New To Alias?

Azhria Lilu

Note: Due to recent events, this guide does not help you with what is curretnly happening in Alias. It only helps explain what happened in Season 1.

This is what happened in Season 1. If somone would like to do a Season 2 thing, feel free to do so :)

Sydney Bristow, the main character, is a college student - and a spy. When she was just starting college, her life wasn't so great (few if any friends, no relationship with her father, and a dead mother) and some men who said they worked for US intelligence and offered her a job.

They convinced her they were CIA and gave her a job as an office assistant at bank called Credit Dauphine.

After a little while as an assistant, she was told she was ready for the transition. The transition was training to become a spy. Training lasted eight months and was where Sydney first learned to shoot, kick-butt and memorize things as quickly as she does.

During training Sydney first heard the term SD-6. She was told SD-6 was a blackops division of the CIA. Blackops meaning that it was a division that is funded by the CIA's black budget. Operations that are highly classified, even hidden from congressional oversight. They led her to believe that SD-6 was one of these divisions and that that was why they didn't operate through Langley.

The end of the transition was when Sydney was taken to SD-6 headquarters, which turned out to be only as far as a ride in the elevator. SD-6 is located in is located on sublevel six of the Credit Dauphine building.

At SD-6, she originally just had a desk job. She met SD-6's director, Arvin Sloane, and her future SD-6 operations partner, Dixon.

Within the first year, she was being sent on reconnaissance missions. At the same time, her social life was improving and she made good friends - Will (a reporter) and Francie. She also got a boyfriend, Danny.

One afternoon on campus, Danny proposed to Sydney and she accepted. But know that they were getting married, she thought he deserved to know the truth. So one evening she took him into the shower and told him how she worked for the CIA.

But when Sydney was on a mission, Danny left a message mentioning that she was a spy. And when SD-6 found out through the bug planted on her phone, they killed him.

After Danny was killed, Sydney refused to go back to SD-6, which SD-6 saw as betrayal. Once in a parking lot, they tried to kill her, but Sydney's father, Jack, pulled up in a car to save her.

He started shooting at the SD-6 officers which confused Sydney because she had never seen him with a gun, none the less shoot one at someone.

He explained that he too worked for SD-6. And he explained that SD-6 really wasn't part of the CIA, but part of The Alliance, a freelance group that was fighting for its own fortune, not freedom.

He explained that a group of former CIA agents went freelance and he was one of them. Only a few people inside SD-6 itself knew this fact - only high-ranking officers, like him.

In shock, she went to the real CIA to try and become a double agent - someone pretending to work for one agency but really trying to hurt them.

There she meets her handler, Michael Vaughn. While at Danny's gravesite, her father comes up and tells her that he too is a double agent for the CIA.

This is how missions work. First there is the SD-6 briefing, where Sloane outlines what the mission is about and the goals. Normally, Sydney, Dixon (if you missed it before, Dixon is Sydney's SD-6 operations partner), and Marshall are at the meeting. Jack has also been known to be present.

Marshall is SD-6's tech guy. He makes all the gadgets that Sydney and Dixon will use on their missions. These gadgets can range from sunglasses that take pictures to cell phones that take fingerprints.

Once Sydney is off work, she writes down what the mission is and where it is to take place on a paper bag and puts it in a designated trash can at a designated time. A CIA agent then picks it up and brings it to headquarters.

When the CIA is ready to give the counter-mission, something that Sydney will do on her trip to do a small thing to either stop SD-6 from fully completing its mission or at least letting the CIA know the information SD-6 is getting too, "Joey's Pizza" calls Sydney's apartment - it's always the wrong number.

In one episode, Francie, Sydney's friend, answered the phone and again it was Joey's Pizza and she was annoyed so when they said "Joey's Pizza?", she said, "yes, I would like a double cheese pizza please".

Anyway, after the call Sydney goes out and meets Vaughn (her CIA handler [a handler is someone who you meet with to discuss missions, etc.]).

Sydney and Vaughn aren't supposed to have a personal relationship - but they do. Many Alias fans want them to date.

On the mission, Sydney will do her countermission. An example of this might include:
Copying files so that the CIA has access to them too
Switching the artifact/files with fake ones and giving the CIA the real ones

After the mission Sydney will again talk with Vaughn. They are very close.

In the past, Sydney found books with KGB orders in them. Orders to kill CIA agents. She then thought that her father (Jack) was the killer of all of these CIA agents - one of them being Vaughn's father.

When Vaughn and Sydney schedule a meeting with Devlin (the CIA director) to turn Jack in, Jack turns up at the meeting with Director Devlin and others. Jack explains that yes, the books contained KGB orders to kill CIA agents, and yes, those orders were carried out. But he didn't carry out those orders - Sydney's mother did.

SD-6 was once attacked but Sydney and Vaughn and Jack worked as a team to stop it and in the process gain for the CIA a Rambaldi artifact from SD-6's vault.

So who is Rambaldi? The entire Intelligence world is trying to find artifacts made by Rambaldi - an ignored person who the agencies now think was a prophet [more information about Rambaldi]

Rambaldi wrote a prophecy about someone who the FBI thought was Sydney, and they arrested her. But Vaughn found a phrase in the prophecy saying that this person never visited a certain mountain. Using his brain, he makes a plan with Jack to extract (go in and bring her away) her and bring her to that mountain. The plan eventually works and Sydney's cover is not blown.

Sydney has more troubls when an old boyfriend that she dated in SD-6 training comes back. We later learn he's a cold blooded assign.

And her guy troubles don't end becuase Vaughn almost drowns at the end of season one.

And if that isn't enough, at the end of season one, she discovers that The Man - the person leading the agency that tried to take over SD-6 - the agency that just captured her - is not a man at all - The Man is her supposedly dead mother.

That is Alias - the most exciting, thrilling show I've ever seen. Enjoy.
and the simple version (opening to season 1) ;)

"My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago I was recruited to a secret branch of the CIA called SD-6. I was sworn to secrecy, but I couldn't keep it from my fiance and when the head of SD-6 found out, he had him killed. That's when I learned the turth, SD-6 is not part of the CIA. I'd been working for the very people I thought I was fighting against. So, I went to the only place that could help me take them down. Now, I'm a double agent for the CIA where my handler is a man named Michael Vaughn. Only one other person knows the truth about what I do - another double agent inside the CIA, someone I hardly father."
actually there are three variations to the opening of Alias. season ! has two verisions, while season 2 holds the thrid version. and the last episode didn't have the opening at all! :cuss:

and the opening in the second episode (So it Begins) is as follows (verbatim):

My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago, I was recruited to work for SD-6, which I was told was a covert branch of the CIA. I was trained as a spy, warned not to tell anyone what I did. I thought I was working for the good guys until I told my fiancé about SD-6, and they had him killed. That’s when I learned the truth, that SD-6 was part of the very enemy I thought I was fighting. Now I’m a double agent working with the real CIA to bring down SD-6, where my only ally is another double agent, a man I hardly know, my father...
Wow. I never knew there were two versions of the first Season opening. How many eps did they use it in?
Yes, I only posted the ony because it explained the show the best.

After rewatching all of my tapes over the summer, I picked up on the alternate opening, and i hated it. Go back and listen to it, it sounds so bland.
SpyBarbie007 said:
What's the alternate opening sound like?
Like this (it was only used for a few episodes ):

My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago, I was recruited to work for SD-6, which I was told was a covert branch of the CIA. I was trained as a spy, warned not to tell anyone what I did. I thought I was working for the good guys until I told my fiancé about SD-6, and they had him killed. That’s when I learned the truth, that SD-6 was part of the very enemy I thought I was fighting. Now I’m a double agent working with the real CIA to bring down SD-6, where my only ally is another double agent, a man I hardly know, my father...
Does anyone know were I can read quotes and stuff? For some reason my computer won't let me open up the site to read the transcripts.
i kno everythin bout hte show but i want to kno how u get pics under ur name n pics under ur reply. can anyoen plz help me