

Okay lads, I have a confession to make. I'm new here & I happened to stumble upon the 'Girly Thread', the forum for all things nice and lady. While I know that was a mistake, their words gave me an idea. An idea that could change the world!...or not, but still...

I have imagined this thread, dedicated to all things 'macho'. Football, be it European soccer or American football, infact any sport; automobiles; gorgeous girls; alcohol; bloke movies & TV; anything that qualifies as 'bloke'. I'm sure we all have lots of ideas.

Not that i'm going to war with the ladies. I love 'em all. But we male Alias fans need a voice.

Bring on the 'blokeness'!!...

(And if this fails on it's arse, I will happily hang my head in shame to all of you girls, that's a promise...) :up: :up: :up:
Absolutely AJB we need to make a stand man! No, well, seriously, it's all good and I've said it before, I respect and like all the girlies here, but I sure wish we had more guys come in here and post, I'm sure there's some that browse around and don't feel like posting because so many of the posts are so girly!

Like, oh, "Vaughnie's little talk with Sydney was so cute!" - What the hell! :D

& I happened to stumble upon the 'Girly Thread', the forum for all things nice and lady.

The entire fan fic forum is just about that - that is one forum to stay away from, and all the shippers' threads and the Sarkney stuff, etc. Whoa! It's really overwhelming.

Sometimes I think Alias is a romantic show or it's a TV series for chicks or something.

Yeah I know the lead is a girl, but all the Syd-Vaughn stuff is not the show's main theme - it's always secondary to the really important stuff.

I did like that last episode and yes, it was nice to see Sydney and Vaughn together, but like some said, it would have been awesome to see some more skin there, Nip/Tuck style!

Of course, anyone can talk about their favorite part of the show and if that's what floats their boat, great, I don't oppose it, I'm just saying, it'd be nice to see more dudes post about the show, that's all!

Oh and I did have my own macho thread a while back, don't know what happened to it and I can't find it since the search function is turned off, I can't find my own posts!

And to share a link so we can start talking about hot girls and stuff, check out this site if you're a guy (warning, PG-13, slightly R rated content, there might some nudity) -'s somewhat slow cuz all their pictures are really big (which is great), but you'll find pictures of any famous babe there! ;)

BTW I hope the Eagles win on Sunday - McNabb deserves it and I'm sick of the Patriots - they're like the Yankees - robots programmed to win, so boring.
AJB said:
(And if this fails on it's arse, I will happily hang my head in shame to all of you girls, that's a promise...)  :up:  :up:  :up:

why do u think this will fail??? :unsure:
Alias_Gay said:
why do u think this will fail???  :unsure:

Well, 1st topic. Why do girls always have to make everything so complicated? I'm having a problem right now and I don't know what to do. A girl I have been talkin with over MSN for about 3 and a half months. Then after about 2 months she told me that she liked me and she wanted to know if I felt the same thing. The thing is we live in total different countries. I kinda didn't know how to answer and said it couldn't work out. Apparently she got hurt. Now she asked me again. I don't know what do. I wish this realtionship could be possible, but...
It really doesn't matter what I feel. I think that relationship over internet, well just won't work. And we both will probably find someone else.
So good people. Please give me some help.

P.S. I really do like her very much.
SpyDude said:
Well, 1st topic. Why do girls always have to make everything so complicated? I'm having a problem right now and I don't know what to do. A girl I have been talkin with over MSN for about 3 and a half months. Then after about 2 months she told me that I really liked her and she wanted to know if I felt the same thing. The thing is we live in total different countries. I kinda didn't know how to answer and said it couldn't work out. Apparently she got hurt. Now she asked me again. I don't know what do. I wish this realtionship could be possible, but...
It really doesn't matter what I feel. I think that relationship over internet, well just won't work. And we both will probably find someone else.
So good people. Please give me some help.

P.S. I really do like her very much.

Okay, The Man to the rescue. Listen, old son, as you've probably realised, however old you are, that women are both the most wonderful & the most annoying thing on planet Earth. However, this one seems like she isn't playing games like a lot of them do. She's being honest. So, if you like her, tell her you like her. Women like it when we tell them exactly how we feel, as i'm slowly starting to learn.

And who says it can't work out because you're in different countries?. Yeah, it would be hard because of money & you're own lives, but you could visit each other from time to time. If you like her that much, you have to test the water. See what bites.

Believe me, it'll haunt you unless you don't. You'll become the next Michael Vaughn... :(
ivand67 said:
Absolutely AJB we need to make a stand man! No, well, seriously, it's all good and I've said it before, I respect and like all the girlies here, but I sure wish we had more guys come in here and post, I'm sure there's some that browse around and don't feel like posting because so many of the posts are so girly!

Like, oh, "Vaughnie's little talk with Sydney was so cute!" - What the hell! :D
The entire fan fic forum is just about that - that is one forum to stay away from, and all the shippers' threads and the Sarkney stuff, etc. Whoa! It's really overwhelming.

Sometimes I think Alias is a romantic show or it's a TV series for chicks or something.

Yeah I know the lead is a girl, but all the Syd-Vaughn stuff is not the show's main theme - it's always secondary to the really important stuff.

I did like that last episode and yes, it was nice to see Sydney and Vaughn together, but like some said, it would have been awesome to see some more skin there, Nip/Tuck style!

Of course, anyone can talk about their favorite part of the show and if that's what floats their boat, great, I don't oppose it, I'm just saying, it'd be nice to see more dudes post about the show, that's all!

Oh and I did have my own macho thread a while back, don't know what happened to it and I can't find it since the search function is turned off, I can't find my own posts!

And to share a link so we can start talking about hot girls and stuff, check out this site if you're a guy (warning, PG-13, slightly R rated content, there might some nudity) -'s somewhat slow cuz all their pictures are really big (which is great), but you'll find pictures of any famous babe there!  ;)

BTW I hope the Eagles win on Sunday - McNabb deserves it and I'm sick of the Patriots - they're like the Yankees - robots programmed to win, so boring.

A-ha, i've found my first serious ally in the macho-thread fight back!. The Man needs a man in front of The Man, and I think i've found him!. Good lad!. This thread may yet survive.

I couldn't agree more that the girls sometimes become overly obsessed with the Syd/Vaughn romance. I'm not gonna bash it because it is central to the show & it would be missed, but it ain't the most interesting thing either. For me, Rambaldi's the hottest talking point!...

Listen, I have a completely non-Alias question i've always wanted to ask an American bloke. How do you see English football, soccer as you call it?. Is it very popular in America at all?. You see it's an obsession all over Europe, the Far East, Middle East, South America, Africa, all over, but the US never really seem to have got it. Am I right or wrong?... :unsure:
ivand67 said:
BTW I hope the Eagles win on Sunday - McNabb deserves it and I'm sick of the Patriots - they're like the Yankees - robots programmed to win, so boring.

Yeah I'm pullin for the Eagles seeing as the Colts couldnt make it <_<
And who says it can't work out because you're in different countries?. Yeah, it would be hard because of money & you're own lives, but you could visit each other from time to time. If you like her that much, you have to test the water. See what bites.

Believe me, it'll haunt you unless you don't. You'll become the next Michael Vaughn... :(

I would fly to her in a second if I was a grown-up (or at least making enough money) but I'm 15. It's damn hard.

P.S. She lives in the same country where you do AJB.
Ah, I see. Shame you're not a little bit older...

I still think you should tell her if you like her, though. I've got almost ten years on you, pal, and let me tell you, if I had a pound for every lass i've fell for & not said anything to about it, i'd be rich enough to provide the budget for every Alias episode!.

And I still wonder how many opportunities missed me by just because I said nothing. I know it's hard, but by keeping quiet, you might lose her entirely. And i'm sure you'd rather have her as a friend over the Net than not a friend at all, wouldn't you?...

Trust me, The Man is always right... :up: :up: :up:
AJB said:
Ah, I see. Shame you're not a little bit older...

I still think you should tell her if you like her, though. I've got almost ten years on you, pal, and let me tell you, if I had a pound for every lass i've fell for & not said anything to about it, i'd be rich enough to provide the budget for every Alias episode!.

And I still wonder how many opportunities missed me by just because I said nothing. I know it's hard, but by keeping quiet, you might lose her entirely. And i'm sure you'd rather have her as a friend over the Net than not a friend at all, wouldn't you?...

Trust me, The Man is always right... :up:  :up:  :up:

Thx for good advice.
SpyDude said:
Thx for good advice.

Any time, laddie, any time. And remember to keep posting on this thread. We have a point to prove here!... :up:
AJB said:
Listen, I have a completely non-Alias question i've always wanted to ask an American bloke. How do you see English football, soccer as you call it?. Is it very popular in America at all?. You see it's an obsession all over Europe, the Far East, Middle East, South America, Africa, all over, but the US never really seem to have got it. Am I right or wrong?... :unsure:

Good question!! Well...from an American stand-point, soccer is popular depending on where you live in the states. Here in the west, and in my home town it is starting to become more and more popular, because us poor guys who suck with aiming a ball with our arms get to put are legs to the test, and more often than not we are better at soccer! So soccer is more popular than Europeans believe, if that is what the majority of Europeans really believe. The first sport that I ever played was soccer, and I still love it today, although I changed to swimming!! Did that help at all?