Season 5 music

ok, this is gonna sound really retarded. but--i think it was in this ep, it could have been ep 16--there was a scene and there was this background music. just music, no words. i cant describe it. but i swear it was the same exact music that was played during s/v kiss in phase one. now you might be thinking 'well, a lot of the alias music sounds the same,' but not this music. i promise. i need to go back and watch all the time in the world again, but i just watched phase one and i'm pretty sure it was the same music. i wish i could remember what scene it was in all the time in the world.

this isnt important at all, it was just something that i noticed. when i heard it last week, i immediately said--outloud--"they've used this music before." and it took me a second but i somehow remembered it was phase one. and i just thought it was weird that they used the same music. did anyone else notice? ...probably not...
Yeah they tend to do that alot. I think you meant that scence in Hong Kong on the roof. I remember that music piece as the S/V theme :lol: cos they always play that when there is a romantic scene and S/V is involved. They also have a 'Sloane theme' and 'Irina theme' piece that they play in a few episodes everytime a topic concerns Sloane or Irina.
i dont remember what scene it was, but im gonna go back and watch all the time in the world right now. but i'm pretty sure i've only heard it once before, and that would be in phase one. i would know if i'd heard it more often than that.

oh man i hope nobody taped over my tape of all the time in the world...
sorry for the double post. the scene i'm thinking of was definitely in reprisal (my sister remembers me saying that i recognized the music, and she went to bed before all the time in the world). i wish i could remember what scene it was. but it was definitely the music from phase one, and if you watch that scene in phase one you would know that they dont use that music very often. its definitely unique for alias. but they used it in reprisal. i'm sure of it.

i cant remember which tape i used for reprisal :( i need to get better about labeling them. i'm trying to watch it on but its giving me problems. maybe i'll have to wait til the dvd's come out.

i dont know why this bothers me so much. it just does....
They used many old themes and scores from the previous seasons and revamped them a bit.

From the last hour, when Sydney runs to the truck in slow motion away from Jack, that's the "Phase One" kiss music, only faster and with just the violins. It was incredible.

The ending with Rambaldi and Irina/Sydney and stuff was never used before.

I'm sorta a music freak for Alias, and I have to say that every theme and score used in the 2 hours was just amazing. Bravo, MG!
They used many old themes and scores from the previous seasons and revamped them a bit.

From the last hour, when Sydney runs to the truck in slow motion away from Jack, that's the "Phase One" kiss music, only faster and with just the violins. It was incredible.

The ending with Rambaldi and Irina/Sydney and stuff was never used before.

I'm sorta a music freak for Alias, and I have to say that every theme and score used in the 2 hours was just amazing. Bravo, MG!
lol all of the alias music pretty much sounds the same to me. well, i guess not all of it. especially not the music from the phase one kiss scene. i swear, they used it in reprisal. and i will not rest until i remember what scene it was.
^Hmm...I really don't think it was in Reprisal. I've rewatched that episode a bunch of times.

Versions of the Phase One kiss music were used twice in AtTitW during the last Syd/Jack scene and then with Sydney and Vaughn at the end.

Tom's death in Reprisal was his own theme, altered a bit.
The beginning mission music was a revamped Authorized Personnel Only theme.
But I don't believe altered Phase One music was used in Reprisal.
i'm pretty sure it was in reprisal, cuz my sister didn't watch AtTitW and she distinctly remembers me saying that. and i remember her sitting there when i said it. but i'll have to watch it again

....someone taped over my tape of the finale and is giving me problems. but my friend said i can borrow her tape when her sister's done with it so maybe i'll be able to watch it then.
hmm...come to think of it...maybe it was in AtTitW. the syd/jack scene sounds familiar. maybe that was what i'm thinking of. is working for me so i'm watching it now :smiley:

ETA: nope, wasnt the syd/jack scene. if that was even a version of the phase one kiss scene music it was very different from the original. i'm still watching. haven't noticed anything yet, but then, i've been studying for the SAT as i'm watching, so i havent been paying very close attention.

I think you meant that scence in Hong Kong on the roof.
!n@$en+, YOU WERE RIGHT! when i first read your post a few days ago i was like "there was no s/v scene in hong kong" cuz all i remembered was syd/irina and sark/vaughn. but you were right! and you have no idea how relieved i am! i guess it was AtTitW. my sister must have remembered wrong. but it was definitely that scene. it is the exact same music from phase one.

i'm sure they do that a lot, but this was the only time i noticed cuz all the other music sounds the same, or at least similar, to me. this music really stands out.
boyscout, you were right about the end tho. when isabelle was finishing the puzzle and then when she went out and talked to syd it was the phase one music. or at least extremely similar. the melody was exactly the same, but i think they may have added an instrument or two cuz it sounds slightly different.

(speaking of isabelle, her eyes are still brown. not green. brown. she does not have vaughn's eyes. this will bug me until the end of time.)

i dont know why i didnt notice it there the first time i watched it. i guess it just didnt stand out as much cuz there was other stuff going on. in hong kong the music was louder and there was nothing going on except s/v hugging. plus--i'm almost positive--the music was exactly the same.

and speaking of music, i was talking to my friend the other day and she was like "we should get the alias soundtrack and play the music in the car and go t.p. someone's house!" so thats what we're gonna do :smiley: i'm excited :smiley:
You're right about the music from Phase One being used in the finale, at least part of the song. It was after Irina died and Vaughn came up to the roof, syd was crying, they embrace,all while their "theme song" plays! It is, no doubt, the same music! ;) Oh, and there's a slightly different version that plays as our favorite show comes to an end *sniffle.*
ok, this is gonna sound really retarded. but--i think it was in this ep, it could have been ep 16--there was a scene and there was this background music. just music, no words. i cant describe it. but i swear it was the same exact music that was played during s/v kiss in phase one. now you might be thinking 'well, a lot of the alias music sounds the same,' but not this music. i promise. i need to go back and watch all the time in the world again, but i just watched phase one and i'm pretty sure it was the same music. i wish i could remember what scene it was in all the time in the world.

this isnt important at all, it was just something that i noticed. when i heard it last week, i immediately said--outloud--"they've used this music before." and it took me a second but i somehow remembered it was phase one. and i just thought it was weird that they used the same music. did anyone else notice? ...probably not...

They played that music when Irina just had died and S/V embraced and I think, not sure though, that it was also played in the last scene.

I can't believe so many fans are getting excited over this. I mean, that music has been played several times in the seasons during S/V moments and sometimes even during other moments like between Jack and Sydney. Sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's a little bit faster but it's the same music.