Season 2 Parrallels to Truth Be Told

After seeing the ep, I conclude that the airport scene with the purple hair was DIRECTLY meant to be like TBT. In addition, the shot coming up from her legs while walking was almost EXACTLY the same to my favorite shot from Alias ever: coming up from Sydney's legs while she was walking with red clothing & red hiar, taking her glasses off. That was just soooo cool :cool:

So yes, I agree!
The car this was great!! i mean from the viewers perspective to the dialogue to the sittuation... it exactly mirrored the first episode, cause her dad said "sydney, get in the car" she said "dad get in the car" and they both were running from SD6 agents and were on the run, and the guns for both of them! brilliant! Definitely caame full circle with this one, brilliant writing! It kinda reminded me of Buffy (another brilliantly written show) becuase that show often comes full circle using famous lines from years past... especially this season! But the Alias writing for this episode... i dont think i have watched anything better ever!
and purple is awesome too!!!
I thought two things about the mirroring...1. That is is kind of cool and 2. They have already done this.
Almost 30 Years had rnough mirroring to be really cool and the placement of the episodes was perfect, first of the season and last. Why through this in in the middle of the season?
I think this episode would have been best suited for after the superbowl because. while it wrapped up a major story line, it also was intriguing enough to attract new viewers. I say this because two fresh converts left my house Sunday night addicted to the show.
Yes and not just any old converts.....converts who refused to watch the show in the past. Now they love it....the Alias parties of old might just return to my house.
Now, if each of those two can convert two, and those can each convert two, and . . .
vaughnmyangel said:
That happend to my firends. i got three of them hooked on the show, Now one of them has spread it to all her gymnastic friends hehe.
hehe yes I did. We are just spreaders of alias ;)
sycofancy said:
Yes and not just any old converts.....converts who refused to watch the show in the past. Now they love it....the Alias parties of old might just return to my house.
I'm definately going to stalk you next year if that's the case ;)

And I agree, it was kinda cool, but oddly placed in the season.
This is just a theory...But didn't JJ Abrams say that the next episode, Phase One, is going to be like a brand-new pilot? So maybe they wanted to have those parallels to Truth Be Told in The Getaway to sort of bring it full circle since it was the last of the episodes in the original setup. If what the previews are saying is true, that something in Phase One will "change everything", then maybe The Getaway was the end of an Alias era.

That thought sort of scares me, though, because I really like the way things are now. I trust the writers to still make it great, but change is scary!!