Love will conquer it all

That was so sweet!!
Love the update!!
Alice always has to inturupt things!!
Still love the update!!
Can't wait for more!
man you have such great ideas! I love where your taking this story.
Stupid Alice!!!!!!!!!! I wish Syd could sneek over to Vaughns house or something, that would rock!
more real soon i luv it plz update again real soon, plz get them together again real soon. Plz pm me when u update and add me to ur pm list. I luv it.
Here's a little spoiler for the next chapter, which I hope will be up this weekend.
"Michel I'm your mother not a stranger. Even though I don't see you very often I know there's someone, because you haven't been hiding it very well." She said and he looked down at the floor sheepishly. "Michel can you look me in the eyes and tell that there isn’t someone in your life you haven't told me about."
Okay here's the next chapter

Chapter 10
-Interrogation part 3-

A little more the an half an hour Vaughn parked his car outside his mothers house and made his way to the front door. When he got to the door he rang the door bell and he could hear how Donovan stated to bark on the other side of the door and after a few seconds his mother appeared at the door.

Amélie Vaughn was a woman in her early sixties. She was about a head shorter then Vaughn but had the same piercing green eyes as her son and they shared a special bond since they both have lost William so early in Vaughn's childhood.

William's death had been painful for both of them, she had lost the love of her life and no one could ever replace him and to tell the truth she did not want one or let one do it either. Vaughn on the other hand had lost his father. Even though he had a lot of relatives and friends to the family around him as male role models he would never have father. He would never have a father-son relationship with anyone. She had done everything she could to fill in William's spot, which had brought them much closer to each other.

Then when Vaughn had come one day and said that he planed on join the agency her world fell apart. She did not think anyone understood his decision more than she did. He wanted to follow his father in line of work for many reasons. For him his father was a hero, William had sworn to served and protect his county and if his father dedicated his life to his job then Vaughn decided to finish it for him. Vaughn also saw joining the agency as a way to finally found out what really happened to his father since it was classified information neither he nor his mother really knew what had really happened to his father.

But even though Amélie understood her son's decision it did not mean she had not tried to stop him but unfortunately all her attempt on trying to change his mind had failed. It terrified her it literally scared her to death that she would lose another man she loved more than anything to that job. That was the reason she always made sure he called some time to time so she knew he was safe.

"Michel there you are. I have been calling you but you haven't answered. You should have been back here for hours by now." Amélie said and opened the door wider to let him inside.

"Oh I had some things to do before I could get here." He answered as he grabbed Donovan's leash from where it hung on the cot rack as he bent down to leash the dog. Donovan was about to give his master a very wet kiss with the tongue when he found Vaughn's jacket a lot more interesting. Vaughn looked down at his dog, as he practically smelled him everywhere and he understood that his clothes probably smelled a lot like Sydney so he did not blame Donovan if he wanted to investigate it since it was a very nice scent.

"Oh the way I what to ask you what you're doing on Friday night? I hardly see you this days and I was thinking that you and Alice could come here and we could have dinner." She asked and immediately saw the change in his body language.

"Yeah sure...that would great I'd love to come but...Alice won’t, we...broke up. Actually we have been over for a long time we just hadn't said the words yet."

"Did you break up because you met someone else?" She asked and looked at him closely. She had for a long period of time had the feeling that everything was not great in their relationship it had actually started during the first time they were together and she had the noticed that he did not seem to be happy with Alice. She had not been surprised when he had broke up with her and started to totally focus on his job.

But she became very surprised when he went back to her after just a few months and she always supported her son no matter what he did in his life but that did not mean that she thought all his decisions were the best all times. It seemed that he had the same idea during the summer after he had been missing for a few days which of course had almost given her a heart attack.

He had come back and she once again thought that he was unhappy in his relationship with Alice. They stayed together though and when she had visited him in the hospital after a virus infection, she got an even stronger felling that something was not right since she got the impression that he did not appreciate that Alice came and visited him.

Then Alice father died and the more time that passed the more she noticed it. Every time he was with Alice or talked about her there was no doubt her was unhappy. During all this time she had seen how much more time he spent at the office and she thought it was because he had been promoted last year and had become a senior officer she simply thought it was just a way to avoid Alice but one day she finally discovered why.

She had been in his house to drop some things off and had walked past the bookshelf in the living room when she noticed that the picture of Michael and William ice-skating in the long line of photograph in on of the shelves where slightly out of place. She decided to fix it for him and when she had opened the frame something she had not expected fell out of it.

Inside the frame was a black and white picture of a beautiful woman. She could see that someone had held the picture many times since it was a little creased and it also looked like it was a picture taken for identification purposes and then all of a sudden it all fell in place. He had feelings for someone he worked with. That was why he spent so many hours in the office and ran to the phone as soon as it rang.

"What do you mean?"

"Michel I'm your mother not a stranger. Even though I don't see you very often I know there's someone, because you haven't been hiding it very well." She said and he looked down at the floor sheepishly. "Michel can you look me in the eyes and tell that there isn’t someone in your life you haven't told me about."

"It's complicated." He answered and finally he started to tell her about this girl that she has wanted to find out more about. "She works for the agency. I'm actually her handler and the CIA has a rule that we shouldn't be seeing each other."

"But now when you're not dating Alice" She began to say but he interrupted her before she got to her point. He knew exactly what she was about to say and he could not believe that his mother had read him so easily. Maybe it had something to do with being married to a CIA officer and raising another that made her so good at reading him.

"Look I should probably get going...I got work and…” He said and opened the door before he pulled on the lash to indicate to Donovan that they were leaving.

"Michel." She said and it made him stop in the doorway. "Do you know that you sometimes remind me so much of your father. Because when he didn't want to answer questions he always made excuses so that he didn't have to." She said matter-of-factly and Vaughn and Donovan stepped back into the house before he closed the door since she would not let him leave before she got some answers. "Tell me about this woman. What's her name?"

"Sydney." Vaughn answered with a large smile since he knew there was no point in hiding what he felt for Sydney anymore and Amélie saw how just mentioning Sydney’s name put a smile on his face. Not even Alice who in her opinion had been Vaughn’s most serious relationship so fare had never made him react that way. Therefore this Sydney must definitely be someone special.

"What a beautiful name…I hope I’ll meet this Sydney someday.”

"Yeah me too. You're really gonna like her." Vaughn answered with a smile. It was true he really thought that his mother would like her. Even though he had a picture of her at his apartment he could not show it to her. He did not think that the picture did her any justice she was much more beautiful in person but he still wanted to have a picture of her so that he could look at it when he wanted. He usually had a photograph of his girlfriend in his wallet or in a picture frame at his place. But the picture was hidden partly for Alice but now when she was out of the picture it was only because the CIA should not see it. Though it was not likely that someone actually would see it he still had to be on the safe side so he could not show it to his mother since no one was suppose to know that he had it.

He has also not decided yet if he wanted to tell his mother or not who Sydney really was. He knew that if he ever decided to tell her it would be after they met since he did not want his mother to have or get the wrong impression of Sydney. Even if his mother would eventually accept Sydney she beat herself up enough as it was and she did not need his mother to make it even harder for her then it already was. But this was not something he needed to worry about now it would take a long time before they could meet but the unawareness of not knowing how long it would take to bring down SD-6 was beginning to take its toll on him.

"Michel?" Amélie asked concerned and she brought him back out of his thoughts. "What is it? I can see that there is something wrong."

"It's just that I wished that her life wouldn't be so complicated that's all. I just...after tonight I understood that she felt the same way I did. Everything changed and I can't…I understood that being her friend and the person that she can rely on and trust, isn't gonna be enough."

"Do you love her?" Amélie asked and Vaughn was caught completely of guard and he did not know what to answer. It was too early to know if he loved her or not, but there was something inside him that told him that he was. Since he had stopped fighting his feelings about her and even admit to himself that he liked her. The more he thought about her the more he noticed all the things he liked about her. Maybe he was already in love with her with out knowing it. "Michel you don't have to answer that if you don't want to. I think I already know it anyway. I can see it in you eyes that you do."

"Maman...l didn't expect that question and to tell you the truth I haven't paid that much of thought to it. I don't know I...think that I..."Vaughn said but then stopped. "I think we need to finish her work thing before we finally can start to see what will happen between us. But what scares me is that I don't know how long that will take."

"Michel I have known for a long time that there has been another woman in you life and that she meant something extremely special to you. But I’m sure that you’ll one day clear everything in her life, so that you can share it."

"I hope you're right. I’ll see you on Friday" Vaughn said and gives her a small smile.

"That would be great take care Michel and I love you."

"Love you too." Vaughn said as walk over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before he opened the door again and walked out of the house with Donovan right behind him.

* * *

As Sydney opened the front door and walked into the apartment she heard the TV on in the living room and since Francie had already went to bed it could not be her who was watching TV. She thought for a second if she should pull her gun or not but she decided against it before she took a few more steps into the apartment and as she could see the couch she saw a familiar figure sitting there.

"Oh Will it was only you. I didn’t know you were here.” She said as her pulse returned to normal and she walked over to him. By the sound of her voice he turned off the TV and stood up from the couch and faced her.

“I only got here about a half an hour ago…I wanted to talk to you…about Vaughn.” Will said and she knew that this was going to be brought up sooner or later. He had been very clear that he thought her date with Vaughn was very risky and that he had doubted Vaughn's intentions. Will had been right when he had thought Vaughn wanted to sleep with her but what he did not know was that Vaughn had not threw himself at her like most men did. He had also been so sweet to her and on top of that she wanted it as much as Vaughn had wanted it.

"You want to talk about my date with Vaughn?"

"Syd after Taipei I know what kind of life you live. It dangerous I don't know exactly how dangerous and quite frankly I don’t what to but I know that you just meeting Vaughn about SD-6 stuff could cause you your life. Then I can only imagine how dangerous it was for you two to go to dinner. I like Vaughn ever since I met him the first time because he's responsible of keeping you as safe as possible and helping you to not go insane in this crazy spy world you live in. But now…after knowing that he took you on a date despite the risks I don’t know if I like the thought of that you two are together if it only risk your life even more. I mean it’s obvious that he is willing to scarify your life to just have a little fun.”

"Will." Sydney said to him with anger in her voice. "I think that I know him a lot better then you do so I know that he won’t do that. He won't let anything happened to me and he wouldn't risk my life to have a little fun as you call it. Plus are you sure this is just about my protection? Because I’m starting to think this is about something else."

"I think you're pretty clear on what my feelings for you are. Call me jealous if you want to but I’m only trying to protect you from getting hurt."

"Will I know you only want what's best for me. You're one of my best friends and I love you for that but I have never loved you in a romantic way. I never wanted to hurt you and I'm probably breaking you heart right now but it's Vaughn that I want and only him. That of course doesn't mean that I don't want to hear what you think about him or that you question our relationship ‘cause you think that it’s risking my life. If you wouldn't do that, you wouldn't care about me and if I asked you not to it would be like asking you not to be my friend anymore. After Danny I never thought that I would be able to love a man again like I did with him.”

“You love Vaughn?”

“Yeah I think I do. He gave me a reason to love a man again he helped me though difficult times. I trust him with my life and it takes two to tango I know the risks as much as he did, which means that you can’t only blame him for risking my life. I’m a grown woman who can make my own decisions and it was my call to go with him. I don’t regret it now and I will not regret it tomorrow or the day after that. Vaughn changed my life after everything and I thought you would appreciate that I'm happy and that I moved on with my life." She said and her tone was getting angrier and angrier since she would not let Will get in her way of happiness.

"Syd I am happy that you moved on 'cause especially you don't deserve to be unhappy with everything you have gone though in your life. I'm gonna have to respect that you don’t feel the same about me as I do with you. And I do like Vaughn he's a great guy and a very lucky one but I think his needs to be with you are stronger than his obligations to keep you safe and if that volunteers your safety than I don't think this is the right time to start a relationship with him. I think both of you would agree with me that it's better to have a later than a not at all. Therefore I'm not gonna change the way I fell about him being involved with you right now.” He said and started to move towards the door since the conversation was not leading anywhere.

“I’m not asking you to do that all I’m asking you to do is not to take this out on only him. ‘Cause if you do then I’m gonna take his side no matter how good friends we are. I’m not gonna let you offend him in any way.”

“Got it.” He said and opened the door and shut it after him with a slam without saying good bye.

* * *

“Andrew, what exactly is your problem?” A young woman asked with anger written all over her face. This time her godfather had gone to fare in controlling her life.

“My problem? …Where do you want me to start? This guy has a criminal record after punching a man in a bar.” He old man said and she looked at him shocked. Sometimes it scared her how much he could find out about the people she was seeing. “I checked him up with my contacts everything from criminal record to his library card. If he’s done it once what says that he won’t do it again and I’m not going to take that chance that that might be you. I’m not letting you under any circumstances move out of this house. If you do I’m don’t have the slightest chance at all to protect you and that was exactly what I swore to you mother that I would do and I’m certainly not going to break that promise. She risked everything to keep you safe and we have been over this already, the only reason why you here with me right now instead of with her, is ‘cause if they found her and you were there too you would have been in great danger. You couldn’t possibly even with your wildest imagination understand what the people who are looking for your mother are capable of doing. All I’m trying to do is keep you safe and out of harms way.”

“Well let me tell you something…you couldn’t possibly imagine what I had to scarify in my life so they wouldn’t find me. I have been living in a top secured house for my entire life with a man who even if he’s my godfather controls everything in my life so I would hardly call what you do as trying to keep me as safe as possible no it more like I’m your prisoner. You control everything from who I’m seeing, when and where. Do you think that it’s easy to have a normal life when you live like that?” She said and the old man just looked at her. “Besides I also think that my mother has felgercarb way of showing that she loves me as you so claim that she does ‘cause if she just left me with you and never even tried to contact me, her own daughter at least once I wouldn’t call that love.”

“Alicia Diane Strowb you can’t be more wrong if you think that your mother didn’t love you or do love you.”

“Then I suggest that you explain it to me ‘cause every time I ask you questions about my family you always make excuses so you don’t have to answer them.”

“One day you mother will contact you and she will be more than willing to answer all the questions you have, but right now that’s impossible. And no matter what you want you’re definitely not moving out of this house. I could be willing to let this young man come here but you’re definitely not moving out ‘cause then you have no idea of what kind of length I’m willing to go to stop that. I don’t think that I have to remind you I used to work in intelligence.”

“No you don’t but I’m a grown woman you have no right to make decisions over my head.” She said and stormed out of the old man’s office. He let out a deep sigh he ran his hand through his hair and then he let his easy fall on his left ring finger and the ring he still wore after all this time.

He had not and would not explain to her what sacrifices he had made in this life. Just like Alicia his family was as much in danger by these people as she was, but that was something that she was completely unaware of. He had come to an agreement with Alicia’s mother to keep both of their families as safe as possible and then the current situation was the best solution, even if all parts did not have the same opinion.

It did not pas one day when he did not think about his own family back in the Stats half across the world from where he was. Every single day he had to remind himself that he was doing this for them and their future.

Over the years he could remember a few times he had been laying in bed and whishing that his wife was laying beside him and their son was sleeping down the hall. He had even had dreams when he had been able to wrap his strong arm around her waist to hold her close and felt her unique scent, or that he was seeing his son on his graduation from collage.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a knock on the door and as soon as he saw one of his oldest friends in the door opening, he knew that something important had happened otherwise the African-American man would hot have come to his house personally.

“I just got here from Nice…and I got something that I think that you would find very interesting.” The African-American said and placed a videotape on the desk. “From what my sources can tell me neither SD-6 nor CIA knows about this.” As soon as the word SD-6 or CIA was mentioned he knew that he had been right when he assumed that something important had happened. Andrew placed the videotape in the VCR and pushed the play button. Soon the parking lot of Nice’s airport was shown on the TV screen and he immediately noticed why his friend had come such a long way to give him this personally. “It looks like you right after all Andrew…agents Bristow and Vaughn would get together.”

“Yes it appears so…I want you to watch these two like a hawk and report back to me if anything happens.”

TBC :devil:
I wonder who Andrew and Alicia are
Well I can tell you one thing they have everything to do with the story from now on and actually they're quite important, especially on how this story's going to end.

And aliasfan212 you're added to the list thanks for liking my story :smiley:
Here's the new chapter sorry for the wait I really hope that you guys had a good and nice Christmas

Chapter 11
- Back at work -

The next morning she went through the security presages and inside SD-6 with a feeling that no matter what happened today her mood would not change. After she had a very good night of sleep, though she would have preferred to have a very hot French by her side. She could not even remember the last time a day had started as well as this one had done. It began with that she woke up on time, had a very nice shower and after that the coffee machine decided to actually work that morning, which meant she did not need to drive the detour to Starbucks to get her daily morning coffee. So she reached SD-6 without being late.

She made her way though the corridor and said politely good morning to her colleagues before she reached her desk.

“Good morning Sydney.” Dixon said to her as she took of her coat and hung it on the chair before she sat down. He watched her closely and could not exactly put his finger on what was different with her but he was certain that there was something. He had known her for as long as she had worked at SD-6 and he had never seen her act like this many times before. There was obviously a very good explanation to why she was in such a good mood and why she was glowing. His report on the mission in Nice was since a long time forgotten and his new assignment was to make her tell him what had happened since they saw each other the last time.

“Morning Dixon.” She said back with a large smile as she put her purse in one of the desk drawers and swished on her computer. “What?” She asked when she finally noticed that he was watching her. The more time that past he was getting more and more certain that there was a man who had caused this behavior change and he hoped that he was right because she deserved to find happiness again.

“Well you’re certainly in a good mood today…what’s the name on the lucky guy?”

“What guy?” Sydney asked shocked and tried to hide her surprise by logging onto her computer.

“Syd you’re glowing…and you seem to not able to get that smile of you face so I just assumed that it had something to do with a guy. Or else my guess is that you just won the lottery.” He said and she looked down at the floor since she could not stop smiling. “Syd you know you can talk to me just tell me what it is ‘cause I can see something’s going on.”

“There’s no guy and there is no lottery win either.”

“You want me to believe that? Sydney I would have understand that when that day comes when Robin would use that line to hide the identity of her new ‘friend’ she wouldn’t know that how easily I would see right though it. But you on the other hand know how easily I could so why hide it?”
She knew it would be hard to hide her good mood and she would not come with a good explanation for it either since she could not exactly tell Dixon who Vaughn was. Therefore it was easier to deny the whole thing even though he probably would call her bluff.

“Like I said before there’s no guy.”

It was exactly in that moment Jack Bristow stopped beside his daughter’s desk to ask her to come with him to the conference room to discus CIA business. It was when he saw her come to work today with a large smile on her face despite how much she hated Sloane and SD-6 that he knew something big must have happened. But the thought had never crossed his mind that it would have to do with a man.

Maybe it was just because he was her father and he heard his daughter use the word guy in a sentence that made him have a bad felling about this. She obviously tried to make it appear to Dixon that there was not a man in her life and he sure hell hoped so. Because to him Sydney was still his baby girl no matter what and even though he had not showed it very well her wellbeing had always been his top priority. He even remembered the first time he had held her in his arms and he promised himself that he would protect her at all cost from no matter what the threat it was.

But since Irina’s death he had not had that connection to Sydney so that he could protect her from for example men. But now even though they did not have that strong connection as a father and a daughter should have his place in her life was big enough for him to at lease have an opinion in this matter.

“Sydney do you have a minuet?” Jack said in a serious tone.

“Of course.” Sydney said to him and then both of them walked off to the conference room and they sat down on the chairs as Jack brought out a pen and took the cup off. “What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“I just came from ops center and they had just got the preliminary analyzes of the gyroscope but it looks like a complete success. I was also supposed to tell you that they wanted you to attend the debriefing after lunch.” He said and just the thought that she was going to be able to see him in just in a few hours put another smile on her face, which did not go unnoticed by Jack. “So did everything go well in Nice?”

“Yes it did there were no problems at all.” She said and once again that morning her thought drifted off to Vaughn. It was almost starting to fell like she had been infected by a toxic that made her think about him all the time. But what did you expect after a night like the one they had shared it was not strange that she thought about him a lot.

“Good, you seem very happy today any special reason?” He asked to see if there was indeed a man. Even though he wished Sydney all happiness she could get he was not sure if he wanted there to be a man in her life. He hoped that she was not reckless enough to risk another man’s life.

It was not a problem that Jack had noticed that she was happier than she normally was but if he came to the same conclusion as Dixon had that he thought it had to do with a man she was in trouble. Because then he probably would pay more attention around her, which meant that he might notice a difference on her behavior towards Vaughn.

“No noting special, I just had a good morning.”

“Okay good I’ll see you later then.” He said as the pen beeped and he gave her a smile before he stood up and walked out of the conference room. After being a spy for the main part of your life you learn a few things over the years and right now he was getting more and more certain that a man had entered Sydney’s life the only question was who this person might be.

She remained in the room almost a minuet after Jack had left to calm down after that close call. Even after trying her best moves to make it appear to be something completely different she still was not sure if the danger was over but for the moment she was given more time to come up with a strategy to prevent her father from realizing what was going on.

* * *

Vaughn steeped out of the elevator to the building of the travel-magazine Will worked at. He made his way though the corridor and with a document folder in his hand he needed Will to take a look at. He walked up to his little office and knocked on the door as he stepped inside. Will was completely focused on his work with some other files on his computer.

“Hey Will.” Vaughn said to get his attention and Will looked up from his computer screen when he heard Vaughn’s voice. “I have a name list here that I wanted you to look at.”

Will had already decided that he was not going let Vaughn do the things he did to Sydney and he knew that as soon as he got the opportunity he was going to tell Vaughn in person what he felt about they starting a relationship in the world they lived in. He got up from his chair and walked over to the door and closed it. After that he walked up to Vaughn and stopped right in front of him. Immediately after Vaughn had stepped into his small office he felt like he wanted to punch Vaughn in the face now that he had the opportunity since he was not going to tolerate Vaughn risking Sydney’s life. But he knew that he could not do it so he took a deep breath to control himself so he did not lose his temper.

“Michael you seem like a great guy.” Will began very nice and Vaughn watched him with an uncertain look. “But I know what you are doing…I know that you took Sydney on a date and that you risked her life even more then it already was by mixing you obligations as her handler with personal pleasure. I’m not going to accept that and I think that you’re doing a very unprofessional job. When I spoke to Syd about it she said that it wasn’t only your decision to go on a date since she agreed to go with you. But I think that you as her handler should have had a better judge in the first place and not ask her out at all.” Will said with an angry tone and Vaughn had to take a deep breath to calm himself so that he would not attack Will. If he had thought about it Will was actually right he had put Sydney’s life at risk but since Will was attacking him all he could think about was defending himself.

“Firstly I don’t think that Sydney’s and my personal life is any of your business. Secondly I know that Sydney’s life is risky and as you said she wanted to go on that date as much as I did and I think she’s old enough to make her own decisions.”

“Oh you don’t think that this is any of my business then let me inform you that you made it my business when you risked her life.” Will said and to Vaughn it appeared that Will was a little to protective of Sydney for just being a close friend and he made a mental note to ask Sydney about how close they actually were or had been.

“Are you finished? Or do you have anything else that you want to accuse me off.”

“No I think I made myself clear so we’re done.”

“Good, ‘cause I’m leaving since I’m not gonna tolerate you telling me what to do with my life.” Vaughn said and dropped the file on Will’s desk. “That is supposed to be finished by the end of the day.” Vaughn continued and then opened the door and walked out of the room and almost ran in to some one that was passing by Will’s office.

“Everything alright Will?” The man asked a little shocked.

“Yes everything’s great.”

* * *

A few hours later she had finished her report on the mission while Dixon still tried to get the information on her new boyfriend from her without any result. She had seen her father watch her from his desk numerous of times and she decided that she had to tell Vaughn that Dixon and probably also Jack knew that she had a romantically relationship and hopefully he would know what to do.
She mailed her report to Sloane and logged out of her computer before she walked towards his office. She knocked on the door and he waved her to enter.

“I mailed the report it is in your inbox and I will be gone for the rest of the day and probably tomorrow I got school work.” She said as an excuse for leaving and it was true she still had her paper to write. Though that was not what she was going to do as soon as she got out of the office.

“Yes of course if something comes up we’ll page you.” He said and she walked out of his office just as Sark was about to walk inside. Both Sloane and Sark watched her as she said good bye to Dixon before she headed to the elevator.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if she heading to the CIA now and since she’s connected to them she probably sabotaged dousing of missions her last among them but what I don’t understand is why you’re letting her do that?”

“Mr. Sark I assure you that everything will work out as it’s suppose to and then it doesn’t matter if the CIA gets some intel from her in the mean time. Now is it going with the Rambaldi manuscript search?”

* * *

After lunch Vaughn had had it very difficult to concentrate on his report it had not been very easy to write it since his thoughts had constantly drifted towards the direction of Sydney and he did not know how many times he had to bring himself out of his thoughts about her. It was during one of his mental flash backs to the hotel room in Nice when he suddenly was pulled out of his thoughts.

“Okay whenever you want to have that talk.” Weiss said unexpected and Vaughn had no idea what he was referring to.

“What talk?”

“About the cologne or whatever the hell you’re wearing.” Weiss answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Eric had noticed it as soon as Vaughn had walked into the office this morning that he obviously had put some extra time on how he looked today.

“I’m not wearing any cologne.”

“Well something’s going on no man naturally smells as good as you do right now. For example you smell a lot better then me at the moment. Not the question is, are there any particular reason why you decided to wear new cologne today?”

“Firstly of all it’s aftershave idiot, I got a new aftershave since both myself and the store had run out of my old one so that’s way it’s new. So there’s no special reason why I’m wearing this. Secondly I guess I’m supposed to thank you for thinking that I smell so nicely.”

“Are you sure it’s not to make you smell a little nicer for someone special?...And by the way just so you know…incoming at six o’clock.” Weiss said with a grin and Vaughn was about to ask what was wrong with him since he one second talked about Vaughn trying to impress Syd and the next he want Vaughn to look at some chick which Vaughn would not have done before Nice and even less after Nice.

“Hi.” Vaughn heard a familiar voice say behind him and he sent Eric an ‘I’m going to kill you’ look before he turned towards her as she touched his shoulder when she sat down on his desk. Just that little touch from her made him feel like his body temperature increased about ten degrees.

If they had been alone he would have kissed her by now but since the rotunda was definitely not the best place for that he had to control himself until the meeting was over. He let his eyes scan her body all over and directly he noticed that he was in for torture since she had decided to wear a skirt today, which left her calves exposed. He forced his eyes to fix on something other then her legs and he moved his attention to her eyes and at this both of them had already forgotten that Eric watched them like a hawk.

“How has you day been?”

“Up and down but right now it’s up for some reason.” He answered with a wide smile and it caused Sydney to smile too. “You then…any new missions?” He asked and for once he would have loved if Sloane sent her on a mission just so they would have a reason to meet.

“No, no new mission.” She answered and she knew that he had hoped for a new mission for the same reason as he did. Even though the debriefing did not start yet is was not enough time to go somewhere privet to talk or rather not exactly talk per se but definitely something that by the CIA rule book was strongly forbidden.

As they were passing time by just watching each other, they were interrupted by Vaughn receiving an e-mail. He looked at the addresser and saw that it was Eric so he opened the mail after casting a quick glance at him.

If I were you right now, I would immediately stop what I was doing, since someone you don’t want to mess with just got here.

Vaughn closed the mail and looked around the rotunda. It did not take long before Vaughn understood who Eric meant with ‘someone you don’t want to mess with’ since he saw Jack Bristow standing at the other end of the rotunda talking to Kendall.

If there was something negative with being involved with Sydney it was that her father was not someone you wanted to give more reasons to hate you then there already were. That man would hate you for just thinking the thought of wanting to be with her.

“Guys Kendall and Jack just went inside the debriefing room so I think that we maybe should head over there too, if it would be possible for you two to focus on something else then each other.” Weiss said and made his way over to the debriefing room and they followed him a few seconds later. She sat down as usual with her father as Vaughn sat down next to Weiss. Jack threw a quick glance on Vaughn and the more seconds that past the more certain he was that he had found his potential reason for Sydney’s sudden happiness. He only hoped that he would be very wrong or else she had just made her life a lot more dangerous.

“Well since everyone is here lets begin.” Kendall said as soon as everyone sat down around the conference tables. “With help from agent Bristow latest mission in Nice which was a huge success, US government is now in possession of Triad’s prototype missile guidance system. SD-6 was provided with a fake one and therefore they were unable to get their hands on this information and sell it to other organizations. But we have received intel that numerous of buyers are interested in this technique. CIA will be monitoring the communication between these buyers especially this man Johannes Gathrid Executive Director of the Daden Bank in Berlin and hopefully it will lead to more. I also expect agents Bristow’s and Vaughn’s reports on my desk by the end of the day. That would be all people.” Kendall finished and soon everyone headed out of the door except the threesome of Sydney, Vaughn and Weiss. But before Jack went out he watched Vaughn with an not so friendly gaze as Sydney made her way over to the other side of the room where the two men stood and Vaughn tried to get Weiss to leave but with no success since he indicated that he was not going to leave them unsupervised.

They just stood there looking at each other without saying a word and since Vaughn had for the last few hours just looked at Sydney he would soon not have any self-control left to prevent himself from jumping at her. He had to come up with a plan to get her alone without being seen or be forced to move their proper greeting to the warehouse.

“So…are you going to do now?” He asked and Eric looked at him suspiciously he was not planning on leaving them and he knew Vaughn was desperate for little time alone with Sydney.

“I was just going on a quick visit to my mother before I start writing my report.”

“Okay, well I see you then.” Vaughn said and turned around and left the room, to both Sydney’s and Eric’s surprise. She would have kicked Eric out of the room if she had too and she thought that Vaughn would have done that too but now she was not sure since he just had left. Neither one of them had expected Vaughn to do a complete u-turn in this situation no then it was more likely that he was just trying to make it appear that way.

“Did that seem weird to you too?” Weiss asked her as they also made their way out of the debriefing room and she did not answer him except for giving a nod since she still thought about what had gotten into Vaughn. “Well I guess that I shouldn’t keep you here any longer then necessary see you I better get back to work.” He continued and she saw him return to his desk but found Vaughn’s empty and she could not see him at the rotunda either which only caused even more questions about what he was up to.

She made her way down to the holding cells in the building as she continued to think about Vaughn she had hoped they could have spent some time before she headed back to SD-6. But since he had disappeared there was not much she could do about it.

Not paying much attention to what was going on around her she rounded a corner not a long way from the holding cells when a hand grabbed hers as a strong arm wrapped around her waist catching her completely by surprise. She would have made resistance and defended herself from her attacker if it were not for the familiar deep but still soft voice the man spoke with.

that was great! aww i think its sweet how they keep thinking about each other they really are sweet!! i hope that they wont have to hide their relationship for long and that jack doesnt kill vaughn lol :P
vaughn is very good at coming up with plans :smiley:
thanks for the PM
update soon please :D
Ok.. We all KNOW that it was Vaughn! I feel so bad for Vaughn because now that Jack is suspicious about him and Syd, Spy Daddy is going to be on the hunt! Watch out Vaughn! LOL!

Great chapter! Update soon!

Here the next chapter hope you like it

Chapter 12
- Hickey -

He guided her inside a store and she did not have the time to even blink before she was pressed up against the door and Vaughn attacked her mouth. He wrapped an arm around her middle as the other ran all over her body. After what felt like hours of ‘look but don’t touch’ it was a salvation to finally be able to touch her again. He had to admit maybe it had not been the best move to drag her into a store. But he was not going to let her leave the building without having the chance to kiss her at least once and since they now were alone fare from the other people in the building it did not matter if they stayed there for a little while longer then just one kiss.

His tongue begged for entrance to her mouth and she willingly provided it. He suddenly felt the urge to touch her all over everywhere he could reach to satisfy the hunger he had for her, but he knew better than that. He continued his battle with her tongue as her left hand began to play with the hair in the nape of his neck. Also she had to keep remind herself that they were in the operation center so she would not start taking off his clothes or something remotely to that. She did not want to do anything else than kissing him but at this point her lungs screamed for air and finally her brain reestablished its communication with her body since she entered the store and they broke the kiss to get oxygen into their lungs.

“Vaughn…” She said after a few deep breaths. “Not that I don’t appreciate the determinedness you have to make it possible for us to meet. But I just have to say this…what are you doing? Have you completely lost your mind I thought every square feet of this building was under surveillance?”

“It is…but I have been going crazier and crazier by each second that have passed since you came in here today besides you can’t achieve something if you don’t take chances. And I thought that you would be happy to see me.”

“Of course I’m happy to see you idiot.” Sydney answered and placed her hands on his cheeks before she kissed him on the mouth.

“Good…” Vaughn said and kissed her again. “I got a little worried there.” She kissed him again as one of her hands ran through his hair and his hands grabbed her by her waist and pressed her even closer to him. They were soon in the middle of making out but after a while of kissing and hugging Vaughn’s lips moved to her neck. “I missed you.” Vaughn said as he kissed his way all over both sides of her neck and at a few times gently bit on her earlobes. Soon she felt him suck on the skin below her ear and his talented lips on her skin made her close her eyes.

“I missed you too.” Sydney said back after finally remembering where she was and what they were talking about and she made him look at her in the eyes. He smiled at her lovingly but when he looked deeply into her eyes he saw something that he could not quite place and immediately made the connection that something was wrong.

She debated if she was going to tell Vaughn about he father’s and Dixon’s questions. It was probably the best to tell him about it so that he could help her fine a way to fix the problem. But on the other hand she did not want to worry him especially about her father. He was just about to ask her what was wrong when she opened her mouth to explain her situation. “Vaughn, I have a problem…” She began and it was not exactly a good way to begin a sentence at least not in their world and definitely not since they had a secret relationship. Vaughn hoped that the problem had nothing to do with them but something told him that he was not going to be that lucky. “Both my dad and Dixon know that there is something different with me. Dixon I can handle but my dad…did you see how he sometimes were watching you during the meeting? I might be just paranoid and make something out of nothing. But…I don’t know.” Vaughn knew that if Jack suspected that they had a relationship it was over, he would be replaced before they even got a chance to disprove it. Those kinds of chances he was not willing to take.

“You think that he really suspects something? And what ever you say to prove him wrong isn’t helping?” Vaughn asked and got a nod back in answer. “Sydney I don’t know how to deal with this so I just think that we have to be extra careful around him. But I’m not gonna stop seeing you because of him.” Vaughn continued and since they already had started to talk about serious topics he thought that this might be the best time to ask about Will. He looked down at the floor and sighted to find courage to ask her the question that had been in the back of his mind since this morning. “Syd…has there ever been something…between you and Will…romantically?”

“Vaughn why are you asking me this?” She asked back she had it say she was a little surprised by the question she had not exactly been expecting it so she was very interested in why he suddenly wanted to know that or why he felt like he had to ask.

Since she was trying to come up with a reason why Vaughn would ask a question like that instead of answering it Vaughn suspected the worst. If they had had a romantically relationship it would definitely explain why Will acted the way he did, why he was so protective of Sydney. But the thing was that she was with him now and not Will. He was not going to let Will under any circumstances destroy the thing he had with Sydney.

“I just want to know that’s why. And since you did it explains why he acted the way he did towards me this morning.” Vaughn said and looked down on the floor at their feet.

“Oh okay wait a second…Now I feel like an idiot I’m so sorry if I made you think that I have been together with Will…I was just so shocked that you asked. Vaughn I have not even been even close to dating or let along been together with him. There was one kiss around the time you and I just meet but to me it didn’t mean anything. But the important thing here is what did you say about this morning with him acting like he did?”

“So you have never been involved with him?” He asked and when she gave him a no it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He was relieved that he did not have a jealous ex boyfriend after him now that he was going to start a relationship with her. “Well I meet Will this morning and…trust me when I tell you he wasn’t thrilled that I took you on a date.” He said with a small smile as a way to make the situation better then it was. “Without getting into detail he wasn’t so friendly and was very mad at me for taking you there and basically accused me of mixing my obligation with pleasure.”

“I’m sorry.” She apologized and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so sorry you have to hear that I promise I’ll take to him ‘cause he has no right to say things like that to you if he wants to attack someone it should be me.”

“Syd he has no right to attack you either it’s not you fault, neither that he attacked me nor that he doesn’t like that situation I understand that he wants to protect you and I glad that he does but maybe he does it a little to much?” Vaughn said and stoked her cheek. “And about this that people knows or suspects about us. There is actually something that I have to confess to you. You’re not the only one that have had problem when it comes to hiding what happened.” He said to get her to think about something positive. “When I was going to pick up Donny at my mom’s house, well she kind of…asked me about you, and to tell you the truth it didn’t come as a shock when I told her about you. She had actually suspected that I meet someone that I didn’t tell her about.”

“Really…so your mom knows about us?”

“Yeah she knows your name and that I think about you a lot obviously…I just thought I should tell you.” He said with a grin and kissed her before he looked quickly on his watch. “But now I have to go I have already been here to long.” He said and kissed her again before he began to move towards the door and in exactly that moment Sydney got a brilliant idea. She did not want him to leave and she knew just the right way to make him stay. Or at least she hoped that it would make him stay a little while longer.

“So you just dragged me all the way in here just so that you could kiss me?” Sydney asked pretending to play mad and angry. He stopped midway and turned around to face her and she forced herself to not burst out laughing. At least her plan had stopped him from walking out of the door. He took the few steps that separated them and stopped right in front of her.

“Yeah I did, because I missed you so much and needed to feel you right next to me.”

“Hmm…well then I don’t think that I will come with you the next time, if that was all that you wanted. Because you know that…I have a really important job that is to fly across the world and steal things to the benefit of terrorists. So I’m sorry but I don’t have time for someone like you that’s just wasting my time.” She joked and Vaughn looked at her with a grin all across his face before he took her completely by surprise and pressed her once again up the wall in the store.

He tucked a few strands behind her ear before he lowered his lips to her ear so that they made small contact with her ear. Then he started to speak and it took awhile for her to understand that he was talking to her in his native language. She had to close her eyes so that the room would stop spinning and his voice was hypnotic as he told her how he would kiss her until she did not know her own name and that he would hold her in his arms so that she would beg him to never let go if she came the next time.

He then moved away from her and looked at her in the eyes and she had to focus on his eyes to remain standing. He leaned down to place a kiss on her lips and she wrapped her arms around his waist for support. They kiss grew in intensity and Vaughn’s hands automatically found the way to her suit’s jacket buttons and he quickly unbuttoned them before his hands found their ways under her shirt to trace the soft skin on her stomach.

Neither of them remembered at this time where exactly they were and even though both of them in the beginning of this little work meeting had no intention of taking of any clothes and a part of their mind still desperately tried to make them stop both of them had threw that plan out of the window a long time ago.

He continued to kiss her hungrily on the lips and she answered them with the same intensity. As her hands moved to his tie and she made quick work on it and not long after it had fallen to the ground. She then moved to his jacket which also landed on the ground. The thought about making love with Vaughn in the joint task force center had never crossed her mind but now she could not come up with something that would ever be as crazy and totally turning on. She had on numbers of different occasions imagined it in the warehouse but not in a place like the operation center that if they would be caught would result in Vaughn losing his job before he could even had the time to blink.

After a while Vaughn moved his left hand to her thigh and lifted her skirt up before he dived under the hem of it. He began to run his hand up and down along her thigh and she wrapped her arms around his neck for balance support as she lifted her thigh to give him better access. She snuggled into the crock of him neck and inhaled strongly. It was not the same scent as the one he had in Nice and it surprised her that she had not noticed it until now. Obviously other things had caught her attention like his smile or his touch but that did not mean that it was not a very nice and attracting scent not at all it was more like she would not mind if that scent found its way to her bed sheets or everywhere in her apartment.

She smiled at the idea for a while of him in her bed or even better to wake up in the morning with him by her side before she got back to reality and her lips got themselves busy with his neck as her right hand traveled down his chest to play a little with his blue oxford shirt. He moved his head a little so he first could look into her eyes as he smiled at her flashing his dimples in the process and then looked down at her hand on his chest. At this point one button had already been opened and he watched her hand continue to free his body from the cloth item.

He stocked her thigh with his thumb and looked back into her eyes both of them were grinning like fools for what they were about to do. Vaughn removed her suit jacket and was about to move to the shirt and she was about to pull off his when both of them froze as they heard movement on the other side of the door. A single pair of steeps was walking in the corridor and both of them hoped that who ever this person was it would not open the door.

They did not move a muscle or make any sound at all until they heard the footsteps pas the door die down. Then they moved away from each other and grabbed their clothes from the floor.

“Syd…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that…This isn’t the right place for…if someone…” He said and he was about to continue what he wanted to say but she placed a finger on his lips to silent him. “I really think that I should get going before somebody comes and finds us.”

“I think you’re right…But Vaughn just two things before you go…Firstly I’ll follow with you the next time… I promise ‘cause nothing is as important as you and secondly I love the new after shave you got. It really fits you.”

“Glad you liked it. I’ll be waiting for the next opportunity we can meet and I’ll try to not be as long then so they won’t send a search party after us.” He said and both of them smiled before he hurriedly put his clothes back on under high supervision from Sydney before he walked out of the store leaving her behind.

She re-buttoned her suit jacket and stayed in the store almost half a minute before she walked out of it so that they would not bring attention to them. She was about to start walking down the corridor when she completely stopped in her tracks. Her heart began to beat faster at the sight of her father coming from the holding cells. She did not even want to think about what could have happened if he had seen both of them down here. So in desperation to not make him catch a glimpse of Vaughn leaving this part of the operation center and that raise more suspicion from her father she had to detain him a little longer in the corridor.

“Dad what are you doing here?”

“There you are…I have been looking for you. You weren’t in the rotunda so I walked down her to see if you were here.” He answered and after he had left Kendall’s office and seen both hers and Agent Vaughn’s desks empty he immediately decided to check up on them.

“Oh we must have gone pass each other I was probably in the bathroom when you looked in the rotunda but what was it that you wanted?” She hoped that her father was buying it because otherwise she would be in trouble. She felt a knot form in her stomach at the knowledge that it was her father who had been the one to pass the door when she and Vaughn had been in the store undressing each other. After this she would have to, even if it was with displeasure, recommend that they should keep their personal relationship activities away from the operation center even if they managed to find an empty store no one had been in for ten years.

“It was nothing special I just wanted to know where you were. Well I shouldn’t be keeping you busy and I have things to do I’ll see you.” He answered and began to head for the rotunda. For each second passing he got the feeling of that his daughter was somehow involved with Agent Vaughn in more then just a work related way. He was not entirely sure about it but there was evidence strongly pointing at it and he was definitely not delighted at the idea.

Agent Vaughn was a very good agent in the field and somebody he personally might considering completely trusting in the field especially after how he so successfully managed to keep Sydney out of harms way on her missions. But somehow he got the feeling that Agent Vaughn only had that willingness to help her because of the attraction he felt towards her. He was still a man after all and Jack knew how men think so he was not going to tolerate Agent Vaughn seducing his daughter for what ever reason. If he found out that there was a relationship not following the guidelines of a handler and his asset he personally would make Agent Vaughn get fired on the spot.

When her father headed for the rotunda Sydney walked through the door to the holding cells and showed the guard her CIA identification and he opened the gates. She continued through them and up to the glass of the holding cell her mother stayed in.

“Sydney, what a pleasant surprise.” Irina said as soon as she stopped in front of the glass she immediately got up from the floor and put the book she was reading away. “How are you?”

“I’m good.” Sydney answered with a smile.

“I’m glad to hear that” Irina said and she did not know why but she got the feeling of that Sydney seem a lot happier than she use to. There had not been a lot of times when she had seen Sydney happy and she did not blame her for it especially with this job. The only thing that seemed to lift her spirit at work was a certain male co-worker of hers. She knew there was a connection between her and Agent Vaughn even a blind person could see it and she knew it would only be a matter of time before they could not hide what they felt for each other not that they were very good at hiding it now but soon there would be more then only long dreaming looks between them. “I heard the mission when well.”

“Yes it did.” Sydney answered and pulled strand behind her ear as she smiled about that she had never been on a better mission in her entire career. Irina looked like she was just about to say something but stopped herself and instead she just looked at Sydney as if she was thinking about something.

“So did anything special happened during the mission.” Irina asked with a smile after a few seconds and suddenly all Sydney’s alarm bells started to ring this could not be happening first Dixon then her father and then her mother all had they suspected something was not happening. Was she wearing a sign where it stood that she had meet someone? Or what exactly was going on here? This had to stop and it had to stop right now.

“No noting except that it was a complete success.”

“So nothing has happened between you and Mr. Vaughn?”

“Excuse me?” Sydney asked why her mother had made the connection that the thing had to do with Vaughn she could not exactly understand. If she just had said like Dixon that she had met a guy that would be understandable but that he mother directly assumed that it was Vaughn was not something she had been expecting. “No of course not, what made you think that?”

“It was just guess…Because I know how you two feel about each other and it’s not like you have to pretend that you like him. Or that you somehow had not noticed already that he likes you too. I just want to know what happened between you two? I also think that I’m not the only one that has seen that there is something different.”

“First of all there has not happened anything and secondly even if it did then I wouldn’t tell you. Besides what do you care if something has happened?”

“Sydney because that I’m you mother and despite how I have treated you over the years I still care about you. Now are you sure nothing has happened because then I would like you to explain something for me…Do you have any allergies?”

“Allergies? No I don’t…but I don’t see what that has to do with everything.” Sydney asked because she could not understand why her mother would ask her something like that.

“So that…” Irina said and pointed to her ear. “little red mark below you ear is not an allergy reaction then. It’s right below the ear you could see it if you looked in a mirror…And from where I stand it kind of looks like a hickey.” Irina continued and Sydney did not know what to say and looked down at the floor. She hoped with every cell in her body that there was not a little red mark on her neck below her ear, which was the same side as Vaughn had sucked her skin before. “Is it a hickey?”

“I don’t know? I didn’t know that it was there but maybe I just got allergic to something.”

“Yes you maybe are allergic to a certain CIA senior officer kisses or what ever it is that he does to you.” Irina said and Sydney did not know what to say she was completely shocked by her mother’s words. “All I’m just saying that you seem to have a very strong connection to Mr. Vaughn and that you care a lot about him and also that you don’t seem to make any effort of hiding it. And that is mutual for Mr. Vaughn since he came to talk to me when I first got here so that you didn’t need to see me. You did everything in you power to save him when you got the virus, no matter what risks and sacrifices were. And he does every think twice when it comes to keep you safe…”

“No he doesn’t because it’s his job. Don’t you like that he cares so mush about me?” Sydney interrupted her mother and tried to get the upper hand of the conversation but it felt like her mother had just caught her making out with her high school boyfriend on the couch or something similar.

“No that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that he is far more anxious to keep you safe then the obligations as your handler tells him to be because he loves you and you love him. And I don’t know if I’m right now, but I think that something happened in Nice between you. Otherwise why would you have a hickey.”

“I need to go now.” She said and she could not believe this, how could her mother read her so easily, how could she know exactly every thing that has been going on between her and Vaughn. Either has her mother a sixth sense or she has the best female intuition in the world.

“Okay I’ll see you Sydney.” Irina said to her as she walked away from the cells and out of sight. Irina knew Sydney was lying to her, the mood change and the physical evidence was to clear to be ignored.

The thought that her daughter had found love again after her fiancé’s death made her extremely happy. Her first meeting with her daughter, after over twenty years of separation made her almost cry and it broke her heart when she had to shoot her in the shoulder but there was no other way to get her out of the building alive otherwise. And when she turned herself into the CIA and demanded to only speak with her she was surprised to see Agent Vaughn on the other side of the glass. He must have had extremely strong feelings for her daughter to totally ignore his hate for his father’s murderer and actually have a conversation with her though he hardly could look her in the eyes.

It was not of cruelty she said that he looked like his father no it was to remind him that he should be proud that he was so alike his father in so many ways. She remembered William’s last words to her which was that he held so much regret that he would never see his only son grow up so she wanted to tell him that he definitely honored his memory.

Then when he came and asked if there was an antidote for the virus she immediately knew that she had to help him since her daughter could not lose him too. But that did not stop her from using the advantage she had in the situation and asked what kind of feelings he had for Sydney. He danced around the subject as if he was too afraid to admit what he felt for her to himself. So she decided to go the other way and tell Sydney that he was not sleeping when she was in the field.

Sydney’s instant denial was easy to see though. Irina was also shocked to see that Jack had not noticed the way they acted around each other since he had as large experience of reading other people’s behavior as she had. All she hoped right now was that Sydney and Agent Vaughn was smart enough to hide their relationship from the CIA and SD-6 but also for Jack. Everything happening from now on had to be made with extreme precaution.
