No escape

im so bogged down with school, i cant make any promises, sorry :( but i am working on it, i havent forgotten, so maybe by wednesday?? and you can count on this one being VERY long. i dont like to post short ones.
(sorry it took so long. darn school)

“No, I’m a secret government spy sent here to assassinate you.”


“Uh, Syd, its call a joke. Man, whats wrong with you? Did you get in late last night? Oh gosh, who died?!”

“No one… wait. What? How?” It was barely audible

Sydney was in complete shock. She didn’t know what to think. How was this real? The only thought she could decipher was her own confusion. But one feeling was prevailing. Her adrenaline and fear kicked in and it was all she could do to keep from jumping up and doing something, anything at all.. Now her thoughts were filled with betrayal. This was A. G. Doren, it wasn’t Francie. It wasn’t Francie. It wasn’t…

Sydney flew off the bed and lunged after Doren. She didn’t get very far because at that very second her head pulsated loudly and there was a terrible screeching in her head. Suddenly everything was spinning. She couldn’t focus and it took a mere couple of seconds to bring her crashing to the ground, way before she had done any kind of damage to Doren. It continued, the pounding and pounding in her head. It was an immobilizing pain. Her hands were held up to her forehead in an attempt to rub the pain out, not that she really believed it. She couldn’t see anything or think anything, except for sheer unyielding pain. It all faded away as she finally collapsed on the floor.

“She’s ok.” Irina dropped Sydney’s hand and bent over to see her more closely.

“Well, now you’ve done it.”

“And how is this my fault?”

“See that shiny little red button next to the gear there?”

“What are you talking about, I pushed it, Irina”

“Well obviously you didn’t. That was a completely different scenario than we’d planned. Or maybe you just thought Sydney being subjected to unbearable pain was just part of the plan. Now I have to reconfigure this before Sloane comes back to check up on our progress…You aren’t rethinking this are you?”

Jack looked as if he was making up his mind. He sighed and Irina could tell he’d resolved his conflict. It wasn’t like Irina was so sure herself. It was highly dangerous what they were doing to Sydney. Putting her through these training exercises like this. Well, they both knew it was the only way she would be ready to take on what was inevitably going to happen. Besides having to do all this in secret, they also had to keep their true plans secret from Sloane.

Jack looked at Irina, then at Sydney on the cot hooked up to the machine. He knew Sydney would never have let this happen had she known the truth and it wasn’t like it was legal but, like Irina, he knew what he had to do. If they didn’t do this Sydney was, without a doubt, not going to live. After all, hasn’t a father the right to look after his daughter? That’s all he’s doing. He wished it didn’t have to be this way though.

Jack took a minute then walked over to the corner of the room to look down the hallway there. He saw, very vaguely the outline of a person in one of the rooms. They didn’t normally take prisoners but Jack had insisted on this one.

“I know what your thinking” Irina was now a few feet behind him.

“This is all wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”

“Your saying you don’t want to continue. You know as well as I do Jack that there is not alternative. Not the CIA, not anyone. We are Sydney’s only hope and if we don’t do this Jack…”

“Yes, I am well aware of the consequences thank you. No, this is the way it has to be.”

Jack turned back to look at the figure in the room.
“Sloane is very opposed to your decision concerning him.” Irina was now looking at this man too.

“I am not a killer Irina. I don’t just kill someone so casually when it isn’t necessary. Besides, if you were really concerned for Sydney, you’d know how devastated she would be if we killed Agent Vaughn. Now enough of this. Sloane will be back any time. We’ve got to start the machine again. He cant know.”

Irina smiled, unnoticed to Jack.

“I’ve already finished. We can begin now.”