Men of the Rings

Nad said:
What????!!!???  Why wasn't I invited?  POTC is my favorite ride at Disneyland and yes I am serious!  POTC, Peter Pan, Splash Mountain, is the order in fact.
HOLY felgercarb!!! MINE IS EXACTLY THE SAME!!! *high fives Nad* :groupwave:
Merry and Pip are funny...nobody gives them enough credit for being funny...they are even funnier in the books than funny in the movie.

And I've way over-used the word 'funny'. Sorry :D
Yes!!! Except, who plays Merry and who plays Pip? I used to mix up the hobbits, but now I know the hobbits and mix up the actors. I'm a terrible fan, aren't I? :blush1:
I am suprised that I don't get them mixed up myself. Any member of All LOTR is the bestest fan ever, you can't be anything else if you can carry on the conversations we have there!
I think all the people who play the hobbits are so darn cute!! ^_^ And i like the real characters too, in the book. In the ROTK book, all the hobbits are basically heroes. My favorites have to be Aragorn and Legolas. The people that play them and the real characters are soo cute!!They are amazzzzzing :D
Eeks!!! Scary thoughts! We really need therapy! We all love the men of the rings too though so we aren't all the way crazy! :shock:
Well...I'm in the process of writting a fic which is to be called "The Commentary of the Ring", and I think that only a woman could complain that much. I love us girl power and all, but it's just my take. Besides, I do like the ring with power and all, and Nad, I think I do need therapy for liking the MotR as much as I do :D