Race Update!

What I would like to see [...] are races that are not "descended" from other races, e.g., togs/humans

I would like to see extremely different races/species so that the player has an increased opportunity to have a very different character.

The big problem with "extremely different" is that every time you introduce a radically new model, you are (potentially) doubling the work of your art team. This is why you don't (often) see games with radically different humanoid models, or quadrapeds, or amoebas. This is why in most games, the Dwarf species is usually just the Human model, scaled down.

That said, what we are currently experimenting with in HJ (and I say "experimenting" because we haven't yet totally tested it out, so it's up in the air as far as I'm concerned) are three major races (Ilvari, Human, Burian), and three half-breed races (Silvan, Dranaar, and Qwi). Silvan are Human-Ilvari, Dranaar are Burian-Human, and Qwi are Ilvari-Burian. In the case of the half-breeds, we are allowing the player to blend between extremes of the major races that "parented" them.

This is really an idea that is difficult to explain without graphics. Hopefully I can get those graphics to you sometime in the future.

Anyway, the reason we can do all this is because we have technology on our side. HeroEngine (that thing that we also work on, in addition to Hero's Journey) has morphing technology. The morphing does not just extend to the half-breeds -- we also wanted the major races to have three distinct body types that a player can slide between. The goal, as always, is to give players more customization in their character model. The spectrum we're playing with right now is a triangle that ranges from "burly" to "average" to "super model" (aka "zomg get her a sandwich plz").

But if you ever wonder why most games only have one model, and it's bipedal, there's a good reason: art resources, art resources, art resources. I'd be lying if I said we didn't at one point consider just going with Humans to make life easier on our art team. The prevailing emotion in the office, though, is that fantasy games should have a wide range of character races to choose from, and that's why we're striving toward at least six at launch.

Finally, we have revised much of our racial history in the last year. Togs, when you see them, will no longer be Human half-breeds. And that's as much as I can say for now. :smiley:

HJ Lead Designer


6 races, 3 of which are half-breeds... and Togs.
No mention of Suwari, here. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Now that is information that is worthy of a monthly update- not a few dribbles of info on classes that was already half known. Thanks for posting this Nav!
I like it, but the loss of a racial identity for the Qwi would be somewhat disheartening. Still, I'd always lamented the lack of half dwarf, half elf characters in gaming, so I guess it's not all bad. Besides, it just makes sense. Good going, peoples/stuffs/turtles. Good going.
er... WOW!! That's pushing the envelope fer sure. Utilizing the morphing technology to create distinctive blends like that will allow for even more character differentiation. Brave, new, cutting edge etc.

Kudos for the attempt even if not eventually succesful.
I hadn't even picked up on the fact that they weren't in the list! That's disappointing. Casualties to the new morphing techinque?
I noticed that they weren't on the list, but I just figured that they weren't allowing half-Suwari because they were made of, like, magic, or something. I guess I wasn't paying attention to the fine print, there. :( They'd better include Suwari, or I'll not be pleased. I mean, half of the screenshots they've provided us with are Suwari. It just wouldn't make sense to cut them out at this point! :-L
I wanted to be a Qwi or Burian the whole time anyways so wasn't really thinking about the Suwari.

However, I was just assuming that the post was about having half-breeds or races of races and not really stating all the races. But who knows maybe there will be a Suwarqwi :O
That is useful information that I never thought would come. I didn't notice the lack of Suwari but no tears about it from me. I've always played Rock Trolls and little short things like Kobolds.
I didn't really take that as a definite "Suwari are out." Especially with all the apparent work they've done with them. If you look in some of the older SS, you can see all their sliders and such, and Simu seemed genuinely excited about them.

I took it to mean there will be no half-breed Suwari (rightfully so), and I really hope that's what it means...
Let's really hope so.

It would seem totally nonsensical to ditch them when they have been one of the "stars" of the screenshots to date, year after year.
I didn't really take that as a definite "Suwari are out." Especially with all the apparent work they've done with them. If you look in some of the older SS, you can see all their sliders and such, and Simu seemed genuinely excited about them.

I took it to mean there will be no half-breed Suwari (rightfully so), and I really hope that's what it means...

Yeah, exactly. Probably will have their own sort. Seems like I remember one of the developers commenting on the lack of the Suwari on the character creator when they were first showing off the race slider and the morphers.
If they say three main races (without Suwari) and three halfbreed races (mix of the three main) and then point out it will be atleast(?) six races at launch, it dont give me much hope. Especially after a whine post about the problems involved in making visually different races.
Perhaps in an expansion? (if its legal to talk about those, so long before main game is shiped)