Season 5 Marshall broke the code!

Do you remember how Dixon and Marshall were taking a tour of Langley??? And the tour guide guided them to a code and explained to them how they have never been able to crack the code to this day? And Marshall was all like "I KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Well, on AOL's front page this story was on...

CIA Code Cracked

And this wasn't even a WEEK after the episode aired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone else find this...STRANGE?!
i was just looking around and found this! the code was really easy and when i looked at the answer, i was right! why did it take them so long to figure it out? it was easy and i figured it out! i'm only 13! wow.
Sometimes the easiest solution is the wrigt one. They most probably thought that it was truely hard puzzle to crack and didn't see the easiest answer. Jee! Marshall did it ;)
Hm thats a very strange coincidence, I never heard about that story

LOL i do remember laughin my ass off at Marshall in the Alias eppy tho :lol: