Never Again

Very interesting... What could Irina know about Vaughn's Dad? Is he still alive? Please update soon. Don't keep us in suspense too long.

Great update. Thanks for the PM
Good chapter. Although I must say that I dont think Syd would react so emotionally and run out in the middle of the story. But still I reckon that you have done that on purpose because of the deep cover mission and also that she is letting her guard down because everybody there is either family or at leas very close to becoming family, right?

Still, awesome chapte and really looking forward to the next bit! If I am not on the pm list, please could you include me. Thank you
That was an awesome update!!!
You totally rock!
Irina and Jack are so funny, if it wasnt a little bit obvious they were seeing each other lol!
OMV, Irina is being such a butthead, stupid Rambaldi, he ruins everything!
As much as its annoying that she purposely sought out Sydney's true love, its sorta cool that everyone (including some insanely old prophet) knew that Syd and Vaughn were meant to be together lol!
I wonder what happened with Vaughn's dad? How intriguing!
This was such a great update, i hope everything turns out ok!
Oh and i cannot wait that long for another update so PLZ update soon! PLEASE??
vaughnroxmysox said:
That was an awesome update!!!
You totally rock!

Ohhh thanks so much! You guys rock too with the great reviews!

krzykty57789 said:
Hey!! :P That was SOOOOO good. I would love to give you quote, but I sprained my wrist and am currently typing left handed, so it's not very fun.  -_- But that was SOOOO good! And I loved it sooo much.

Oh no! I hope you feel better - I broke mine a few years ago, what a pain. Get well soon!!!!!!!!
great update....and yes it certainly has been too long, lol! I've checking my email jsut waiting for an update on this fic, It is truly fantastic and definitely worth the wait!
That was a great chapter! So Irina was involved!!
But what else does she have to tell them?
And what does it have to do with Michael's father??
Thanx for the pm
Update soon
OK, first of all, I am SO SORRY for not updating before this! You'd think that I would be updating more with classes and finals over, but the past month has been crazy...I started an internship, my cousin graduated from high school, my aunt just had her fourth baby (and her oldest is only six!) so I've been crazy. Buttttttttt here is an update, finally! And I promise I will update as frequently as possible. I just hope I didn't lose the interest of all of you since it's been so long...ok enough rambling, on with the story!

Chapter 27

Vaughn continued to glare at Irina as her words slowly registered. “There’s something I need to tell you about your father…” “I’ll go try to convince her to come. But you know Syd…she’s not easy to convince. And if she wants nothing more than to leave you and New York, then we will, mission or no mission.” And with that he walked out of the room, secretly hoping he could convince Sydney to come back so he could learn more about his father.

Jack watched the interaction between Vaughn and Irina and was surprised to find that he was actually grudgingly admiring Vaughn. “It appears he’s finally grown some backbone.” he thought to himself.

As Vaughn approached Katie’s room, he could hear sobs and after months of being awakened by his crying daughter in the middle of the night, he could tell that they were Sydney’s. He stepped into the darkened room and saw Sydney in the white wooden glider, clutching Katie to her chest. He tried to be quiet but Sydney, with all of her training heard him right away and looked up, her tense face relaxing when she saw that it was her fiancée. “Hey.” Vaughn said softly, walking over to mother and daughter.

“How could she?” Sydney asked, her voice raw with emotion. “How could she use me – her daughter – for power? I just…” she trailed off. “I just thought she had changed.” She added quietly.

Vaughn was quiet, watching his daughter. It was obvious that Sydney had woken her up when she had come into the room, and Katie’s small mouth was opening in a yawn about every 10 seconds, but she was clearly doing her best to stay awake, not wanting to miss anything. “Just like her mom.” Vaughn found himself thinking for probably the 1,000th time.

Realizing he hadn’t said anything, Vaughn turned his attention back to Sydney. “Syd…I know it seems like she betrayed you. But you don’t know the entire story yet. You know better than anyone that in our lives – yours especially – people’s actions are definitely not always what they seem. And it sounds like your mom still has a lot more to tell you, so…you want to go back? Give her five more minutes?”

Sydney looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. She was quiet for about a minute, and then nodded. “OK.” She finally said softly. “I’ll go back. But only five minutes. And I’m taking Katie with me, she had already slept for an hour, so she should be fine.”

Vaughn nodded, not wanting to argue with Sydney, at least not when she was in this state, and just put his arm around her shoulders as they walked out of the room.


The threesome arrived in the family room a few minutes later, and it appeared that no one had moved while they were in Katie’s room. Sydney, not looking at Irina, said, “You have five minutes.” And sat down on a couch with Vaughn.

Irina nodded, pleased that her daughter had returned, and opened her mouth. “As I said before, I turned myself into the CIA in the hopes that in doing so I would be able to acquire the necessary intelligence needed to fulfill Rambaldi’s prophecy. I was convinced that this legacy was a child, and I knew that since Sydney was not married, not even dating, the only chance I had of finding out if she was in love was to observe her. Of course, within a week of turning myself in, I had all the information I needed – to me, nothing was more clear than the fact that Sydney loved Michael and that he shared her feelings. Of course, they weren’t together, but I knew that meant nothing. So I had the information I needed, but I was still in CIA custody. I had put a plan in place for my extraction, of course, but as I had never dreamed that I would acquire the information so quickly, that plan wasn’t to be used for months. In the interim I attempted to escape multiple times, but I was too heavily watched. There was nothing I could do.”

At these words Jack smiled. Even though he loved Irina, he was still pleased that his suspicions had been correct and she had been planning on escaping.

Irina had stopped, gathering her thoughts, and now continued. “A curious thing happened while I was in custody, something I had never expected. I got the chance to know my daughter. Sydney, every time we talked, every time you came to me voluntarily, my desire to complete the works of Rambaldi, to fulfill his prophecies, was diminished. I know that you had a difficult time this year, believing that Sloane had really abandoned his quest of this man, but I know he is sincere. I know because the same thing that happened to him, realizing he had Nadia, happened to me. Of course, I had always known that you were alive but being with you, seeing you, talking to you…my desire for all things Rambaldi eroded while I was in CIA custody.”

Sydney had come into the living room prepared to listen to her mother’s story and then tell her to go to hell, but now, seeing her like this – crying! – she didn’t know if she could still do it. So she just sat there, saying nothing, waiting for her mother to continue.

“Though my desire to use the legacy in the prophecy was all but gone, I knew that I still had to ensure that the legacy came into being. I no longer had a desire to find out Rambaldi’s end game was, but I knew that he had predicted too many things accurately for me to take any chances. This legacy, if the prophecy was to be believed, was the only way of ensuring that both of my daughters didn’t die. So I escaped from CIA custody as I had planned to do months before. I was worried that once I was away from you, the quest for Rambaldi would continue to consume me, but it didn’t. There was no going back to how I used to be, thank God. However, I still had to find a way to ensure that you and Agent Vaughn had a child together. So I went to Sloane and, disguising my real intentions, I worked with him. At first everything was fine. And then my sister reappeared.”