
I am trying to decide what subjects to take for my A Levels next year and psychology seems like a really interesting subject. But to be honest I don't really now that much about it, like what exactly does it involve?

I any one could perhaps explain it or recommneds taking it I would really appreciate it, thanks. :smiley:
I took psychology my freshman year in college, and it was just alright for me. It was interesting, but not something that I would pursue (my sister on the other hand has decided to major in it).

Basically psychology studies the mind and the brain of the human. It focuses it's studies on the individual and not on groups (unlike sociology for example). Psychology wants to explain social interaction, behavior, and consciousness. Psychology also deals more with nature, instead of nurture. Although, they have in recent years included nurture in more of their studies.
I decided to take it, I do enjoy it but my teacher is a nut.

I'm sure she can read minds because if my attention wanders or if I think something bad about her (such as what a horrible necklace she was wearing) she shoots me a big evil look :thinking:
i took psychology for my A levels,
it would have been more fun if i had a better teacher though.

because he couldnt control the chatty students no one could get anything done and well i screwed up

on a more positive level, it was interesting, i covered things like the hierarchy of needs and electro shock therapy,