Nasa Mars Exploration & The Mars Pyramids


Is there intelligent life on Mars?

Some thing these photos captured by the Mars rovers certainly suggests so. To the eye they can easily be mistaken for pyramids, walls and even houses. Since they really resemble some of the structures we have here on earth.

NASA have stated that it's simply a trick of the light and the structures that can be seen here are only shadows and nothing any more significant.

But what do you think? Is there more to this than meets the eye?

Cornell University planetary scientist Steve Squyres, principal investigator of the Mars Exploration Rover project says:

What Spirit and Opportunity have found is sulfate minerals... not organic materials, not pond scum, and not the building blocks of life as we know it.
So there is water which means there IS life just not intelligent life.

But is there intelligent life on the red planet some have stated the government are trying to stop NASA from searching for extraterrestrial life and have made them withhold some information from the public in case of a public rebellion and a melt down of political control.

Is this just conspiracy? Is this all black and white? Or is there so much more to this story than we'll ever know for a long long time?

Share your opinions and thoughts.



  • blackandwhite.jpg
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Good question!

I have one problem with the theory that there is life on Mars.

Just imagine this, imagine aliens sending little rovers to earth roaming around to investigate our planet, #1 they would be be impossible to hide from as humans are everywhere and it would capture us and evidence of life. #2 We wouldn't let something like this roam around it would be reported and the government would be all over it. So why would other intelligent life be any different to us.

The only answer I have come up with is there MAY have been life on Mars a long time ago but there no longer is life on Mars.

Who knows, interesting images though.
Just imagine this, imagine aliens sending little rovers to earth roaming around to investigate our planet, #1 they would be be impossible to hide from as humans are everywhere and it would capture us and evidence of life. #2 We wouldn't let something like this roam around it would be reported and the government would be all over it. So why would other intelligent life be any different to us.

Fantastic point !!!

I think there may have been life on Mars once maybe there still is maybe they have moved underground who knows?

What I do know is there must be intelligent life out there on one of these billions of billions of planets I think to dismiss that thought would be a little arrogant.

Remembering that life isn't necessarily governed, the same way on every planet, for us we need a 80/20 mix of nitrogen and oxygen. But other lifeforms could need a different atmosphere too survive. Just because we can't comprehend it with current science and technology. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Science Fiction has been trying too convince us of this for years.