Politics New Liberal Majority in ONtario

Well, I guess mostly Canadians will respond because, it is Canadian politics. I was happy with the Liberal win because i was fed up with the PC, and our schools had like 33 kids in every class. I couldn't believe that they wanted to privatise Health Care, imagine how much it would cost? and up north people are having trouble finding doctors. The Liberals had some good ideas, and i hope that they are able to make them work, they won 72/103 available seats, the PC won 24/103, NDP 7/103. I felt bad for the NDP i wished they had official party status. I am happy Tony Clement lost... he was in my riding.
Usually NDP, but this year I campaigned for the liberals, for a number of reasons, mostly because the tories had to go. They're putting all this blame on Dalton for not keeping promised, you've got to remember he has considerably less money than he though he would have, because of the hidden deficite. I couldn't vote though, too young.
Wow Canadian Politics... interesting i myself am from Alberta but we are not Liberals, though my family strongly supports the Liberals. Here where I live everyone hates the liberals, its a Western Canada thing, we tend to feel excluded from the rest of Canada, becasue all of the money we make in taxes go east to support the Provinces there. Sorry for going off topic, but all i wanted to say was i m glad the Liberals have a strong majority there, when the next federal election happens it can only help the liberals, because at the moment Canadian politics is just kinda messed, with the merging of all the other Political Parties.
Do you think the merging of the alliance and the conservatives will hurt or help them? It won't split the vote anymore, but I think the alliance is well...more conservative than the conservatives. I know when I turn 18 I won't be voting for them. N.D.P or Liberal only.
I have this friend who's obsessed with politics so he made me go into the Liberal Campagnie office with him before the election. Though i dont' understand much. Can someone tell me why no one votes for NDP? I think their plan sounds pretty good :blink:
--mandy :angelic:
Its the not as rich provinces that usally vote NDP, they have more social programs, welfare, they tax more, there ideas are good but they tend to over spend and leave huge debts.
The new alliance will help them IMO, in western Canada everyone is divided among politcal parties, and in the provinces of Ontario and Quebeq which make up the majority of the ridings they have a strong Liberal campaign and supporters. Now with the merger of these pollitical parties, the majority of Western Canada will be supporting one party. They will finally have a chance to form a Federal Government if they win the next federal election.
Well some people agree with the whole Conservative thing, you take care of yourself, you make your money, you keep it kind of thing, while the NDP think you should help provide for those who can't help themselves deal, and the liberals just kind of sit on the fence and do what they think the people want them to do. And the alliance are just the extreme right. And then the Green party thinks the environment is the main priority, and the the family Coalition party (yeah we're getting into the obscure parties now), is really, really far right, and thinks that everybody should definitely take care of themselves, and they're very rooted in religious beliefs and family values (and they're against abortion, gay marriage, ext. as well), and then the marijuana party (which I think does exist in cities, cuz I saw someone talking about it on speaker's corner once), their main priority is...umm...pot. That's a rough view of Canadian politics, and kind of says why people don't vote for the NDP, they don't agree with the Ideology.
Um yea I voted Liberal because I didn't like what was going on with schooling.
And since I want to be a teacher theres no way I would vote for a guy who wanted to ban teacher strikes and Work-to-Rule.
Why dont you take away all our rights?
Granted I'm going to teach because i want to teach kids. It doesn't mean I have to be poor doing it.