No escape

(yes this is another post-finale fanfic and its my first one, remember)

Irina slowly walked to the chair where her daughter sat in restraints. She had never seen a look of such livid contempt on Sydney’s face, not even in Taipei just a year ago when she shot her. How could she explain to Sydney the truth? Of course she’d never believe her, but she had to try. As she approached, she was halted dead in her tracks.

“Don’t,” Sydney said, furious.

“Sydney, please,” Irina’s voice was calm and gentle.

“Do you think you can just talk to me, and tell me how much you love me, and it will make everything better. Oh yes, well if you said that, surely we can go out to lunch and have a nice little chat. Who do you think you are?” Sydney snapped, “My mother?!”

Sydney was furious. Did her mother really think that after betraying her, not to mention the CIA, then kidnapping her and holding her there, that she could just talk to Sydney like nothing had happened? Irina had worked with Allison; she was responsible for Francie’s death. She is evil, Sydney thought, she is evil. Then, as she was about to begin ranting at her mother, a voice interrupted.

“Having a nice chat here are we?” said the voice

Who was it, Sydney couldn’t tell. His face was hidden in shadow. But wait, Sydney knew that voice; She knew exactly who it was. She was not going to listen to this.

Sydney wanted to yell so much, that she couldn’t even get a word out. She just froze up and glared at the figure with the utmost despise.

“Well I didn’t expect a cheerful reunion,” the voice had a face now as he stepped out of the shadows and revealed a frowning Sloane.

“I do hope you can forgive me, but you gave me no other choice. I warned you didn’t I?”

“Shut up”

“I have forgiven you. Soon you will understand why this has to happen”

“I said shut up!”

“Yes, well there is no time to waste, I’ll see you soon”

Sloane turned and left the room, leaving Sydney and Irina alone again. Irina, while having remained silent for the past few minutes turned to Sydney, desperate.

“Sydney, sweetheart, I know you don’t want to but you have to believe me. This has to happen. You will see soon, why. But I would never betray you. I am working in your best interests. I only keep up this charade with Sloane for that purpose. Sydney, truth takes time, you know that.” Irina whispered sympathetically.

The whole time Sydney looked straight ahead. Don’t listen to her, she said to herself, she’s done this before. Just don’t listen. Sydney had heard her mother say these things before. Why? She didn’t really expect Sydney to believe them, unless in her twisted mind she believed them herself. Yes, that’s it, she’s delusional, Sydney agreed.

Irina left the room, leaving Sydney with her thoughts. She had to figure out some kind of plan. She had to get out… But then, her mind raced. Why was she here? What were they planning to do with her? Surely not kill her because they would have done that already… The chair was made of steel and was cemented to the ground. It wasn’t weak she could tell that already, and the handcuffs were tightened so tight, there was no way she could free her hands with the thick steel on the chain…Could this be some kind of manipulation, or mind conditioning?… There had to be something else. She looked around the room, panicking. No windows, and no doors, except for the one her mother and sloane had come through. Even that door she could see was solid steel. There must have been at least 5 bolt locks on it and a key card entry…Sydney was torn between worrying about the reasons why she was there and her instinct to find a way out. This was not going to be easy. Sydney almost laughed at the thought of escape while still handcuffed to that chair.

She waited, it seemed for hours upon end. Sometimes she could hear in the back round the clanking of hammers and buzz of saws. It could mean a million different things for Sydney, but one thing immediately stuck in her mind: the rambaldi device. They were going to use it on her. No sooner had she come to this conclusion, then Sloane walked into the room, with that evil grin Sydney so much despised.

“Well a few minor repairs had to be made. We didn’t expect it to stay fully intact when we moved it” Sloane gave her a toothless grin. “ You know, it’s a shame we didn’t get to use it on your father, Sydney. But, I realize now, you are a much better candidate for this particular device”

Sydney just sat there frozen in hate, but at the same time a look of worry flashed across her face. What was this thing?

“I certainly hope this is successful” Sloane turned and left the room.

“Its time!” she heard him shout to the crew that undoubtedly was working on the device

The door swung open and five men dressed in gray workers uniforms wheeled a very large machine in the middle of the room coming very close to Sydney. At that point anger had completely left her and she was now close to panic. The men left the room and the final clank of the door echoed around the room, spelling for Sydney, what she thought was the end. What little light there was in the room flickered and died. The machine started spinning slowly at first, then faster. Faster and faster it continued to spin, then suddenly the room was filled with a blinding white light. Sydney grimaced, this was it, this was the end...

( Like I said, This is my first fanfic, so if you like it, please respond. And, in the words of Vaughn, “If you don’t like it, well then don’t tell me.” ) I’ll post more as soon as I get some feedback
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I LIKE I LIKE I LIKE!!!! Please continue!! If it isn't too much trouble couldya send me a PM when you update?
More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More MoreMore More More More More More More More More More More More. Soon. :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D :P :P :smiley: :smiley: :angelic: :angelic: :woot: :woot:
here it is, finally, i hope you guys enjoy it. it might seem boring, but im going to get into the really deep dialogue next chap. its kind of short, but im going to post some more soon. (like tomorrow soon, not a month from now soon ;) )

Agent Michael Vaughn stood outside the door to a warehouse in Paris. He waited there, a gun in his hand, listening for the signal to move. Sydney was just out of his reach. He knew it, he knew she was there maybe just feet from him, on the other side of the door. His mine raced. Why was he waiting? Didn’t they know Sydney was right there? Vaughn could hardly surpress the urge to break down the door and go running toward Sydney. He was terrified, exited, he didn’t know what to feel. Then, it came to him, a memory of a day he never forgot when he stood feeling just like this. It was one day, almost 2 years ago.


Vaughn paced inside his office in the CIA headquarters. She should have come in an hour ago. Didn’t she get my page?

After all, she was only an hour late, there could be a hundred explanations for why Sydney wasn’t in yet, all of which raced through Vaughn’s head as he stood there. This was going to be a surprise. Sydney would come in, expecting a long drawn out mission debriefing, only to find out she and Vaughn were going to leave for Santa Barbara. Vaughn smiled at the thought of her running in, out of breath, apologizing that she was late for the meeting. Then he would tell her the truth. She would smile and tell him how great he is and they would leave to spend a great weekend together.


But Vaughn remembered how it really went. He had stood there for another hour or so and when she didn’t come in, he called her to see what was wrong. He had gotten no answer and left to check to see if she was still at her house. Vaughn shuddered as he remembered standing there, in a torn apart room looking at the body of Francie, well Allison Dorren, he later found out. After the shock of the scene subsided, Vaughn had discovered Will in the bathtub. Will didn’t remember anything, he told Vaughn that in the hospital. Vaughn couldn’t help but be a little annoyed by the fact that Will was the only eyewitness yet he didn’t remember a thing.

Vaughn was jerked back into reality by the voice in his sat com radio.

“I want all units to standby and wait for my signal”

This was it

“ready and…”

Of course I am


A barrage of missles and bullets hit the doors leading into the building. Vaughn leading, he made his way down the hallway. It was instinct. Straight down that hall, and to the left. He would find Sydney. He could hear combat from all directions, yet Vaughn didn’t take precautions. He didn’t hunch down and wait to turn corners. He ran as fast as he could toward that door. He was closer, still closer. Vaughn paused for a second, his hand over the doorknob. With one last effort of determination, he burst through the door only to find a blinding white light.



What is that? Sydney’s head was buzzing slightly. The noise became louder and louder. Suddenly she realized it wasn’t a buzzing sound, no, more like a beeping.

“Beep, Beep!, Beep!!, Beep!!, Beep!!!”

She lay there for a second, not wanting to wake from this deep contentness. Suddenly the peacefulness faded away and she remembered. The machine. Rambaldi.Sloane.....My mother. In one swift second, her eyes flew open and she jerked up to see something she didn't expect. Sydney reeled around to see where the beeping was coming from. It was, well it was an alarm clock. Sydney sat there confused. And, this was her room. She sat idly, not taking it in or bothering to shut off the noise.

"Hey Sydney, what are you doing? You look like you've just seen a ghost. And what, you dont know how to turn off an alarm clock?"

This couldn't be real. It couldn't. Sydney watched this person walk over and turn the alarm off. She sat there, her mouth half open, as she stared up at this person in disbelief.
