Me am Owen

Hello folks!

New member here, so thought I'd be polite and introduce myself. My real name is Balthazar the Undefatigable, but you can call me Owen.

Um... what can I tell you? I'm married, with two children. I spend too much time ignoring both Wife and Kiddies because I sit in front of a laptop writing reviews of films, tv and books as well as trying to find time to write short stories and plan out the novel that just about every geek wants to write.

I tend to be less than serious in most of my posts, so take everything that I say with a pinch of salt, and I hope to become a regular around here, as long as y'all are lovely and cuddly and welcoming.
Hey! hope you're having more fun right now that me feeling like a marshmallow over an open fire! Too hot to think !