Rare Terminator Endoskeleton, Own It Now Until Judgment Day


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Rare Terminator Endoskeleton, Own It Now Until Judgment Day

Gidmodo said:

Sideshow Collectibles produced just 40 or so of these 6-foot chromed metal and fiberglass Terminator endoskeletons, complete with futuristic blue LED lighting. Long sold out/destroyed by Sarah Connor, you can still score one of your own in this eBay auction. The collectible is listed for a hefty $20,000, but you get those two cute little framed Terminator posters behind the statue as well. So that shaves off like $100 from the price right there. [eBay via GizmoWatch]


(Via Gizmodo)
Ah the things I'd buy if only I won the "Lotto". First I'd have to be "sucker" enough to buy a ticket.

Not to mention a separate building (I'd have to build)(probably a barn)(perhaps a loft inside said barn) to put it in. Something tells me the little womans "motif" would suffer.
How much was it initally?
Good question. I *think* it was a Hammacher Schlemmer catalog item some years back, but a Google search eludes me on the subject.

You bring up something else that that has not been covered in the Terminator movies... is there enough of mankind left that there is even an economy with "money" at all or has the concept of money all but disappeared with the rise of Skynet?