My Life, My World, My Everything

Title: My Life, My World, My Everything

Author: Nicole ---> Queenie ---> sv4ever07 ---> ME!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, Michael Vaughn, Sydney Bristow and any other recognizable characters belong to J.J. Abrams, Bad Robot, and ABC. I own Caitlin though.

Rating: PG-13 for language

Spoilers: During The Telling

Pairings: Vaughn/Caitlin, eventually S/V

Summary: My entry for the Alias Boards Challenge - POV of someone during or after an episode in season two, 700-1000 words. This is going to be Vaughn's POV as he goes to and is telling Syd she's been missing for two years.

Dedication: To the ZAP! We'll call it an early 2 month anniversary present! And to my awesome beta Screech who deals with the enormous amounts of things she gets from me each day.

Author's Note: Recently I joined over at and found this challenge, instantly I got a few ideas, this is one of them. I'd like to give a big shout-out to Screech for beta'ing this for me! And thanks to all of you for reading this! Please read and review!


(Vaughn's POV)

I sit on the plane taking me to Hong Kong wondering how my life ever got so screwed up. She was supposed to be dead, and her death was supposed to give me the freedom to move on.

Now Caitlin is mad at me, my marriage is in shambles, and I've got my girlfriend whose been missing for two years and was presumed dead alive once again.

I bring my fingers up to massage my temples and try to thwart off the oncoming migraine, remembering the angry confrontation I had had only hours before.


My cell phone rang and immediately Caitlin rolled her eyes. "It's probably work," she told me, "God you can't even go on vacation for a couple days with your wife without them calling you back in."

I looked at her with a pleading look as if asking, 'Can I answer it?'

"Whatever, answer the stupid gorram phone!" she exclaimed, "I don't give a f*** anymore! It always seems as if everything is more important than me - your wife."

I turned my back on her and finally answered the phone after the fourth ring. "Hello?" I asked.

"Vaughn you've got to get to Hong Kong right now," Weiss rushed.

"Weiss what the hell are you talking about?" I asked, "You know I'm on vacation with Caitlin."

"Screw Caitlin," he angrily replied, "There is something more important we have to deal with. She's alive."

"Who?" I asked, "What? Weiss help me out here, you're confusing me and scaring the hell out of me."

"Sydney - she's alive," Weiss explained, "She just contacted Kendall from Hong Kong - he told her to go to the safehouse and wait for her contact. He wants you to go and meet her, debrief her, and bring her back to LA."

"I'll do it," I reply quickly, "How long do I have?"

"The plane leaves in an hour," Weiss told me, "It's leaving from JFK International Airport, so be there - the pilot will be waiting for you on a private airstrip - the minute you get there you'll take off."

"Thanks for letting me know Weiss," I told him, "I'll be in touch with you so keep your phone on."

"Will do man, will do," he said, "And be sure to bring her back."

"I won't come back without her," I replied, "I just won't."

I hung up the phone and turned back towards Caitlin who was throwing a mean glare my way. "Cait I've got to go," I explained, "That was Weiss. I've got to go to Hong Kong for the agency."

"Of course, the agency, your life," she told me sarcastically, "It's always the agency - they interrupted our first date, they interrupted us on the night you proposed, they interrupted us the night of our wedding, on our honeymoon, and on our first vacation together. But it's never 'No sorry I can't come in, I'm spending some time with my wife.' Shows you where I am on your priority list."

"Caitlin, of course you're first on my priority list," I told her sympathetically, "But I've got to do this - Sydney, she's alive. She just contacted the CIA from Hong Kong and they're sending me in to get her."

"Sydney," the voice dripped with venom, "You're leaving our first vacation two days early to get Sydney? I thought she was dead. We've been married for three months and even when she was supposedly dead she plagued our marriage."

"Caitlin..." I interrupted.

"No let me finish," she ordered, "Her presence has always been in our marriage, you have nightmares about her, you dream about her, and sometimes when we're making love you call out her name. I'm just saying you have to make a choice Michael."

"I have to go get Sydney, Caitlin," I told her, "I can't leave her there, I just can't."

"Then that's your choice Michael, stand by it no matter what the consequences."

And with that I watched her walk out of the bedroom in the hotel and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.


Now I'm back on the plane which is beginning to descend down into Hong Kong International Airport and I'm wondering what exactly I'm going to say to Sydney when I see her for the first time in two years.

The plane lands and I'm surprised that the CIA has a black government-issued car waiting to take me to the safehouse. So many things are running through my head: 'Will she look different? Where has she been? Did she think about me?'

I'm lead down the hall that will lead me to my one true love and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. I open the door and she flings herself into my arms and it felt so good to have her there again.

"They doubled Francie," she mumbled.

"I know," I replied.

"What happened to Will? To Francie? Are they dead?" she asked.

"Will's okay," I told her.

"What? How?" she questioned and I remembered how I had found him that night and shuddered.

"You..." I said, "Sit down."

She sat down, knowing if she didn't she wasn't sure how she would react.

"Vaughn?" she asked and I could hear the tears in her voice.

"We thought you were dead," I replied with tears in my eyes, "They asked me to come back to explain."

"Come back from what?" she questioned, "What are you talking about?"

Her expression turned frantic as she asked, "Vaughn why are you wearing that ring?"

'Oh s***, the ring,' I thought, 'I forgot to take the gorram ring off.'

A look of complete panic crossed my face as I realized I would have to tell her.

"Syd...since that night," I said, my voice choking with tears, "You were've been missing for almost two years."

And when that look of glazed hurt crossed her face and her eyes filled with tears, I knew it was over. My life, my world, my everything.



More? (y) or (n)
that is so good! That Caitlin.......she's vicious!! lol! Great writing and could you add me to your PM list please? thanks a bunch! Sarah

Chapter 2

(Vaughn's POV)

"Syd...since that night," I said, my voice choking with tears, "You were've been missing for almost two years."

And when that look of glazed hurt crossed her face and her eyes filled with tears, I knew it was over, my life, my world, my everything.

I could see the frustration and shock on her face. "Syd?" I asked, "Did you hear what I said? We thought you were dead - they told us you had lost too much blood to be alive - I - I thought you were dead."

"You, you don't know what you're talking about," she told me, "I haven't been missing for two years - I just saw you last night we're going to Santa Barbara, you're lying."

"Syd that night happened two years ago," I explained, "You HAVE been missing for two years."

She saw the ring once again and stood up and began to pace. "You got married?" she asked, "How could you do that to me? You betrayed me."

"I thought you were DEAD!" I exclaimed, "I searched for you for 9 months, never believing that you were dead. They gave me 9 months to find you, if I didn't then they were going to bury an empty casket and say it was you."

"I had to watch it be lowered into the ground and hear your friends and your family mourning you," I told her, "I was so depressed they had me hospitalized on suicide watch, they thought I was going to kill myself."

"And your wife?" she bitterly asked, "Where did you meet her?"

"She was the one who was stuck with the job of watching me 24/7," I replied, "And the one time I did try to commit suicide she stopped me. Caitlin saved my life."

'Yeah but she's making your life a living hell right now,' I rationalized in my head.

"I should be grateful to her for saving you," Sydney sighed, "But I just can't seem to find my gratitude right now."

"Syd don't be that way," I begged.

"What way?" she hissed, "How do you expect me to act? I just found out the only person I've ever loved, truly loved, is married, so how do you want me to act? 'Oh Vaughn I'm so sorry that you searched for me for almost a year, and had to be hospitalized for depression, where you met that b****.' That's one thing I am sorry about - that I drove you to meeting your lovely wife."

She stalked out of the room and into the hall. Sighing I got up and followed her out, it was better if we got back to LA quicker. Maybe Weiss could talk to her a little easier than me, plus the quicker I got back to LA, the less mad Caitlin would be at me.

* * * *

(3rd person POV)

Caitlin Vaughn slammed the front door of her and her husband's house open. As it hit the wall it knocked down a picture from it. She crouched down to pick it up and chucked it across the room when she saw that it was the one from their wedding.

Donovan came running towards her, expecting to see his master also. When he only saw Caitlin, he turned around and ran back into the livingroom to hide under the couch.

Sometimes she just wanted to kick that stupid dog, he had never liked her, not since the first time they met. He would always bark and growl at her, but she didn't really care, he was just a stupid dog after all.

Throwing the bags on their bed, she unpacked all her clothes and accessories, then unzipped Michael's bag and began to unpack his as well.

She pulled open his sock drawer and her anger escalated. She picked up the picture from of Michael and HER and dropped it on the floor, feeling satisfied after hearing the glass breaking.

Sydney's presence had always been present in their ten-month relationship and two month marriage. She had been the first one to say 'I love you,' he hadn't told her that he loved her until five months into their relationship and it had infuriated her.

Anytime they seemed to be making headway in their relationship, he always distanced himself once again. But she never called him on it, after all Sydney was dead he would be able to get over her soon enough.

Finally he had and asked her to marry him and two months later they were married. Now Sydney Bristow, his one true love was back and creating distance between them once again.

She didn't know what she was going to do, but whatever it was, she would have to do it quickly, or she would lose Michael forever.

* * * *

(Vaughn's POV)

The plane ride back to LA was silent, and once again I was thinking about how my life had gotten so screwed up. The love of my life was sitting across the aisle from me staring menacingly at my wedding ring, and yet when you looked at her left hand, there wasn't a matching ring there, that matching ring was on the hand of Caitlin who pretty much hated me right now.

When did my life become a bad soap opera? And why did everything have to become more screwed up with each and every turn?

I mean, what next? Sark's my brother? Or Caitlin works for Sloane? If either of these happened I wouldn't lift a brow because nothing surprised me anymore. What was this, General Hospital? Were cameras going to stop rolling and director's going to shout, 'Cut?'

I'm hoping this is all a dream, that I will pinch myself and wake up from this nightmare next to Sydney in Santa Barbara.

Okay so maybe that was a little but far-fetched because I just pinched myself and I'm still sitting here on this plane talking to myself like I'm out of my mind.

Right now I just want to rip this ring off my finger, completely forget about Caitlin and take Sydney into my arms like old times.

Sitting her on this plane in complete silence, I realize Caitlin - she's nothing to me, and Sydney, well Sydney - she's my life, my world, my everything.


Please read and review!
damn rite she's your life world & everything.
i luved that chap! it was great! (y) (y) (y)
i cant wait til the next one!

& i just wanted to say that i like the title of that fic.

~kim i need :help:
That was a really great chapter and I really hope that Syd and Vaughn are going to end up together again ;)
anyway...hope you'll update soon! ;)
thanks for the pm :smiley: