Not The Same

hey, i updated yesterday everywhere else... but of course. this silly site was down... so.. here ya go.

no promises on pm's though...

Chapter 13

“You know its formal, right?” Sydney asked.

“Yeah.” Michael wondered where she was going with this.

“Well, then you have to pick me up.” She grinned.

“Oh, will I?” He teased.

“Yup.” She smiled at him and then walked through the gates of the school. He followed her and slipped his hand into hers. She was overjoyed that he was walking with her, in front of all their peers, and claiming her as his own. Now she didn’t have to ignore the heat his touch sent through her. She had a date with Michael Vaughn and nothing could take that away from her.

Except maybe Lauren.

“What is he doing with her?” She spat disgustedly. Sydney frowned, closing in on herself like she always used to. She wasn’t good enough for Michael, she thought. “She must put out or something.” She sneered, stopping Sydney dead in her tracks.

Is that what people thought of her? Is that why Michael wanted to go out with her? What if he was just like the rest of the jocks? She felt Michael squeeze her hand, but wasn’t reassured. He must have heard too.

“Don’t let it get to you, their just jealous.” He whispered to her. To Sydney, that sounded just as impossible as pigs flying.

“Yeah right.” She scoffed, turning away from him. He pulled her into their empty English classroom, looking straight into her eyes. He turned her chin to make her look at him.

“You’re beautiful, don’t ever think any differently.” He was so sincere about it, she jumped up and hugged him. Sydney surprised even herself. She breathed in his scent and lingered a little longer than necessary, but not without consequence.

“Geez, get a room.” Eric said as he entered the classroom. Sydney blushed deeply and removed herself from Michael’s grasp, retreating to a seat in the front row.

Eric and Will took seats at the far back, waiting for Michael to join them. He walked over to Sydney instead and crouched down to her height.

“You wanna sit with us?” He asked, and she smiled and grabbed her bag to follow him to a new seat.

The rest of the students filed into the classroom, noticing Sydney and Michael and whispering about it. She just wanted to disappear. She didn’t want to be talked about, she didn’t want people to think things like what Lauren said. She didn’t want a bad reputation. But she didn’t want to show them that she wasn’t comfortable.

“Is Sydney here yet?” The teacher asked, upon entering the room and not seeing her in the first row. Sydney bashfully raised her hand from the back row and Mrs. Wagner smiled at her. “There you are. Ok, class, pull out your books and your homework.” A groan erupted from the students, but they all complied.

“Good thing I had help.” Michael commented when the teacher was walking around collecting their work. He could tell that Eric had just filled in random answers to the questions and most of them weren’t right.

“You steal some kid’s answers?” Eric asked, and Michael shook his head.

“No, I went over to Syd’s house.” He smiled at her and she blushed in return. Eric could sense that there was something more than friendship going on with them, and he wanted to know.

“Are you two dating now?” He whispered, not wanting Sydney to hear. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable if they weren’t.

“Maybe.” Michael answered, shrugging his shoulders. Eric raised his brow confused.


“Well, I asked her to the play this weekend, and she said yes. But I’m not sure if that counts as a date.” Michael told him in an equally soft whisper.

“You know that’s like, formal, right?” Eric asked, and Michael rolled his eyes. What was wrong with getting dressed up? Why did people think it was so horrible?

“Yeah, and I’m picking her up.” He stopped talking as the teacher called back the attention of the class and told them to pair off into groups of two for a worksheet.

“You wanna work together?” Michael asked Sydney and she blushed and nodded, turning her desk to face his. They worked together for a few minutes before they were interrupted by a very familiar voice, clearly commenting on them with a sneeze.


TBC... muhaha.
OK I really hope Syd just turns around and slaps her!!!!
-Hopefully Lauren doesn't do anything to ruin their 'date'!!!!!
Great update!! Loved it!! Thanks for the pm!!!
ok some one needs to shut lauren up before i do.. where the heck does she get off.. just cause she didnt get vaughn.. hmmm.. well this shall bring a new twist to the story.. thanks for the pm.. cant wait to see how the "formal" date goes!!
*Pulls chair out from under lauren*
*trips her when she walks down the row*
Sorry didn't mean to leave my stuff there!
muhaha indeed.
WHO THE HECK CALLED SYD A SLUT!? CUZ IF IT WAS LAUREN, SHE SHOULD TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR! let's shove the person in the ground and burry them... mwahahaa! :D