…”


“Mr. Weiss, what you said, back there, about how you met my sister. It was a lie. Really, tell me how you met my sister”

Weiss sighed.

“Fine. She came to the C.I.A. because she had found out she had been working for the badguys. In this case “SD-6.” She came to us to take them down. Vaughn and I were the ones who first met her”

“Really? Sd-6? Why does that name ring a bell…” Nadia replied.

“SD-6 and the Alliance is long gone. It doesn’t matter now” Weiss said, sitting down against the wall.

“No, Mr. Weiss. SD-6 and the Alliance may very well still be exist…”


With one final tug, Sydney freed the Rambaldi artifact from the sandbox.

“Got it…” she mumbled.

She brushed some sand off of it, and noticed that it said something.

“To my Chosen One” it said.

She opened the box, and dust flew everywhere. She shielded her eyes, and waited for the dust to subside. She opened her eyes, and looked in the box. There was something wrapped in a cloth. She unwrapped the cloth, and there were many gold pieces in it. Each piece different in size and shape.

“This is what I had to find? What good does a broken artifact do me?” she thought.

Then, she saw a note inside. It looked hundreds of years old, and there was a message written in Rambaldi’s writing.

“I’ll bring this to Marshall later and have him tell me what it says…” she said.

She picked up two pieces of the artifact, and examined them. To her surprise, when she put the two pieces together, they locked.

“Wait a second… maybe this is like a puzzle! All I have to do is put all the pieces back together, and the artifact will look as good as it did hundreds of years ago!”