C & C Not Complete - But Here It Is


Well.. I'm attempting to make a 'Ground Breaking' sig..
this is the first bit of it, I ran out of ideas, lol.

nice start =] here's what you can do to improve it:
~don't shrink the sprite, as you see, it makes it look gay and blurry
~try using some more particle-ish effect C4D to get that "breaking" effect
~do some "particle" filters on lighten. most of the Distort and Brush Strokes ones give a decent outcome
~gradient maps!(that seems to be on the list whenever i CnC a sig :P)

as i said, good start mate.
hm... if you add a tiny bit more white particle effects, then apply image and sharpen, it will look good. just don't forget to lower the opacity of the sharpen layer, otherwise its gonna be death :P