Make and break a code


Ok, here's how it works. Like the part on Alias when she makes a code. Like when she talks to Vaughn, then he says that she's never seen a picture frame on his wall before because she hasn't been to his house. When he writes it down and splits it, it's a code. That's how this game works. It'll be fun, trust me. Then what's more fun is when you try to figure other peoples out and then you make your own. I'll give an example and an answer.

I|'m go|ing to the |right| store to|night to buy bed|dings.

The code was: I go right to bed.

I hope you like this game.
Complicated yet simple one:

eMte em ta hte ihidgn lpcae.
a note is really inticing
I have no idea :blink:

Here's one:
Apprecite al thngs tht hine.

For a clue, hightlight this: <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Appreci_te al_ th_ngs th_t _hine.</span>
Vaughn_Lovah said:
Apprecite al thngs tht hine.
Appreciate all things that shine. :smiley:
The missing letters make it's gonna be obvious :P

mr ludlow is vaughn! :D