Perceived Computer Virus vs. Reality


Code Monkey
Staff member
I recently experienced this one when somebody asked for help with an issue they were having with their machine. It was a browser issue (IE10 vs. FireFox) but they insisted it was a virus. No, no... I demonstrated what the issue was & tried explaining about IE's "compatibility mode" and other settings. No matter what I said they were convinced it was a virus. They thanked me for my time and said they'll take it to Best Buy to have their "Geek Squad" remove the virus. :banghead:

Well, if you stop and think about it, many would consider IE a virus that needs to be removed. :D
Until recently I would've agreed but that last couple of versions of IE have been more stable than FF. 🙈

For most stuff I prefer Chrome but will still use FF for stuff like Firebug.
Chrome still has to many issues for my liking. And their habit of prohibiting older Linux versions from installing it really chaps my hide. There are a lot of stable versions out there with some pretty old kernels, they run like the Rock of Gibraltar, but Google says it's too old for Chrome.
Your mistake was trying to explain something to the user. I've been working in support for 7 years now, and the only way to maintain ANY sanity is to just fix the issue, and send the user on their way. Me: "Oh you have a virus? Okay, let's take a look." After "Here you go, all fixed." And, for the few that ask what was wrong, (usually they won't if they think it was a virus), just throw around jargon until they go away.