New Dr Who to be revealed as Dean Sullivan

Dean sullivan the actor who shot to fame in the Channel 4 soap opera is goign to be the new Dr Who. Do you all think that he will be a good Dr or not? I personally think he will be a great Dr.

Welcome to Cool Sci-Fi! :thumbsup:

Tennant has done such as great job as the character that I think some fans may not easily accept somebody else in the role.
Yeah but he can't nor does he want to do it forever. It will be sad to see him go but I think that dean will be a good replacement.

PS Thanks for the warm welcome.
LEL! there were no facts at the time of this threads creation :) Not unless Op had a time machine, popped into the future, found out who which balls won the lottery and then came back and made his bet!
Whilst he was seen in action for a couple of minutes at the end of the New Year special when the doctor transformed, the new series does not bring here until the Spring. Then it will take a US network to pick up the show and schedule its airing. You're waiting a bit, but it will come. Something this 'traditional' won't miss the US out.
Spring comes around fast anymore so I will be glad to see it on whatever network carries the Doctor Who series for the U.S..