Nothing is Ever What it Seems.


These Words, From My Heart...
Title: Nothing is Ever What it Seems.
Written for the Sarkney Smut Challenge
Rating:'s for the R-rated challenge...HELLO??!? :lol:
Word Count: 8,025 words
Summary: After the tramatic death of her father, Sidney decides to locate her mother. Along the way she runs into Sark while he is meeting someone from his past head on.
Disclaimer: Okay so blah, blah, blah...none of the Alias characters belong to me, The underlined part is my quote choice from the movie Fight Club which, also does not belong to me.
Author’s Notes: And, I do plan on continuing the story even after the contest is over..I have about 2 more chapters written. But had to end it and the right point for now.

Sark leaned against the wall and gently rubbed his fingertips over the rather large welt that was almost done healing on his face. He had been locked up in CIA’s custody for approximately 6 months now. He looked around his cell…there was a 2 x 2 foot window with bars allow him to have minimal sunlight and outside air. A metal bed chained to the wall with one pillow and one wool blanket but other than that, there was nothing. “God...I need to get out of here.” He screamed inside his head. He got off the bed and walked over the plastic wall where he had many conversations with Director Dixon, and Jack Bristow. Vaughn wasn’t allowed to see him again after they discovered Vaughn had quite literally bashed his face in. “He’ll pay for that.” He heard a noise behind him…almost like a “Helicopter?!”, he said out loud. Suddenly he heard a loud bang and the wall with his only window came flying into the room. Bricks were thrown all over the room and dust floated in the air and covered Sark completely from head to toes. “Son of a …” He wasn’t able to finish when a figure completely covered in black including a mask that covered their face came flying into the room. They hooked a safety belt around his waist and clipped the belt to their own safety belt. “Would mind telling my what the hell is going on?” The person didn’t reply but tugged on the safety line and the two of them were lifted into the air and slowly pulled up into the helicopter. Once they were inside and Sark was unhooked he sat back and looked around. A rather large gentleman had been operating the crane that pulled Sark and the masked figure into the helicopter. It felt like the whole thing had taken an hour to occur. “See, I damn well told I could have the whole thing done in 2 minutes. We were in and out of there before they even had time to react.” The masked figure said to the large man who was now sitting next to Sark. “What the hell just happened here?” Sark asked the masked figure. “Well,….the masked figure reached up and peeled of the ski mask to reveal a beautiful chestnut brunette with almost an identical face to Sark…”It seems I just saved you bloody arse, big brother.” Sark looked into the clear blue eyes that were a mirror image of his….”Haaaaaaaaaaaaa….” He laughed out loud as he grabbed his little sister and pulled her into a hug.


Sark felt relaxed now that he had showered and was wearing Armani. He was brought to her sister’s house outside of Moscow…an old monastery she was converting into a massive house. He knew he would be safe here because no one knew about Sam. He leaned back against the leather sofa and took a sip of the red wine she had given him. His face took a shocked look once he swallowed, “That can’t be!” “Chateau Mouton-Rothschild, Pavillaa, 1979.” She replied. He turned the wine glass in his hand to look again at the red liquid. The wine that was mothers, she had bought a bottle of it right before she died. He had tried to locate another bottle, but had failed. “I was renovating one of the rooms on the 4th floor and I found a large crate in the corner of the room. When I opened it I saw rows and rows of the wine. I guess it was destiny that brought me here.” He placed the glass back on the table and looked over at Sam. She had grown up so much in the past 12 years. He always kept tabs on her and sent her packages every year on her birthday. He even managed to come up and visit once in a while, but not nearly enough. The one thing he wished he could have done better on was raising Sam. After mother died it was just him and her. By the time he was 16 he had done enough work for Irina that he had money to set her up in a school in Switzerland. Irina had taken the two of them under her wing and assisted Sam in finding the Monastery. He watched her as she told one of the servants to bring in another bottle of wine. It was odd to imagine that at 22 she was already a multi-millionaire and owed this massive house. After she left the school she started restoring old paintings for the rich and well to do. Of course in that would she was know as Riley O’Thomas. The hermit who did work out of his home in the Alps. He had set up a false address in Switzerland where all the paintings were sent to and from, no one would have been able to trace it back to Sam. “Sam, what’s going on? “Well, you didn’t think I would let ya rot in the bloody custody of the CIA did ya? I called some old connections and found out where you were. After that it was simply a matter of collecting my things and flying there.” “Does she know that you did this?” She stood up and walked over the couch where he was sitting and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around her and she leaned into his shoulder. “Who do you think I asked, when I needed to know where you were?!” He nodded, because he had already known the answer. There was no one else that would have been able to give her that type of information. They sat there together for a while just enjoying each other’s company again. “I miss you Julian.” She whispered before she passed out. He lightly kissed the top of her head. “I miss you too Sam.”


“I want to know how the HELL he got out of a cell that was 110 feet in the air.” the voice from speaker screamed into Dixon’s office. “It seems Sir, that someone with helicopter placed an explosive device on the wall and blew a hole in it and carried him out through that.” Marshal meekly replied. “I pulled camera footage and was able to see it all happened. It took them about 2 minutes to pull off the whole thing, which actually is quite amazing seeing as that he was being held in”…”I don’t care how impressive it was. I want to know who set the explosive and where they and Mr. Sark are right now.” With that said the conversation was ended and the dial tone replaced the Vice President’s voice. “Well….I think that went well.” Marshal replied. Everyone turned and stared at him. “Well, I thought it did.” “Weiss, Vaughn, I want you to pull everything we have on Sark. His convent connections, his old address….Everything. Marshall, review the footage. See if there is anything there that will help us figure out who that person was.” They all nodded at Dixon and left the room. Dixon sat down in his chair and picked up the closed file on his desk. He opened it and stared at the picture. “Where the hell are you when I really need you, Sidney.”

Sidney took a sip of the coffee and placed the mug back down on the nightstand. She raised her arms above her head to stretch and got back down to work. She was tracking her mother’s movements in the hope of trying to locate her. She needed to be with her more now than ever. Sidney had been on a mission; retrieve the missing Rambaldhi artifacts from the Covent’s warehouse. An anonymous tip had revealed the location of the warehouse. Sidney didn’t trust anonymous tips…they never came through. She had been right this time. Sidney was about to enter the warehouse when he father yelled out her name. She spun around and saw him running towards her. “Dad, what are you doing here?” “Sidney don’t go in there…it’s a trap. I followed you here when we found out about it. The artifacts aren’t in there. It’s a ploy to bring you out so they can kill you.” Sidney stepped away from the door and went to run back to her car that was parked 2 blocks away when Jack pushed Sidney to the ground. She raised her head just in time to watch her father get shot. Twice, Once in the head, once in the chest.
Sidney shook the memory from her head. After 6 months the memory was still as fresh as though it had happened yesterday. The pain never went away. Bullets that were meant for her had killed her father. She got up off the bed and walked over to the window. She could still see Red Square from her hotel’s window even though the sun had almost gone down. She leaned against the window…Vaughn and her were planning a trip there, their honeymoon. But after her father had been killed she could be with the CIA anymore. She left everything…her apartment, her job, her fiancé. She had left him a letter…a “dear john” letter so to speak. He tired to stop her but when her father died something inside her did too. She couldn’t be with him anymore, her heart was gone. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since then. A buzzing sound brought her back to reality. She turned her head and saw her phone was vibrating on her nightstand. She walked over to answer it….”Yes?” “Agent Bristow…missed me?”


Vaughn sat at his desk trying to go over everything they had stored on Sark. Aliases, previous address, employers…but his mind kept wandering back to Sidney. This morning as he was getting dressed he pulled open his sock drawer and found the engagement ring under a pair he had taken out. He lifted it out and stared at the shining rock in his hand. His heart hurt all over again. He saw the letter lying underneath and picked it up. The paper was tattered and starting to become worn in the creases where it got folded. He had read it so many times, that now he could recite the letter without even glancing at the words written down.


I lay awake last night and realized that all of the emotions I have inside of me have been used up in the mourning of my dad. The loss of my father has been more devastating to me than anything I can ever express. I don’t have anything left in me anymore. I know that my heart died with my father that day. Watching his death happen before my eyes has changed me. I am no longer the person I was once and I don’t think I will ever be that person again. I am so sorry that I don’t have the strength or courage to say all of this to your face…… It wouldn’t be fair to you if I went though with our engagement knowing that all of this was occurring inside of me. You will always be an important person to me but, I have to leave.

~ Sidney

He folded the letter back up and placed it and the ring back in his sock drawer. He covered it up with another pair of socks and shut the drawer.


“What do you want.” He tried not to smile as he heard the venom in he voice. “I asked you a question…did you miss me?” “Seems an awful waste of your one call to use it on someone who won’t do anything to help you, Sark!?” “Oh, I’m not calling you from prison…I’ve been….released.” How, did you manage to escape?” “That’s none of your concern anymore. Your no longer an agent. So I guess I no longer have to call you Agent Bristow…do I ………Sidney?!” “What do you want?” Sark walked out on to the balcony overlooking the countryside. “I know where your mother is. She would like to see you.” Sidney almost dropped her phone. “Where is she?” “I am having directions e-mailed to you as we speak. Seeing as though you’re just in Moscow, you should be able to be here in about 45 minutes.” Sidney was finally able to regain her balance, “How did you get my cell number, how do you know where I’m at, and how did you get my e-mail?” Sark smiled and turned around to look back into the sitting room. Irina and Sam were sitting on the couch. Sam closed her laptop and nodded to him. The directions had been sent, Irina looked up and smiled. “Just like you Sidney, I have my connections too.” He hung up the phone. “She’ll be here in 30 minutes.”


“Status Report…what do we have?” Dixon looked around his office at Weiss, Vaughn and Marshall. “Well….” Weiss looked up, “Nothing sir.” None of the old connections pan out. “No one has seen or heard from Sark in the past 6 months.” Vaughn added. Dixon looked over at Marshal. “I scanned the footage and enhanced it 20 times the normal magnification…” “Marshall!” “…But I have nothing sir.” Dixon slammed his fist against the desk. “Damn it!!”


Sidney pulled up the long drive to what seemed to be an old monastery. She pulled around the circular drive and parked under a large tree. As she got out and started walking towards the front door she saw her mother standing at the entrance waiting for her. She walked over to her and they just looked at each other for what seemed like hours. “Mom….” Sidney whispered out. Irina immediately reached out and pulled Sidney against her. She let Sidney sob on her shoulder and gently ran her hand over her hair. She even allowed herself to sob silently along for the man that had always held her heart.

The two of them stood there for a long time just holding each other…mourning and comforting each other over the loss of the man that had meant so much to both of them. Sark watched them from the patio above. When he saw Sidney collapse against her mother something inside him twitched. He wanted to run down there and hold. Help her to forget that her father was gone. He couldn’t understand why the twitch had appeared. “My heart hurts for her.” He wrapped his arm around Sam and pulled her against him. “I know why you’re infatuated with her though.” He turned his head abruptly and stared at her. She was smiling…knowing that she could always get a reaction from him. “What the hell are you talking about?” “Please…you can’t play bloody games with me. I know you.” She said as she poked him the stomach. “Every time you came up here before you were always moaning about agent Bristow…Sidney this…Sidney that. She sparks something in you…an all I’m saying is that no I know why.” Sark turned and looked back at Sidney. Irina and her were walking into the house. I’m not infatuated with Sidney, he thought to himself. The twitch in his stomach came back as he turned to walk back down stairs.

Sidney had her arm wrapped around her mother’s waist and Irina had her wrapped around Sidney’s shoulders. A stranger would have seen the two of them together and would never have guessed that this was the most contact that they have ever had. This was the first since Sidney was a child that she could remember feeling like she really had a mother. Irina brought Sidney over to the couch in the main sitting room and sat her down. She walked over to the bar to pour Sidney something to drink. “Welcome to my house Agent Bristow.” Sidney turned and saw a petite brunette walking towards her. On closer inspection she saw that the women had Sark’s face…almost as though they could have been twins. The women stopped in front of Sidney and held out her hand. “I’m Samantha Lazarey...but everyone call me Sam.” Sidney was too stunned to do anything but stare. “Weren’t you ever taught that it’s rude to stare at people, Sidney?” Sark said as he walked into the room behind Sam. He really wanted to laugh at Sidney’s reaction to meeting his sister for the first time but he knew that he had to play his role. He was going to stand next to Sam but the closer he got to Sidney, the twitch in his stomach grew bigger and bigger. So he decided to sit in the armchair behind her.

Sam laughed out loud and lowered her hand, “It’s okay. I know it has to be a bit of a shock. Julian and I are brother and sister. He is my older brother!” She purposely put the emphases on older and laughed again as Sark growled at that. “Only by 3 years.”, He grumbled. Sidney sat down on the couch still trying to figure out what was going on. How could someone like Sark who was a heartless assassin have a sister who lit up a room with her laughter? She watched as Sam threw herself on top of Sark. He made an Ouff sound and smiled as he started poking her. “How does no one know about you?” Sidney was able to finally ask. Irina sat down next to her and handed Sidney a glass of wine. “I’ve been able to keep Sam completely hidden over the years.” Sidney turned and stared at her mother. “You’ve known about this?” “Irina nodded. “I watched over her. Helped put her in school, found her this house…I watched over her like a daughter.” She turned and looked at Sidney. “You weren’t around so I did for Sam what I wanted to do for you. Sidney laid the glass of wine on the table and dropped her head to her hands. Sam stood up and walked over to her. “You must be exhausted. You must stay here. I have…plenty of room.” She said as she laughed. “Oh no…I really think…” “Nonsense Sidney.” Irina said. “You’re staying here. Staying in a hotel isn’t safe for you at all. At least here you will have security and protection.” Sidney looked over at Sark who raised an eyebrow at her. Sidney simply nodded. “Good! Davis…please bring in Ms. Bristow’s bags from her car. She will be staying in the Garden room.” Irina stood up and said that she would help Davis. “Julian would you please show Sidney up to her room. I need to go into the kitchen and start helping to make dinner.” He nodded and stood up. Sidney stood and followed him. She walked up the stairs and was simply amazed at the size of the place. “I sometime think it’s too big for her. But then she tells me that she wouldn’t have it any other way.” Sidney watched the back of Sark’s head as he talked. She could see the love he had for his sister. She was just having a hard believing that he was capable of love. They walked up three flights of stairs and came to stop in front of the first door down the hallway. “Your mom is in the room right above you. She always stays there.” “Hmph!” Sidney said as he shook her head. She has her own room here, she thought. Sark opened the door and led her into the room. She was stunned into silence again as she walked in behind him. The room was as big as half of her hotel’s lobby. She saw the pale flowers painted on the walls and realized why it was called the garden room.

Sark watched Sidney look around the room. He flipped on the television for some sound and saw that ESPN2 was showing the finals of a bowling competition. “I never understood the competitive nature in this. Ooo, You throw a 9-pound ball faster that I do.” Sidney looked over at him…he was standing in front of the t.v. with the remote in his hand, waving it all over the place while he was talking. She could help the laughter that came out of her mouth. Sark looked over and saw her laughing,…”What is so funny?” “Well, that was a very dramatic speech you gave, Even more so with the flailing of the arms.” He didn’t think what he said was funny and grimaced again. Sidney walked over to where he was standing. “See bowling isn’t just about speed. It’s about control, patience, agility, and timing. You have to wait for the precise moment when everything disappears and it’s just you and the lane. You control yourself making sure that your completely focused on the goal. Moving and adjusting so that everything lines up and then controlling the release so that everything is taken down at the same time.” Sark felt like he had just been read a passage out of the Karma Sutra book. Sidney looked over at him…Has his eyes always been that blue? , She wondered. Before she realized what she was doing she had raised her hand to his face. She felt his pulse throbbing under her fingertips. He stood there drowning in her eyes. He lifted his own hand and moved a strand of hair away from her eyes. “I should go down and see if Sam needs any help.” Sidney was brought back to reality when he spoke. “Umm, Yes. Thanks.” He nodded and started walking towards the door. With his hand on the handle to pull the door closed behind him and stopped and looked up at Sidney. “I know that you have a lot of questions. After dinner we’ll all sit down and talk.” She nodded and watched him leave. “What the hell is going on here.”, She said as she threw herself on the bed.

Sark walked towards the stairs thinking about what had just happened in Sidney’s room. He wanted to kiss her. He felt it all the way down in his toes. He knew that logically with him being an assassin and her being CIA…Ex-CIA, that he shouldn’t want his. He turned back around and headed to Sidney’s door again. Without knocking he opened the door and walked in. Sidney was lying on the bed and jumped up when the door flew open. “Just what do you think your doing you son of a ……” She was cut off by Sark grabbing her and pulling her against him. His mouth came down on Sidney’s, hard. His tongue teased open Sidney’s mouth and he ravished her. His hands were gripping Sidney’s arms but she didn’t notice. The shock had faded into the background and Sidney moved her head so he could have better access. She wanted this. She wanted it when she had her hand on his face. She didn’t know why but she couldn’t stop it...even if she wanted to. His hands had let go of her arms and had made their way into her hair. He gripped and pulled her hair so that her face was tilting upwards. He started kissing her neck. He found the place where her pulse was throbbing and let his tongue flicker over it. Sidney’s hands were at the back of his neck She was running her fingernails through his hair against his scalp. When he ran his tongue over her neck she began purring. The sound of her purring is what brought Sark back to reality. He was ready and willing to take Sidney right there. It was as though she too realized what was about to happen and pulled back form him just as he was pulling back from her. They stood there staring at each other trying to let what had just happened sink in. “I have to go.” Sark said and he turned to leave. “So, that’s it. That’s all your going to say. I have to go. That’s it.” “What the hell do you want me to say Sidney. Sorry…Sorry I was about to throw you on the bed and make love to you? I’m not your agent Vaughn. I’m not a bumbling idiot that is going to apologize for not being able to finish the job.” “You know nothing about Vaughn and how dare you even bring him into this conversation. This isn’t about him. This about what just happened here. Damn it!!! I wanted that to happen. I didn’t want you to stop. I have no idea why…you’re this evil assassin. I’m supposed to want to kill you not…….” “What? f*** me? Well too bad sweetheart! You and I both are stuck in the same place on that one.” Sidney and Sark were now standing inches away form each other again but this time is was because of anger, not unrealized passion. “Your so god damn arrogant. You think that you’re this immortal god …your not. You’re a killer.” “And, you think your so f***ing special. Well, You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” “I hate you.” “Likewise dear.” Suddenly the two of them were once again wrapped up in each other’s arms, clawing and pawing at each other. “You have too many clothes on.” ‘I know.” Sidney replied as Sark ripped her shirt open. Buttons went flying across the room in every direction. Once her shirt was off Sark lowered his mouth to her breast and began to suckle.


While this was going on inside the room, Just outside Irina and Davis has arrived with the luggage. Davis was about to enter when Irina heard a moan come out of the room. Hmm, so that’s where he has been this whole time. She thought to herself. “Davis…just leave the bags out here. Sidney was very tired and I think she may have gone to bed.” “Yes, Madame.” Irina turned and walked back down the stairs with a smile on her face. She’ll have to remember to speak to Julian later.


They had finally managed to make it to the bed. Sidney had arched her back so that Sark would have better access to her. He teased her nipple through the lace of her bra. She moaned out loud at the strain of it against the barrier of the lace. He had finally unclasped the last hook and was able to peel away her bra. Her took her one breast in his mouth again and flickered his tongue over the nipple. He had the other breast in his hand and was working that one with his thumb. Sidney was overwhelmed by combination and felt herself explode on the orgasm that slammed into her. He took his hand and moved it down to the button of her pants. He moved his mouth over to the breast his hand just released and began torturing that one. He had unsnapped her pants and was beginning to pull them off of her. They only got as far as her ankles when she kicked them the rest of the way off. She pulled his hand back up and brought it to her panties. He began rubbing his hand against her through her underwear. She was moving against him rocking and thrusting against his hand. He peeled away her panties brought his hand back up. He could feel how wet she was. He pushed his fingers into her and felt her tighten around him. She gasped when he pushed into her. He watched her as she rubbed her breasts and arched her back. She was lying completely naked in front of him and he loved it. He felt her start to shake and pulled out. He wanted her to go over with him inside her. When he pulled his hands out of her she sat up and pulled his mouth back down on top of hers. She pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the ground. She pulled her mouth away and began sucking on his earlobe. “I want you in me.” His eyes rolled in to the back of his head when she said that. He undid his belt buckle and then his pants. Together they pushed his pants and boxers off and threw them to ground where his shirt was. She took his hard c*** in her hand. He moaned out loud when she grasped him. She guided him into her and pushed him down on the bed. She threw her head back and began riding him as she rubbed her breasts. He ran his hand over her stomach as she rode him. Her moaning became louder and louder. She came violently against him and shook as the second orgasm her, and he was about to come himself. Sidney began riding harder and harder. Then she cried out as he came into her. She collapsed on top of him as he finished going over the edge himself.


They lay there for a while, trying to recapture their breath. Sidney finally rolled off of Sark and sat on the edge of the bed. Sark turned his head and watched her. “I don’t know what is going on here. I don’t think I even want to know. But…we will need to figure it out.” “I agree. It’s not every day that an escaped convict has sex with the person that got him arrested.” Sidney turned around ready to scream at him when she saw him smirking. She picked up his pants and threw them at him. “Bloody Hell…that hurt!” “Good you deserved it!” He looked over and glowered at her and she was grinning. “I got stabbed with something.” He pulled out a locker key that had a safety pin attached to the end. It had opened up and when Sidney threw the pants it was what had stabbed him. “Oh my…I thought I had lost this.” Sidney rolled back onto the bed and lay next to him. “What is it? It looks like it’s from a storage locker.” He looked over at her …”It is. It’s form the locker that holds everything that ever meant something to. Pictures of my mother, Sam, my grandmothers ring that my mother wore all the time. I put everything there where I started….I must have put the keys in these pants, and since I left them here I haven’t ware them in years.” Sidney watched him hold the key, as though it were a rare diamond. “I’m glad you were able to find it.” She leaned over and kissed him and laid her head on his chest. “What are we going to do about this Sark?” “Well, first it’s Julian. And secondly…I have no idea.” “You know I never imagined you to be the cuddly type.”
“Who says we’re cuddling….I’m allowing you a break before I attack you again.” Sidney raised her head and looked in his eyes. His clear crystal blue eyes that held so many things. She pushed aside the thoughts of good and evil for now. “You’ll never be able to get through my defenses.” He rolled Sidney over so he was hovering over her. “We’ll see!”

Excellent job, darling! Sexual tension and drama for miles... :D Brings a nice, little smile to my face.

I adored this... Will be back later for a full review. Must sleep now... :asleep:
:sorry: Ahhh...and weeks later. I hate it when real-life gets in the way of my Sarkney based obsession, don't you? ;) Anyway, here's my full review!

I loved the way you wrote Sark, all bad and stuff. it reminded me of the old Spike from BtVS, in a good way. And the way you portrayed Sydney, Syd and Jack and everyone else's interactions. Very canon-like. Oh, and speaking of Vaughn, I thought this part was particularly wonderful:


I lay awake last night and realized that all of the emotions I have inside of me have been used up in the mourning of my dad. The loss of my father has been more devastating to me than anything I can ever express. I don’t have anything left in me anymore. I know that my heart died with my father that day. Watching his death happen before my eyes has changed me. I am no longer the person I was once and I don’t think I will ever be that person again. I am so sorry that I don’t have the strength or courage to say all of this to your face…… It wouldn’t be fair to you if I went though with our engagement knowing that all of this was occurring inside of me. You will always be an important person to me but, I have to leave.

~ Sidney

:byesad: I felt sorry for Vaughn here, an incredible feat on your part since I almost NEVER...

And the smut... :blush: Hot stuff, sister. And they just sit and cuddle towards the end...

Please do continue! Can't wait for more! :D
First off thanks to everyone for the great feedback..I am working on some more to post. I'm hoping to have more posted by the begining of next week.

A Dark Turn said:
:sorry: Ahhh...and weeks later.  I hate it when real-life gets in the way of my Sarkney based obsession, don't you?  ;)  Anyway, here's my full review!

I loved the way you wrote Sark, all bad and stuff.  it reminded me of the old Spike from BtVS, in a good way.  And the way you portrayed Sydney, Syd and Jack and everyone else's interactions.  Very canon-like.  Oh, and speaking of Vaughn, I thought this part was particularly wonderful:
:byesad:  I felt sorry for Vaughn here, an incredible feat on your part since I almost NEVER...

And the smut...  :blush:  Hot stuff, sister.  And they just sit and cuddle towards the end...

Please do continue!  Can't wait for more!  :D

And I just wanted to reply to your Sark>Spike comment. I agree, sometimes I think that they have some of the same traits. They way they behave and act. Plus I love that's a hug compliment...thanks!! :smiley:
What a great fic! I love it so far & it [the contest entry] was left with a nice ending :lol: ^_^ I'm looking forward to seeing what Irina says to Sark. Sam seems so fun & I loved Syd's reaction to seeing her & Sark together. Please PM me when you update! thanks a bunch!
This is really good. That was great when Irina said she would have to talk to Sark later. Can i get a PM when you update??????????? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

~Em~ :D
Okay Guys, thanks for waiting but I didn't want to post the next chapters until the contest was over. I should have another chapter posted soon. It might get delayed though because of Hurricane Frances but it will get posted!!

Thanks everyone for the great chapter I do individual thanks!!
Until then....Enjoy!! :D

Chapter 2

She walked through the mist slowly trying to find out what or who was out there. She saw the figure approaching her and she stopped. She felt her knees grow weak as the figure come into view. "Daddy?!" He slowly walked toward her and before he could stop she leaped into his arms. She felt the tears roll down her cheeks as he rubbed his hands over her hair. "Daddy..." She whispered. "Why...why did you leave me?" He raised her chin so she was looking up at his face. "I didn't leave because I wanted to...I left because you made me." She tried to shake her head but he gripped her face, "You killed me Sidney...You killed me. It's all you fault." She managed to pull away and flew back to the ground. She looked back up and saw red spots start to appear on his white shirt where the bullets would have gone in. "NOOOOOOOOOOO....."

She flew up and couldn't control her breathing. The tears and sweat rolling down her face were blending into wet puddles on her shoulder. She lifted her knees up and dropped her face to her hands and sobbed silently for her dad.


She walked over to the balcony and watched the beginning of the morning sunrise. As she took a sip of her coffee she thought of the first sunrise that she had watched, The night of her wedding. Jack and her had spent the entire night passionately loving each other. Memorizing the curves and dips of their lover. Finally when their bodies needed a rest they wrapped a blanket around themselves and sat on the balcony of their hotel room and watched the sunrise. As the pink clouds began to show the signs of the sun breaking Jack turned to Irina and said, "You are my love...forever and always. I am yours." Irina raised her hand to cup his face, "You are my heart Jack and I am yours."

Irina looked up and saw the orange and pinks spreading across the sky. In a rage she threw her cup over the edge of the balcony and in to the air. She didn't watch where it landed. She was to busy crying for the man she knew was still her heart. She was mourning her lost love.


"I want French Toast." "I don't care what you want, I made eggs and bacon so that's what your having." "Who do you think you are...I can kick you stringy butt..." "I would stop right there if I were you." Sark walked over to his baby sister who was now pouting over the plate of breakfast he laid in front of her. "You don't want to say something your going to regret later." He gently kissed her on the top of her head and turned back around and walked over to the kitchen sink. As he finished scrubbing the pan he cooked the bacon on he felt something greasy and hot smack into the back of his neck. "Damn it Sam...." He spun back around only to hear her laughter leaving the room with her.

"Looks like I missed a very interesting breakfast!" Julian turned and saw Irina standing there smirking. "Oh shut up!"


"Yes Sir.......I agree with you. We will.....yes, we will do everything.....Yes sir."
Dixon ended the call and dropped his head. The Vice President was adamant that results come quickly and speedily on this issue. He lifted his head as Marshall walked in. "What do you want, Marshall?" "Well, I was scanning the footage again trying to see if I could find anything. And then I remembered that I needed to stop at the bank and take some cash out for lunch because the I forgot to bring mine, cause I was up all night with the baby...." "Marshall....."

"Well, I think I found something."

Marshall was back at his computer and he had Dixon, Weiss, and Vaughan surrounding him. "See each helicopter has an individual ID number. Sort of like a license plate. They paint the number on the side of the copter , but we can't see it because the helicopter isn't moving." "What?" Vaughan asked. "Well see how he's floating in one spot making sure not to rotate to the left or the right. He knows where the camera's are and he blocking his ID number. So when I remembered that I had to go to the bank it hit me." Weiss and Vaughan looked at each other...they must have missed it because they had no idea what he was talking about. "The Citibank building across the street. He a new security system that watches the entire sidewalk and the skies. It's part of the new top of the line system that a lot of the corporate banks are using now. So I pulled the images and enhanced them, well I had to enhance them 200 times because I wanted to make sure that everything came out..." "Marshall, just tell me what you have."

Marshall hit the keyboard and NJ654P0 popped up on the screen. "The ID number of the helicopter. Registered to one Riley O'Thomas."
Exellent..I love the relationship between Sark and his sister Sam..It's so cute.Can't wait for more.Thanks for the PM.

Okay...Here is the long awaited chapter...I've merged a couple together, so I will post Chapter 3 tonight and Chapter 4 tomorrow night.

Warning: This is a very graphic chapter. Concider yourself forwarned.

Chapter 4

Sark finished whipping away the remnants of the bacon that Sam threw and discarded the napkin. When if finally turned around he found himself staring at Irina who was now sitting at the kitchen counter picking food off the plate he laid out for Sam. "Julian, I think that you and I need to have a word." She pushed the plate away and leaned back in her chair. "What exactly is going on between you and Sidney?" Sark was stunned at the question that was just thrown at him. He didn't allow Irina to see his reaction. "I don't think that is any of your concern. Sidney is very much past the age where she needs mothering." "I say what is and isn't my concern. When I am taking my daughters luggage upstairs to her bedroom only to hear her in the throws of passion with a man that she has been in numerous battles with, I am concerned." She stood up and walked carefully of over to where Sark was standing against the sink. "Julian. I've raised you as though you were my own son....I know how your mind works. You and Sidney have a very volatile past. One that I don't think either of you could or can afford to ignore...even if you wanted too. Is this really something that you want to become entangled in right now?"

Sark looked down as the floor as he listened to what Irina was saying. He knew that she was right. Sidney and him had been involved in a number of battles with each other, most involving gun fire. But hadn't he always felt some type of attraction to her. Hadn't the thought of being near her anytime set his skin afire. He had always been abnormally abusive to Agent Vaughn when he was dating Sidney. Even now, thinking about him and the fact that he had touched her made Sark want to break off Vaughn's hands.

"I don't think I have any choice in the matter." He looked back up at Irina and smirked. " I don't think I could stop myself." He started to walk towards the kitchen door and stopped. "Even if I wanted to." He left her with that thought running through her head, where it would remain all day.


Sidney stepped out of the shower and wrapped the warm fuzzy towel around her. God bless the Egyptian and there cotton, Nothing felt quite like it. She toweled her hair dry and hair her fingers through it as she waked into the bedroom. There was a bottle of lotion in the bathroom that smelled like it was lavender. She started to lather it all over her. The smell was intoxicating. She made a mental note to ask where Sam had gotten it from. She finished rubbing the rest of the lotion on her arms and turned around to take the towel off and grab her robe when she her door opened. Sark walked in and closed the door behind him. He turned around and started to say something but stopped when he noticed that Sidney was standing in front of him wearing nothing but a towel. "Do you often barge in to rooms that don't belong to you, Sark? " He was trying to bring his focus back to whatever it was he as going to ask her but he couldn't stop thinking about her in the towel. He knew that his hard on was becoming very obvious by the look she had on her face but he couldn't do anything about it. He walked over to her and peeled away her towel, letting it fall to the floor. Letting his fingers barely graze her as he dropped the towel. He felt the shiver run through her body and smiled. She smelled like lavender. He noticed the bottle of lotion and thanked God that Sam had left it in the room. He was consumed by the smell. He dropped to his knees in front of her, letting his hand slowly move over her upper body as he watched. He pulled her harden nipple between two of his fingers and begin to pull and roll it between them.

Sidney threw her head back and was unable to stifle the moan that escaped her lips when Sark teased her nipple. She instinctively pushed her breast further into his hand. He used is other hand to push Sidney's legs further apart, she was unable to pay attention to what he was doing, until she felt his warm breath moving closer and closer to her clit. When she felt his tongue flicker against her already swollen and pulsating clit she moaned out loud again and pressed her hand to the back of his head so she could push him further into her.

He loved the way she tasted, like cotton candy. He felt every quake and shiver as he liked and sucked at her wetness. His hand was still pulling and rolling her throbbing nipple. Every time her pulled Sidney clit in his mouth and sucked on it he pinched her hard nipple. He mover his other hand to the back and slowly slid 2 of his fingers inside of her. She began convulsing as soon as they entered her. He licked the cum as it was pouring out of her. She was shaking uncontrollably and was pressing him further and further into her pulsating ****y. He planned on making her cum several more times before he stopped. He flickered his tongue back and forth of her hot clit and pulled away.

Sidney was dropping with moisture. The flush from her violent orgasm was evident all over her body. Sark started to lick Sidney. Moving up her body until her reached her breast. While he was still on his knees he gently lifted her right breast and pulled it into his mouth. His left hand was still pushing his fingers into her while he nibbled and tugged on her nipple with his teeth. Sidney began to ride his fingers, which only made his rock hard c*** grow even harder. He felt her body stiffen as another orgasm exploded through her. Her cum be gain flowing down his hand as she shook with need. He pulled his fingers out and slowly pushed her to floor. He licked her off his fingers, so he could taste her all over again, as he began to unbuckle his pants. She reached up and pulled off his pants so that he only had his boxers on. She reached in and began stroking his huge hard penis. He moaned and each stroke became longer and harder. Sidney took advantage of the situation and rolled up on to her knees. She pulled his c*** out and slid her mouth of it. She took him all the way in so that she felt him touch the back of her throat. She began moving her mouth up and down of it. Letting her teeth gently graze him as she took him in.

He leaned back on his hand and watched Sidney suck his dick. Nothing turned him on more. He moved his fingers threw his hair and began pushing on the back of her head. She pulled his c*** out and begin to flicker her tongue over the tip of c***. The saltiness of his cum was already beginning to come to the surface. She lapped it up Sark knew that he was close to losing it and wanted to be able to cum inside her. He pulled her away from him and pushed her back on the floor. He pulled her legs up and laid them on his shoulders, he thrust ed himself into her. He began pounding himself into Sidney, she would only think of him from now on...she would forget anything she and Agent Vaughn had done. "Harder" Sidney cried out. He began pushing harder and harder into Sidney . "Say my name Sidney...say it" "f*** me Julian...f*** me hard." He felt Sidney vibrate against him and he hot cum stream out of her. He slammed in to her over and over. "It's only me you'll think of...Only I can make you do this." He finally felt himself grow tense and he exploded inside of her, spilling himself deep inside her. Sidney was shaking uncontrollably and the final orgasm rocked through her. Sark collapsed on top of her. Both of them were dripping with sweat and exhausted from their game. Sark was still buried deep inside of Sidney and didn't plan of pulling out ever. Sidney ran her fingers through his blonde hair. "Only you can make me do that."

He got hard all over again at those words....Sidney moaned out loud and began to move under him all over again.