Nadia's callsign

This has bugged me all season. Why is Nadia's codename Evergreen?

I get that Syd is Phoenix cuz she was reborn from the ashes of the fake body when she went missing for two years. I get that Vaughn is Shotgun cuz he's always second to Syd, plus he's always the guy who shoots the baddies. I get why Marshall is Merlin. Don't really understand Dixon being Outrigger but I don't know what an Outrigger is so that one's not bothering me.
But why is Nadia Evergreen?
Anyone have any insights as to what it might mean or symbolize?
Steffi_ said:
I think Nadia got the name Evergreen, because Sloane injected her a green goo last year.

Dude, I didn't even think of that! OMG that's hilarious! That makes sooooo much sense when you think about it, too!
You rock.
Thank you. But it wasn´t mentioned in the show. It´s just my assumption. But I think, too, that this would make sense. :D
Steffi_ said:
I think Nadia got the name Evergreen, because Sloane injected her a green goo last year.

haaa that's so smart! i've been wondering about the same thing, why she is evergreen, but i never thought of that! it's hilarious!
pii_lena4ever said:
haaa that's so smart! i've been wondering about the same thing, why she is evergreen, but i never thought of that! it's hilarious!

Yeah isn't that great?! It makes soooooo much sense ;)
omg someone said "evergreen" at school today and i jumped and let out a little squeal! :D people looked at me like i was some kind of freak! :D
nat, you have the best BEST sig i've seen in ages!!! :woot: would you mind sending me the pics you used when you made it? it would make me so happy. :smiley:
ReedCordial bandit said:
i miss mountianeer, i have to change my code name on Halo2 to Evergreen cos i dont like Pheonix, well i do but i like nadia's better :P

I know this is suposed to be Nadia focused, but what is Weiss's code name? I heard it was Houdini but i am not sure...
Agent said:
I don't think the codenames has anything to do with them personal! or to they ?
Yup, they do. Remember boyscout?

I think Nadia's callsign being because Sloane was injecting her with the Rambaldi solution is a little silly. There has to be another reason.
About the 'Evergreen' thing? I thought they gave her that callsign because she was the youngest and newest member of the team. Because of the whole evergreen trees thing, but i might be wrong. I've always thought it was an odd choice for her, but i like the name even if we never really understand why she's named it.

Plus, I really liked Phoenix as Sydney's new callsign, it suited her character.
About the 'Evergreen' thing? I thought they gave her that callsign because she was the youngest and newest member of the team. Because of the whole evergreen trees thing, but i might be wrong. I've always thought it was an odd choice for her, but i like the name even if we never really understand why she's named it.

Plus, I really liked Phoenix as Sydney's new callsign, it suited her character.

The connotation of evergreen is fresh. While people are thinking of fresh as 'newbie' or 'rookie', the other connotation is 'long lasting' or 'durable'.

Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the Autumn; Evergreens keep their leaves year round. Evergreens don't require as much water and nutrients as Deciduous trees & are more resistant to cold and drought, too. So I think Nadia's call sign is a connotation of durability. :D
In the 3rd Season, Weiss's callsign was Retriever (as seen in 3.01, in the warehouse in Paris). But, in the Alias books, his callsign is Houdini, I suspect, because he's a descendant of Houdini.
Well, I know it's too late to say, but in my signature I put my interpretation. However, I'm sure when the writers made her name to be Evergreen, they didn't know she would die and come back as a guest star...