one question...

hi! i like reading lots of books so i am normally in this thread and read lots of topics about books and i have noticed that many of you speak about the "fearless" books and i am curious bucause i've never heard any of them...
could someone explain what the book is about? what kind of book it is and if it's interesting? and any other extra information??? :thinking:
If you love Alias, I'm sure you'd enjoy the Fearless series. It's full of drama, action, and a bit of romance (which is somewhat like a teenage soap opera).

The series starts with a 17-year-old girl named Gaia who supposedly is fearless. She's tough, blatant, and very protective, yet she has a soft side. She leads a troubled life with her mother being dead and her father having disappeared. She sometimes wishes to lead a normal life (meaning she'd have to live with fear).

It's hard to explain the summary of the books since they're 32 (including Super Editions) in the series so far. But I strongly recommend that you give Fearless a try (read at least the first 2 books). It's a great easy read and you may become addicted to them (like myself).
ohhh! it seems interesting!!! i should look in the library or something!! & 32 books! wow.... that's a whole lot of books but well! i'll give it a try definetely!