Memphis Beat: New Show On TNT - My Review

You may or may not know that "My Name is Earl" is my favorite TV show. The main star of "Earl" is Jason Lee, and Jason Lee plays a role in Memphis beat, so I decided to check it out.

Throughout the episode, you basically figure out the setting and story of this new show. Dwight Hendricks, the main character is played by Jason Lee. Dwight is what you can call an investigator by day, and an Elvis impersonator by night. Dwight also lives with his mom (I LOLED when I figured that out).

This first episode is filled with humor and drama, just as you would expect. In my opinion though, the only generally good actor was Jason Lee. The other actors whos names I unfortunately do not know, well I don't wanna say it like this but..they suck. The jokes are funny, and their are great lines but the actors (besides Jason) just don't cut it.

All in all, i give this new show a 6/10. I don't even think it deserves a six, but Jason and the good script really boosted it. C'mon Jason Lee. You didn't need to get dragged into these kind of shows. Wish Earl never got cancelled. Everyone acted good, the lines were HILARIOUS and it had great story lines. Its a shame.

Well, thats all I got guys.

