Race Update!

And pleeease don't forget the ocassional purrrrrring.

Must have that.

It would be so hard to take someone seriously while they're planning a battle strategy and all the while they're purring. lol!!!

It doesn't occur all of the time. Randomly, not constant. Not overbearingly loud but very subtle, soft. You'd have to be standing right next to one to hear it. Last for maybe er... 10 secs then stops. Only returns like every 30-40 min or so; so as not to eventually drive the player insane... with tick box option under "Preferences':

Pur: On Off

0MG I can't stop laughing!! Must be me... That is soo FUN!!!! even in the imagination.
For the sake of compairison (please don't hang me up by my toes)

Prydaen specific emotes:

BLUSH: Prydaen shifts uncomfortably for a moment.
person: Prydaen shifts uneasily, avoiding eye contact with you.
target: Prydaen shifts uncomfortably, darting a glance at Target.
self: Prydaen shifts uneasily, gazing fixedly at his claws.
EAR ALARM: Prydaen perks up his ears, glancing around alertly.
person: Prydaen lays his ears back in alarm, gazing warily at you.
self: Prydaen lays his ears back in alarm, gazing warily at you.
EAR ALERT: Prydaenperks up his ears, glancing around alertly.
person: Prydaen perks up his ears, glancing alertly at you.
self: Prydaen perks up his ears, taking in his surroundings in one quick glance.
EAR ANGRY: Prydaen lays his ears back and hisses angrily.
person: Prydaen lays his ears back, hissing angrily at you.
self: Prydaen lays his ears back sharply, letting out a feral hiss.
EAR ANNOYED: Prydaen flicks his ears back in obvious annoyance.
person: Prydaen flicks his ears back in annoyance, gazing steadily at you.
self: Prydaen flicks his ears back savagely, narrowing her eyes to mere slits.
EAR CONFUSED: Prydaen quirks one ear sideways in confusion.
person: Prydaen quirks one ear sideways, glancing at you in confusion.
self: Prydaen quirks his ears toward each other, a puzzled expression crossing his face.
EAR CURIOUS: Prydaen angles his ears forward in curiosity.
person: Prydaen angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
self: Prydaen angles his ears forward, eyes bright with curiosity.
EAR FLICK: Prydaen flicks one ear back as though listening for something.
person: Prydaen reaches over and flicks your ear, casting an admonitory glance at you.
self: Prydaen flicks his ears restlessly.
EAR GROOM: Prydaen brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
person: Prydaen bends down and grooms Other Prydaen's ears for a moment, purring softly. (Only works on other Prydaens)
self: Prydaen grooms his ears carefully, then runs his fingers over his mane.
EAR HAPPY: Prydaen's ears perk up happily.
person: Prydaen perks his ears up happily as he gazes at you.
self: Prydaen perks his ears up in delight.
EAR IGNORE: Prydaen twitches one ear in a gesture of disinterest.
person: Prydaen angles an ear toward you slightly, but otherwise ignores you.
self: Prydaen twitches his ears in distraction.
EAR NERVOUS: Prydaen twitches an ear nervously.
person: Prydaen twitches an ear at you nervously.
self: Prydaen twitches his ears in agitation.
EAR PLAYFUL: Prydaen tilts his ears forward playfully.
person: Prydaen playfully tilts his ears toward you.
self: Prydaen playfully tilts his ears in opposite directions.
EAR PROUD: Prydaen's ears stand up proudly for a moment.
person: Prydaen's ears straighten up smartly as he gazes at you, a look of pride on his face.
self: Prydaen's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.
EAR RELAXED: Prydaen's ears relax for a moment in obvious enjoyment.
person: Prydaen's ears relax slightly as he gazes at you contentedly.
self: Prydaen's ears sag slightly in relaxation, a contented smile on his face.
EAR SAD: Prydaen's ears droop for a moment.
person: Prydaen's ears droop for a moment as he gazes sadly at you.
self: Prydaen's ears droop dejectedly as a look of melancholy crosses his face.
EAR SCRATCH: Prydaen scratches one ear, looking bemused.
person: (Only works on other Prydaen)
self: Prydaen scratches behind his ears vigorously.
EAR SLEEPY: Prydaen's ears droop sleepily for a moment.
person: Prydaen's ears droop as he gazes at you wearily.
self: Prydaen's ears droop sleepily as he lets out a huge
EAR SURPRISE: Prydaen quirks his ears outward in surprise.
person: Prydaen quirks his ears outward for a moment, blinking at you in surprise.
self: Prydaen quirks his ears outward for a moment, letting out a startled hiss.
EAR WARN: Prydaen lays his ears back and hisses warningly.
person: Prydaen lays his ears back, hissing warningly at you.
self: Prydaen lays his ears back sharply with a menacing hiss.
TAIL BRUSH: Prydaen's tail swishes through the air.
person: Prydaen playfully brushes the tip of his tail against your waist.
TAIL CURL: Prydaen's tail undulates lazily through the air.
person: Prydaen curls his tail around your waist.
TAIL FLICK: Prydaen flicks his tail peevishly.
person: Prydaen flicks his tail at you.
TAIL LASH: Prydaen lashes his tail.
person: Prydaen looks you in the eyes and lashes his tail!
TAIL SMACK: Prydaen snaps his tail in annoyance, his ears laid back.
person: Prydaen smacks you across the waist with his tail!
TAIL TICKLE: Prydaen swishes his tail through the air.
person: Prydaen tickles you with his tail!
TRILL: Prydaen trills, his ears relaxing minutely back against his head.
person: Prydaen trills softly at you.
self: Prydaen trills softly to himself.
brief: Prydaen utters a soft, short trill.
brief person: Prydaen ----s his head to one side, giving a short "rrp?" at you.
content: Prydaen's eyelids droop as he trills briefly in warm content.
content person: Prydaen directs a loud, contented purr at you, a hint of his voice creeping into the sound and making it a low, gentle trill.
happy: Prydaen suddenly gives voice to a fast, thrumming purr.
happy person: A sound like a rapid, high pitched purr rumbles from Prydaen's throat as he gazes at you.
love: A loud, affectionate purr rises from Prydaen's throat.
love person: Prydaen's eyelids droop slightly as he utters a low, affectionate trill at you.
question: Prydaen's lips twitch slightly as he utters a brief, curious trill.
question person: Prydaen utters a brief, inquiring "mrrp?" in your direction.
war: Prydaen utters a low, menacing hiss that rattles in his throat, his tail slashing lines in the air.
war person: A low, menacing rattle rumbles in Prydaen's chest as he stares at you.
worried: Prydaen gives voice to a high, troubled trill, glancing about anxiously.
worried person: Prydaen's tail lashes sharply at the air as he trills worriedly in your direction.

There's also SLINK which isn't listed, which lets you slink cat like toward, to the right, to the left or behind a person.

Simu knows their cat races ^^
Prydaen specific emotes:

brief person: Prydaen ----s his head to one side, giving a short "rrp?" at you.
content: Prydaen's eyelids droop as he trills briefly in warm content.
content person: Prydaen directs a loud, contented purr at you, a hint of his voice creeping into the sound and making it a low, gentle trill.
happy: Prydaen suddenly gives voice to a fast, thrumming purr.
happy person: A sound like a rapid, high pitched purr rumbles from Prydaen's throat as he gazes at you.
love: A loud, affectionate purr rises from Prydaen's throat.
love person: Prydaen's eyelids droop slightly as he utters a low, affectionate trill at you.
question: Prydaen's lips twitch slightly as he utters a brief, curious trill.
question person: Prydaen utters a brief, inquiring "mrrp?" in your direction.

The above are my favs.

See, I can't help but wonder if this is why the art department had to show some extra love for the Suwari thereby delaying thier implementation.

If they try to add anni's to even a third of those it would be great. Add a brief fading chat bubble with the anni giving the pertinant description as mentioned and bingo!!


speclation/assumptions of course
Don't forget to mention things Prydaen cannot do!

Like whistle or snap their fingers.


You make weird whistling noises with your lips.

You rub your furry fingers together but don't get very far.
*takes notes*

I'll have to make fun of Aini's Prydaen next time she tries that.

But things that each race can't do are just as important when it comes to immersion.

Learn something awesome and new every day. I bet Tsuim is seriously peeved she can't do something a human-type can do.

Dear Diarrry,

Today I learrrned I can't snap my fingers and the Diviana juggles a mean handful of stuffed drrragons.

~Love Tsuim

PS: And also Shoskal smells like a dog.
That herb pouch is so full... The only things I really use a lot of are jadice flowers, yelith roots, cebi roots and the hisan salve.

Then again, I don't really get hit often either. (Although a bit more since evasion just took a hit in the gut.)
Don't forget to mention things Prydaen cannot do!

Like whistle or snap their fingers.


You make weird whistling noises with your lips.

You rub your furry fingers together but don't get very far.

Thank you. That strikes me as somewhat brilliant or thoughtful for some reason. Does it work like that in DR and GS?? It's an aspect that I wouldn't have thought of i.e. 'What something can't do' as Tyrswind stated.
Speaking of herbs...


Will their be an herbalist in game? Few things I have loved more than going around Mulgore in WoW with my Tauren and gathering herbs! ^__^
Hehe, Shoskal gets some funny messages when he tries to do Moonskin things when he's out of Moonskin* XD I can't remember them now but they're neat :smiley: He also gets combat bonuses when he's a wolf like bonuses to CLAW when he's brawling and the ability to BITE mobs without needing to grabble them first. Great fun to fight alongside a barking, growling slavering wolf. Beats the hells out of Vulmane.

((*Required Blurb: Rakash spend most of their life very human like, but when one of the moons is full they turn into half-wolves. When he's "in his Moonskin" he gets emotes a lot like the ones above. He gets ear, tail and howl emotes. The howl are AWESOME and mean different things to other rakash. Me though? All I hear is a wolf howling :smiley: ))

Herbs? I haven't heard much about crafting/harvesting in HJ, there's an extensive system for both in DR. Isn't the wound system in HJ suppose to be similiar? I'm not sure if they could do healing herbs the same and still make Healers needed. It works in DR because DR is a much more harsh and hard game than what HJ is shaping up to be, which is expected because they're a different genre. Your normal MMO player would balk at the threat of permadeath if you're not smart or needing to spend a good half hour to get raised with Empaths prepairing your mangled corpse in order to hold life and the slow ritual clerics perform to bind your soul back to your body. In DR it works.
*hordes her favors* I'm far too terrified of losing my character not too, hehe. DR is the first game I've played where death feels ... well, like death. I've played lots of games where "death warp" was a common term meaning using death to get back to town and it seems a trend (VG is working on it now in fact) to lessen the sting of death.

The current formula is make lots and lots and LOTS of easy fights with very little exp given. Make death pretty common and pretty painless. The oposite of few long, hard fights with lots of exp and death as a rare thing avoidable by skill and talent with death being a big deal always appealed to me.