
Part 36

Three weeks later

Even though either my brother or mother couldn’t be present at the wedding, I know that they are both thinking of us on this special day. It’s been a small ceremony, exactly what we wanted. Probably not what we have been dreaming about but it doesn’t really matter in some way.

I’m not going to deny that I’m somewhat sad about not having something big, after all it’s the first time I’m getting married but let’s just say that we neither have the money nor do we have much time to prepare everything. Eric and his family are here, Danny’s parents are here as well as a few other related people from Danny’s family. I have nothing against having them with us. Contrary, they have all accepted me as Sydney’s new husband in her life, as well as Laura and it means a lot to me.

“Hey, you alright?” Sydney chimes in, her hand softly rubbing over the small of my back. My gaze is still drifting out of the window and onto the wide ocean in front of me. The restaurant is nice and after many hours of eating food, I simply needed a short break just to do some thinking.

I nod my head before sending her an affectionate smile and a kiss onto her lips “Yeah”

We don’t say a word for the next couple of minutes until her hand glides into mine. “You’re my husband” she hushes the words tenderly against my shoulder blade. “I like that”

I have to smile, watching a yacht go by, “Yeah I like that too” I say, giving her hand a soft squeeze.

“You seem like miles away”

“Just thinking about my mum and my brother” She sighs, surely understanding how I’m feeling about that tiny lack in my life.

“Papa? Je peux aller dehors avec Marion?” (Daddy, can I go out with Marion?) Laura bolts right up at us. I can’t deny her anything and let her go play outside with Eric’s daughter. There’s no better way for her to learn the English language then to play with her friends. She has learnt so much this last month and her English gets better and better every day. For me it is still very important to speak her mother tongue with her despite us living in the United States. I will always speak French with her.

Danny’s sister is the next one to cut in between us. She does some random small talk with Sydney while I don’t pay much attention.

“Michael, are you sure you’re alright?” Sydney inquires yet again later. I wonder why I’m not able to focus at all today. I look up at her, a baby nestled against her chest. The baby makes some gurgling sounds while a soft smile creeps up on its face and its hand reaches out for the invisible. Our eyes lock for a brief moment and at the next little whimper Sydney gazes back down at the infant in her arms.

I ponder about what to say next because the picture I have right in front of me that moment is rather perfect. It never truly occurred to me either, and taking this as a good opportunity I say,

“We never talked about one of those” I start, jumping with both feet into the cold water.

Sydney looks up at me, her niece’s tiny hand wrapped around her forefinger. “About babies?”

I nod my head. I clearly took her off guard there by the looks of it, so I quickly add, “I know you have had three children and which is more likely enough for you, but I just… we don’t have to, I mean… but could we at least talk about it?”

Sydney avoids my eyes and stares back down onto the baby against her chest. I give her some time to let my request sink in. I also don’t expect an answer from her straight away. I simply would like her to think about it first so that we can talk about it. I would love nothing more than to have another baby but I also know that she has already had three pregnancies. I could understand if she would say no.

I don’t think we definitely thought this through before getting married! My fingers tips rub over the bridge of my nose, cursing myself inwardly for ruining this so wonderful day.

Outside Laura plays with Marion and Eric’s son chasing them around. Laura stops briefly spotting me near the window. She waves so I wave back. If only I could turn back time or make this awkward moment between Sydney and me go away.

I hear Sydney coo at the baby and turn my head to look at her. She looks so beautiful today in this perfectly shaped dress that fits right against her body.

“I’m sorry I brought that up. Just forget about it” I say out of the blue, apparently regretting my words more than I thought.

“Michael, that’s not what I meant, ok? I’m sorry. I just… don’t know what to say. You kinda took me off guard there... I… I don’t know what I thought and I don’t know why we never talked about kids before hand. We could talk about it. I’m not sure though whether it is going to work Michael.”

“What do you mean?”

“What if…? What if…?” Tears are glistening in her eyes and like an open book, I can read everything in those chocolate brown orbs as I cuddle her close up against me; as close as the baby would let us be. “Ok I admit it. I’ve been thinking about us having a baby. But what if this isn’t working out? We’re rushing everything and we’re throwing ourselves into this and I don’t know… what will happen to the baby if we don’t work out Michael?”

It appears that Sydney has thought this thoroughly through; even more than I have. She doesn’t stop to amaze me each and every day.

“Who said this marriage isn’t going to work. We’ve been married for what?... six hours? Already fed up with me?” I joke which only earns me a playful slap onto my shoulder. I should know better than making jokes about this.

“This is serious! What if we have a baby? What if we don’t work and you go back to France? A baby needs its father as much as it needs a mother. Three of my kids will grow without their dad and I wouldn’t stand another one going through that!”

We both gaze dreamingly at the now sleeping baby in Sydney’s arms. She carefully straightens the pink dress of the little munchkin. I can’t help it as a smile grows on my face, watching Sydney taking care of her niece.

I totally understand where she is coming from but who says that we aren’t meant to be? Who says that this marriage is not going to work? And who says that we don’t deserve all the happiness in the world? There are so many people in the world that go through the same as we are. We won’t be alone on this… Besides I don’t have a doubt about us. I have faith in us that this is going to work. I love Sydney more than I have ever loved anybody else in this world; except my daughter that is and Sydney knows that.

She cries a few tears and to make it all better, I lean down and casually brush my lips tenderly over hers, “I love you Sydney. I want you to know that I would love nothing more than to see you with our baby growing inside you but whatever you decide is fine for me. It’s your body, it’s your choice and when you’re ready I’m here. If you’re not I’ll still be here.”

“Oh Michael…” she sighs.

“Don’t worry… we have all the time in the world.

We melt into a very passionate kiss afterwards since both of our bodies’ hormones are working on overdrive right now. I pull her even deeper into the kiss for a brief moment before Susan reminds us that she is also around. She is jealous about Sydney taking care of somebody else than her, which leaves me to take care of a little girl throwing a tantrum in the middle of the restaurant. Walking outside I briefly scold her for behaving so badly. She sobs a few times while I give her some time to think about what she has done and why she has been punished.

I though realise that I have been acting too harshly on her. She has been the only small child for quite a while and everybody has always paid attention to her. I feel sorry for Susan and lift her up onto my lap, giving her several explanations.

“Papa not mad at Susie?” she question with a lip pulled. That girl sure knows how to wrap me around her little finger. I mentally roll my eyes at her cuteness, still loving the sound of her calling me papa, just as much as on the first day.

“Not anymore sweetie… you wanna go to mummy and give the baby a kiss now, to show you’re a big girl?” She fervently nods her head. I thus set her back down onto the ground and watch her scamper off towards her mother. I love that little girl just as much as I love Laura and I can’t believe that she’s already three years old.

Time is flying real fast sometimes…

Part 37

After the wedding ceremony and the dinner we headed straight back home. Luckily for everybody the restaurant wasn’t that far away since all the children were already fast asleep by the time I parked the car in the driveway.

One look at the clock I almost gaped at the time: 2am. Has it really been that long? Sydney and I wanted to be back by the time the bell struck one. Oh well, tomorrow is Sunday anyway and the children could always sleep in. It wasn’t that big a deal since those late hours occur only once per year.

I turn my head to look at the sleeping children; even Adam is sound asleep in the back. Sydney does the same as we sit in total silence for a little while. I reach out to capture her hand to intertwine our fingers.

“We’re officially a family now” I whisper and a smile immediately grows all over her face.

“Yeah I know” Sydney replies and then finds herself lost in her thoughts, “You think Danny is mad at me for moving on?”

“No… No, I don’t think so” I emphasize on my second try, “You deserve to be happy again and every man that loves his wife should grant this to her and vice versa. Despite the short time Anna and I knew each other I also had the same thought at the beginning. I had my first date six months after she died and Laura was nine months old. I constantly pictured her yelling at me; after all I had a nine months old baby to look after! It was like a mantra in my head, so I stopped dating. I just couldn’t… it wasn’t working, but somehow I knew that life would go on; without Anna. We both deserve this Sydney, after all those years. There’s no reason for Danny to be mad at you for feeling happy again. Because that’s what I do, right, make you happy?”

She forces a small smile as a single tear rolls down her cheek at my words that I brush away with my thumb. She then nods her head affirmatively that rests in my hand.

“It’s just… you know… sometimes… sometimes I still feel like I want him back which makes me feel awful right away because I know you are there in my life now. I… they are our children Michael…” Sydney informs me sadly as if those were news for me. No matter how much time goes by it always breaks my heart.

True, I also lost Anna, but she was sick… I have had time to say goodbye to her. Whereas Sydney lost her husband through a tragedy; in a most sickening way somebody can lost a beloved one. The pain will more likely never go away and I hope that she knows she can always count on me.

“I know Sydney… I know…” I say, my thumb gently rubbing over the back of her hand. “Let’s get them inside…” I add.

Although Sydney and I married today - well yesterday that is - we won’t be going on honeymoon any time soon. First off, the children have school and they are kind of a little bit hard to be placed somewhere for let’s say two weeks non-stop. Second I have a new job that requires me to be available five days per week. Third, I only want to leave me daughter alone when necessary, such as business travel.

Which reminds me that I will have to travel to Chicago on Monday and return again on Tuesday late night. At least it’s not many days in a row but just one night to stay over. It won’t be that bad, but it is still sad considering that Sydney and I are newly weds. There’s nothing I can do to change our situation, we’ll simply postpone everything once we are more settled down.

With those thoughts on my mind, I get out of the car with Sydney, carefully waking the boys up to chase them up into their bed. I lift Laura out of her seat as slowly as possible but she wakes up nonetheless, though not completely. She’s completely in a daze while I undress and help her into her pyjamas.

“Bonne nuit ma chérie” (Goodnight sweetheart) I whisper tenderly, kissing her cheek and then cautiously leave her bedroom. Meeting Sydney in the hallway we give a quick glance into Adam’s and Zachary’s room but they are already fast asleep curled up under the bed sheets.

With a smile on both of our faces I lead Sydney into our bedroom, not really bothering about where our clothes fall at all.

A/N: For those that have already read this update, this is just the *normal* update and then I'll add a NEW chappy tomorrow since I will be home... ;)
Awe They are one big happy family now. I hope that Sydneys kids accept Michael as their father and later call him dad or Pappa like Susie. Oh yea! I think that they should have twins (boy and girl) That would be awwsome.

I think Sydney will say 'yes' to having one child that they can call their own. Any more than that will be a real handful. Five will be a handful as it is.

Part 38

I know Sydney wanted to pick me up at the airport after my return from Chicago but I insisted on her staying home. It’s pointless for her to drive all the way down the freeway, bothering either Carolyn or Eric for that matter in order to watch after our children. I know my way around by now and it’s definitely not difficult for me to find my way back home alone.

As I enter the house, the only light still on is the one in the family room right at the entrance. Figuring that by the late hour, everybody is to be asleep I cautiously move around the house. I first dig my head into the fridge in search for something to drink and a little snack to eat.

I move around unconsciously before sitting down in front of the TV station, zapping around while munching on my sandwich. Five minutes later I’m bored and feel very tired so I decide to call it a day and head up the stairs.

As every evening my head peaks into the boys’ room and nursery first. The next room is Laura’s but find that one to be empty. Confused, I slowly walk into the master bedroom where I can see Laura asleep next to Sydney. Her body is sprawled out all through the bed and something tells me that things haven’t gone fine during my absence, just like the first time.

I walk into the bathroom, where Sydney has left the light on. Since she knew I’d return again tonight it’s easier for me to find my way around instead of switching all the lights on that are in the house and waking up everybody. I quickly get rid off my working clothes and remain dressed in my boxers but also throw a shirt over my head before brushing my teeth and get ready for bed.

Sydney startles me somewhat by appearing at the split open door, her sleepy eyes looking up at me.

“You should go back to bed” I say, “I’ll be right there” without insisting as of to the reason why Laura lays in our bed.

“I’m glad you’re back!”

By the tone of Sydney’s voice, I though am no longer able to hold back, “What happened?”

“Laura’s sick and she’s been asking for her grandma last night and the entire day today. Of course I had to keep her home because she is running a fever and she’s also been throwing up a couple of times.” Sydney mumbles and I can clearly read in her expression that she did all she could but nothing would suffice.

“Oh…” I’m immediately on alert though and kneel down beside Laura, resting my hand onto her forehead. Sydney flips off the light in the bathroom and turns on the one on my bedside in the bedroom. “She’s still warm” I inform Sydney but those don’t seem to be news to her.

“I gave her some medication and the fever dropped somewhat but it’s always coming back after a few hours. I think it’s still going to take a couple of days before she recovers”

“My mother has always been taking care of her when she was sick.” I explain Sydney, feeling immediately a twinge in my heart that reminds me how much Laura misses her grandmother and what I have done to her. She doesn’t deserve to miss her grandmother the way she does. Everything seems to be too much for her and I feel that Sydney feels helpless. “You did right Sydney” I say trying to reassure her.

“Are you sure we did the right thing Michael?”

“What do you mean?”

“By getting married? By moving in together? So fast and without thinking about the consequences…”

I fear that there is a momentum of break-down coming up and gather Sydney into a tight hug.

“We did think about the consequences Sydney. We both thought this through and we both knew that problems would come up especially with Laura. Sydney… even I can’t do anything when it comes to Laura being sick. All she wants is her grandmother. Whatever I did never has been good enough for her. I mean my mother took care of her during the day when I was at work and at night, she’d tell me that I need to get sleep so that I could go to work the next day and that she would take care of everything. And she did. This has nothing to do with you Sydney. We’ll get through this… we all will”

Laura chooses that moment to wake up from her delirious sick state, “Mamie? Mamie?” (Grandma, Grandma) she requests, sleepily fumbling around with her legs and arms. I sit right next to her and nuzzle my head against her face.

“Tout va bien ma chérie. Je suis là maintenant” (Everything is alright sweetie. I’m here now) I whisper, caressing my hand lovingly over my daughter’s chest.

“Papa? Je veux mamie!” (Daddy, I want grandma!) she pleads in a desolate way that breaks my heart knowing that I can’t give her what she wants. I thus carefully lift her up into my lap and lay her head against my chest. I look towards Sydney who immediately bolts for the bowl sitting in front of the night table. Within not even a second she realised that Laura had to throw up again, holding the bowl before her while holding her long hair to the back.

After some more contents of the already empty stomach have been emptied, Sydney takes care of the bowl in the bathroom and returns with a wet washing glove to clean Laura’s face. My daughter then erupts in a heavy rack of cries and sobs that barely last for two minutes too tired and exhausted and falls back asleep.

“That was sharp” I say, placing her in the middle of the bed.

“Urgh, remember four months ago when I told you that both Adam and Zach were sick? I tell you, you get pretty much the hunch out of that afterwards!” Sydney replies in a mocking tone while I remember her telling me barely getting any sleep since for some of reason Susan also woke up every night at the same time as the boys.

“How about we try to get some sleep before this one wakes up again, huh?” I question, dropping a soft kiss onto Sydney’s forehead at the same time switching off the light on the night table.

Sydney nods her head and nestles her body close up to me as we both feel content yet again to be in each other’s arms.

Part 39

The weekend after my birthday I had a long talk with Sydney about my plans I had for the upcoming Christmas this year. Not only do I want to have my mother with me but also my brother. Since my other brother is also busy with his own family, visiting the family of his wife, my mother might feel rather left out. Besides I’m longing to see her and I simply want to surprise Laura.

At first I wanted to let her know in advance about her beloved grandmother visiting us in the States but then Sydney convinced me to put it up for a special Christmas surprise for Laura. Although it’s itching me on the tip of my tongue to tell her, I try to resist against the pressure to let it slip.

I know, just as well as Sydney does too, how excited Laura will be. It will be THE surprise. Sydney and I informed Adam and Zachary about the so to speak step-grand-mother that will be visiting us during this special season and to my surprise they have both been very welcoming. Not that I think they wouldn’t like her to visit, but since there will be a huge language boundary there; I expected their enthusiasm to be more challenging.

After my birthday the days and weeks are flying by in a matter of no time. We had endless long talks about how we would be picking up my mother. In order to make the surprise complete we had to sort of lie to Laura because driving with her to the airport would be far too obvious. Within two seconds she would have put two and two together and then the surprise would have gone right out the window.

So Sydney and I deduced that I would pick her up all by myself and of course the reunion is very emotional after over three months spent apart. My mother is literally smothering me all over and I’m glad that my brother is rescuing me from her embrace. Her chattering goes on and on non-stop till we reach the car. I figure that once inside it would stop, but not so for my luck. One hour of my mother’s rambling is enough to wish her off again.

I laugh though inwardly at my thought, thinking that if my mother could read my mind she would smack my head.

“On est arrivé maman! C’est là qu’on habite maintenant.” (Here we are mother! This is where we live now.) I say, turning off the engine that is now parked in the driveway. She glues her nose to the window, inspecting the white wooden house from a safe distance as if there were a bomb hidden inside.

“Elle est jolie la maison! Si typiquement américain!” (It’s a beautiful house! And so American)

“Tu es en Amérique maman!” (You are an in America mother) I remind her, rolling my eyes at my brother that sits in the passenger seat. Except this time my mother noticed my annoyance and thus I am rewarded with a smack on my head, which makes my brother chuckle.

“Je peux voir ma petite-fille où est-ce que tu vas me faire poiroter encore longtemps ici?” (May I see my grand-daughter now or are you going to let me sit here for ages?) She barks while I think that this entire journey is going to be a fun ride. Seriously what did I curse myself into? My brother isn’t that smart either because at his next chuckling she bursts out against him. “Arrêtes de rigoler et aides-moi plutôt à sortir de cette bagnole” (Stop laughing and help me get out of this car). I think the only item missing here would be my mother’s umbrella so she could hit us.

I’m more than aware, as we approach the main door, about the impending excitement of my daughter that my heart beat starts getting faster the closer we get to the front porch.

I open the door, letting everybody in the house know about our arrival. Sydney is the first one to appear from right behind the open fridge all smiling. She walks up as kisses and hugs are exchanged between all of us right as the boys storm down the staircase greeting my mother.

“Where’s Laura?” I thus have to ask.

“Upstairs, her room” Zachary mumbles, sticking his head into the fridge, “Mum, I’m hungry. When are we gonna eat?”

“Me too!” Adam throws in.

“In a bit ok, just give Laura’s grandmother a little bit of time to adjust! And get your head out of that fridge!... Close the door!” Sydney orders them as they grumble while not one single detail goes by my mother; after all she was also stuck with three boys to raise.

I call again Laura’s name. We hear her shuffling around in her room as she starts her sentence in French and finishes it in English,

“Oui papa” she grumbles and then adds in a funny accent, tumbling down the stairs in a rush, “Sydney I can’t get this up… I don’t like!”

She seems to be fairly preoccupied by her messed up hair, trying to fix it up into a ponytail. But of course every attention from her recent task has been put away at the sight of her grandmother. Her face lightens up within seconds as she throws herself against my mother.

“Mamie!” (Grandma!)

The same procedure plays itself all over again, as moments are filled with many hugs and kisses and even tears of happiness.

“Viens je te montre! Ca c’est Sydney!” (Come on I’ll show you! This is Sydney!) Laura chatters, pulling my poor mother and brother along, introducing them to each and every one in the family, but Susan who has yet to wake up from her nap.

I shake my head seeing my daughter so giddy. It feels good and it makes me feel very happy too. Sydney wraps her arms around my body, her chest briefly coming to rest over my heart.

“Happy?” she whispers placing an affectionate kiss onto my chest.

“I haven’t seen her that happy since… well… I don’t know… she’s literally bouncing all over. Thank you for making this so special to her Sydney. It means a lot to me…to us.”

“You’re welcome. Besides if you hadn’t suggested it, I would have.”


She nods her head as we share a silent brief kiss as soft babbles could be heard from the nursery upstairs.

“I’ll go get her” With that said, Sydney disappears upstairs only to return a brief moment later with a wide awake Susan in her arms all smiling and babbling.

“Ca c’est Susie mamie. Elle parles pas le français mais moi je peux traduire, n’est-ce pas papa?” (This is Susie grandma. She doesn’t speak French but I can translate, right daddy?) Laura chimes in, her happiness never seeming to dissipate ever again. I think that smile will be plastered on her face for a very long time. It is funny though to see Laura explain everything to my mother despite her knowing Sydney and Susan. After all the pair had visited us for a week in Paris. But I also think that my mother needed that reassurance for herself to witness her grand-daughter’s happiness despite Laura being far away from her grand-mother.

I doubt though when it comes to the translating part. Even though Laura’s progress has been extraordinary the past few weeks, there are lacks on every so often word, but nothing I couldn’t remedy.

Laura then takes my mother and brother to the upper floor, showing them her new pink bedroom that she got to pick out herself, while the rest of the family remains downstairs getting dinner ready.

End Part 39
I felt so sorry for Laura being so sick. And it's only natural that she'd want her grandmother, since her grandmother always took care of her when she was sick. I also felt sorry for Sydney because taking care of a very sick child can be so stressful.

I also think Michael gave Laura the best Christmas present ever- her grandmother and uncle. She'll now have a very Merry Christmas.


i was eating an oreo today and thought of cookies and then started randomly laughing my mom thought i was going insane but i was hopin that you updated and you did heheheh

ahh so happy that vaughns mom and brother are down \\i hope everything goes well!
uh huh


im never reading your fics again

see you can tell im lying becuase how would i be able to refuse????????
Part 40

Tomorrow is Christmas and I’m as happy as I ever could be with the entire family surrounding me. Even Sydney’s parents-in-law will be there for the big celebration, knowing how attached the boys are to their paternal grand-parents.

It’s going to be huge but it doesn’t really matter. A house full of love and happiness, exactly what I was looking forward to ever since I dreamt about Sydney and I being together. Sure there will be moments where the boys are going to fight, I know that much, but apart from this, I couldn’t see anything else going wrong on that special day. I sigh contently waiting for Sydney to join me in bed, which she does a couple of minutes later. Sneaking right under the covers, she snuggles right up against me shivering lightly.

“Cold?” I question.

“A little…”

I simply wrap my arm around her shoulder holding her close to me in order to help her body warm up a little. We share a long moment of silence, the house being all quiet again after this entire turmoil from today. Even though it’s only been a few hours since my mother landed on the American soil Laura has been nothing else but overly giddy; something Sydney has witnessed for the first time.

“Michael?” Sydney breaks the silence softly “I’ve been thinking…” she starts but doesn’t continue.

“About what?” I thus question, wanting to hear the rest of her thinking.

“A baby” she says, but something tells me that she isn’t quite sure about her decision. So I don’t speak a word and simply place a tender kiss on top of her head. “Yeah, I’d like that…”

“But?” I question the unfinished sentence.

“I’m not sure… I mean… it’s not like I don’t want to. I’d love to have a baby with you” she tells me seriously, looking deep into my eyes. Her head is softly resting over my chest and with each breath I take her head is following the up and down movements of my torso. I comb my fingers through her hair, looping a few hair strands around my finger.

“I mean we will have five children Michael! Five! And we don’t even have enough rooms…and I don’t know. What if our marriage isn’t going to work? I’m still wondering about that… not that I have doubts on the love for each other… and what if something happens to you, or me… I mean. We never talked about that either.”

She pauses thinking about what else she wanted to say.

“If I die, are you willing to take care of the boys and Susie? Are you going to go back to France with Laura? And if we have a baby, it deserves to get to know its siblings… I just… I think I’m worrying too much, right? You think I’m freak…?” she exclaims rather neurotically almost on the verge of a breakdown.

I seriously sometimes wonder why she comes up with those thoughts, but she has a good point!

“Ok, then let’s talk about this.” I say, sitting up in bed again, fluffing the pillow up against the headboard so I could rest with my back against it. Sydney proceeds to lay the other way around with her head in my lap. “When we spoke our vows a month ago, I promised to love you forever. And this also stands for the children you brought into our marriage. I’m not going to let them down if you are worried about this. I plan on staying in America… If something else, unplanned, comes up, then I would have to deal with it at that time. If for some sort of reason I’m being transferred somewhere else, then I’ll deal with it at that moment. I’m aware how messed up our lives could be if ever something happens to either of us. What about Laura?”

Sydney gazes down at the buttons on her nightshirt “I don’t know… I wondered that too and I figured she’d want to go back to your mother. Don’t you think we should talk about those things with the children first?”

I suddenly realise that I have been taking actions without consulting the boys. Susie is too young yet to understand everything and even though we might include her, she wouldn’t understand the impact in her life. The boys though would, as would Laura.

Something tells me that right now Laura would rather go back to her grandmother but who knows what will be in a couple of years. By then she will have all her friends here in America, she will feel even closer to her step-brothers who wouldn’t let go of her so easily and she has her school. She will be used to a different life…

“You’re right. I think we should discuss this with the children” I say leaning down to kiss her smooth lips. “Now about that baby…” I add, grinning broadly. There’s nothing more joyful Sydney could give me then another son or a daughter. We already have a house full of children but then again… they aren’t technically, or I should say biologically, mine, on one hand.

I always dreamed and longed for another child. Of course a few years ago I didn’t think about falling in love with a woman that would live on the other side of the ocean and that would already have three children on her own. Four children or not, the feelings are there; stronger than ever.

Sydney sheepishly looks up into my eyes. They have a certain glow, yet they always have whenever she is in a dim lit room. I could loose myself just looking dreamingly into her eyes and I’m sure that I would fall over again for her. I cup her cheek and softly caress my thumb over it, waiting for an answer.

“Is it ok if we still wait for another year… I mean, I’m thirty-two and still have some time… and I’m not sure if right now… you know…would be the right time to…you know… have a baby. It’s gonna be a lot for the boys…” She exhales breathing again.

I smile at her cuteness, “Of course we can wait. I’m just happy you said yes…” I help her lift her head as our lips meet up in a searing sweet kiss. When we break apart Sydney snorts and thus I flash her a questioning look.

“What was that?”

She chuckles some more rolling over onto her original spot in the bed. I lay down next to her, propping my head up onto my elbow.

“Neither Zach nor Adam were very pleased when Danny and I told them about the baby being a girl when I was pregnant with Susie. Eventually they got around it and now they have another little sister. Imagine the look on their face if I’m pregnant and with a girl. I think they’ll never speak to me ever again” Sydney lets out in a long sigh, covering her eyes with her hands.

I have been around the boys now for a long time and I’m fully aware the difficult age range they are going through. There will be protest and pouts and god knows whatever but then again, eventually, they would come around. They always do and at the end they will be very protective towards their little sisters. I even noticed a slight change in Adam’s behaviour, giving me leads that he must have his first crush or something along the line. I’m a male after all…

“That’s so not true and you know that! Besides, did you know that Adam helped Susie last week to go to bed?”

That was the night, Sydney and Carolyn had their girl’s night and they went out to the movies.

The look on Sydney’s face is priceless, figuring that she doesn’t know any of this. So I keep my tale going, “Oh yeah! He helped her brush her teeth, go to potty and then dress up into her pyjamas. He was very…. sweet… He left the book part to me the moment I stepped into the nursery, saying that this would be my job.”


“Yes!” I add grinning. “And I think this all would have to do with the girl…what’s her name… Jessie, he’s hanging out with recently. Remember she was here the other day when she returned one of the games Adam had lent her.”

“Oh!... well… she’s cute” Sydney whispers, remembering the girl I’m talking about.

“I think something’s up in the air… I think Adam has a crush on her and she on Adam.” I again emphasize surprising Sydney with things I know about her son that she apparently has no clue of.

“How do you know?”

“Urgh… man stuff… you know…”

“Oh my God I can’t believe this is starting already. He’s thirteen Michael! I thought this wasn’t going to be for another couple of years! What are we going to do?” she exclaims erratically.

I smile “Nothing”.


Since this letter goes to Vaughn’s mother it’s obviously written in French so…. But for you I was glad enough to translate it…. :lol: Also Laura and Vaughn have been in the States now for a year and a half!

Dear maman,

So much has happened since my last letter I know. I am way too busy most of the time. I know it’s not an excuse not to write you but still. You know what it is like to have teenage boys and it’s not easy… I hope you can forgive me one more time but I guess that towards the end of this letter I’m already half way there (smile)

So much has happened in two months that I don’t even know where to start.

First: Laura. She’s the greatest daughter I could have ever asked for. I will never forget the day Anna told me about being pregnant. Anna is and will always be on my mind no matter how happy Sydney makes me feel and Sydney knows that too. This feeling goes both ways since we both have children from somebody else. Laura, your granddaughter, has completed with success her second grade! The teacher is very proud of the progress she has made within two years and she excels in everything she does.

As you might remember Sydney managed to find a dance class for her at the beginning of this school year. She has many friends there and the English language is no longer a problem for her. It’s rather the contrary since she has a tendency to forget some of her French now, but nothing to worry about at all. You can’t go against her because there are words in French that she simply does not know… the two of us still talk in French but it’s everyday conversation… She is really excited about coming to see you in summer. (me of course too!).

I’m going to continue with Zachary first because he is one of a kind! Last week he has had a basket ball competition with several of his team mates against a neighbour county. He scored the last point within the last five seconds and happily bounced all around the field while the entire team was cheering him. When he left the lockers room and met us at the exit he excitedly exclaims “Did you see that dad?”

Dad!!!! Yes… Of course I was overly thrilled about this too, but I couldn’t speak the same for Sydney as I felt her cringe beside me. I wasn’t sure whether it was because Zachary opened himself up to me or if it was due to the situation. After a long talk with Sydney I calmed her down… or I should say Zachary did himself. He clearly told Sydney that he knew he had a father, but that he loved me as much as if I were his father and that he would love to call me dad instead of Michael, something Adam will never do. I know that and I accept it. It wouldn’t occur to me the slightest second to force him into something like that! But you can easily imagine how up brought the family was at first!

There are so many other things I could tell you about but I’m going to keep this letter a little bit short and stick to the main subjects. After all we’re all going to come visit you soon.

Since we left off with Adam, I’m going to be continuing with him….

Adam has a girlfriend now, something I gather Sydney will never live through. Every once in a while I nag her. She knows it’s just natural for him to have his first girlfriend, but then again on the other hand, Adam is her first child… I can already anticipate on what is going to happen when Laura comes up to the house with her first boyfriend. It’s going to kill me…

She is very nice and they go to the same high school. They have a lot in common and also spend a lot of time together. Sydney and I trust Adam and thus they can even go out to the movies on Saturday night, but under one condition, either of us parents has to pick them up when the movie is finished! After all he is still a child and we don’t want them wandering about doing god knows what… They are very charming and I’m glad that they are both so well-educated and know how to behave. It’s crazy how fast time goes by though…

Speaking of time… Susie has finished her first year of kindergarten! It’s unbelievable… Just the other day she was still babbling and crawling about and now she’s coming home with huge amounts of paintings and crafts decorating the kitchen! The kitchen literally is like a museum because neither I nor Sydney are allowed to remove the slightest painting otherwise she would throw a tantrum.

She *really* has gotten us wrapped around her finger. Not only Sydney and me, but also Laura and her brothers! She knows exactly when to pull a lip and show us her puppy dog eyes to get her what she wants, but she also is smart enough to know, when not to do it otherwise she’ll get punished. She is a wicked little girl and my love for her still keeps growing every day. She is so much like Sydney that it doesn’t cease to amaze me… and I’m a proud papa to this little girl.

Now we are finally coming to the main reason of this letter. I know I have been keeping you long…

We have a little boy! Yes a boy… I’m so happy! My happiness would be the same if it were a girl… but we have a boy!

Sydney gave birth to our little sunshine last night. And while she is still in hospital taking a very much needed sleep I’m sitting here typing this letter while everybody is fast asleep! I guess the upcoming months will be filled with midnight and early morning feedings, even though this job belongs to Sydney, I’m still going to be there for her… all the way through.

Nicholas Daniel Vaughn was born on May 23rd weighs 6 oz and is 22 inches tall.

I’m still in utter disbelieve that I have a son now. His siblings are all happy about his arrival that’s all I can sum it up to. Laura wouldn’t let go of him anymore once she held him in her arms, Susie curiously gazed down at him because she will be a big sister from now on. It will take her some time to get used to that’s for sure! And Adam and Zachy… they can’t wait to show him how to throw a ball! Which I guess will take a while too!

Sydney managed birth with bravura. Everything went smoothly from the first contraction till the actual birth five hours later. I was the one on complete breakdown…but Sydney, she stayed her calm-self and kept reassuring me that everything was just fine and that I should breathe. Me?! Can you believe that… well… you’re my mother and I can see you already scolding me for not staying under control.

Anyway you can judge by the many pictures I’m sending you here that we are all doing fine. Sydney and I are the happiest parents on earth and I don’t regret giving up my life in France even though it means being far away from you. I love you mum… no matter how big the distance might be, you’ll always be in my heart.

You are and always will be my mum.

Your son,

The happy End

THANKS to everybody that has been reviewing! *hug* cookums :P
I'm glad everyone is adjusting to one another. But you can't blame Adam for not wanting to call Michael, 'Dad'. Adam is old enough to have remembered Danny, and in Adam's eyes, there is only one Dad.

Laura is doing well in school and I'm happy that Michael continues to speak French to her. She shouldn't forget her native language. Also, I think it's wonderful that Michael is sending Laura to France so that she can spend the summer with her grandmother.

And I'm really happy that Michael had a son- someone to carry on the Vaughn family name.

Great ending Cookie.

im in denial its ended??


actually i love the way you ended it

with a letter to his mom

it is so cool just signifying his life in france and letters to syd to life in america and letters to his mom

cookie this was like the awesomest little fic ever!!! seriously

and i cant wait for more of your stuff!!!