Old N-64 cheats?


1963, 1899 called they want every thing back....
I have an old 64 sitting around, and I was wondering if there were ever cheat codes for some of the games it had. My nephew is a good gamer and he asked me if I ever played it, I let him know it was years ago. I told him maybe some cheat codes might make it more interesting, so I figured id ask politely if some one knew of any? I have a few star wars games, castle vania, bomber man 64, diekatana, nascar, 1 motocross game, lets see....duke knuke em, Mario 64,<<completed, turock the first one, and a few others......:cool: I wonder if they made a star trek for the 64? any ways any codes would work, thnx sci-fi dude....
I reckon no one played n-64, I think video games are on the way out, they had a good run....
I recall a bro of mine had a cool game shark, you folks probably never used it, but ill keep my eyes open for one.....
I reckon no one played n-64
I never had an N-64 though I regret that for the Star Wars games that were made for it. We had a ColecoVision, Atari 2600, Odyssey ][, NES, and some off-brand units (like the old "Tandy" branded game systems Radio Shack sold) but never continued with Nintendo to the SNES or N-64. After switching to PC gaming back in the day my next console was an original X-Box and now an X-Box 360 (and I'm eyeing up an X-Box One).

I like the simpler 'shooter' side scroller games like they used to make back in the day so if I do ever come across a N-64 in good shape I might have to pick up.
I recall a bro of mine had a cool game shark, you folks probably never used it, but ill keep my eyes open for one.....
Various family members went through both Game Shark and Game Genie devices. :D
Yeuppers, me and the nephew will do it the old fashioned way, play em' the way they were ment. I reckon a game shark is on e-bay, so I shall keep the ol' peepers open....
I'm throwing it away, I made a decision that video games are a waste of time. I sure some chump would buy it, but its mine and I'm a trashing it. nuff said!7487262_ori.jpg