

lots of metallic orbs show up in pictures of chemtrails, even in mine, though the things are real hard to see because they are spherical and mirror like. I saw one in hachita running a thick chemtrail line and it was getting it, staying right above the line, and now i know whats being tested out here. throw up some orbs, charge them and guide them with active auroral electrically conducting chemical lines and mobile antennae, then send plasma beams/laserbeams, as many as you want, all over the place at the same time....many many people see these orbs, and this one girl at chemtrail central really saw them well. She may have known what they were from some other experience somewhere. They have been around a long time.

A theoretical analysis of Tesla's "Death Ray" was also presented by Toby
Grotz (1991). By carefully examining historical records, this 1937 design
was probably the first attempt to construct a high voltage particle beam
device. Tesla's estimates indicate that a 5 meter diameter metal sphere
charged to 60 million volts could project a high energy charged particle
beam up to 60 kilometers through the air in a given direction.


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"Either you're going to go along with your mind and the truth, or you're
going to yield to fear and custom and conditioned reflexes. With our minds
alone we can discover those principles we need to employ to convert all
humanity to success in a new, harmonious relationship with the universe. We
have the option to make it."
R. Buckminster Fuller, 1895-1983
This is carved in stone at the temple of abydos. hovercraft at bottom, jet above, lthe jet is right out of some ancient vedic production; a tank above the jet, and a helicopter to the left of the tank. A lot of experimental stuff going on in the atmosphere and in other places right now, like skunkworks and many others, is from stuff the british dug up around the pyramids in the 20s, which only became evident as representations of technology AFTER other technologies had developed enough to lead forward.


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