An Old Friend
In this list, 1 galactic year (GY) = 225 million years
At the approximate position of the Sun we set this spot as time zero. Our SOLar System has passed this point 20 times. The 'atomosphere' in this zone is conducive to life but there is history of this region related to mass extinctions of life and major planetary changes.
The above graphic does not designate the relative position of the Sun. It does however show a point of peak mass extinctions.
?Is this region of the galaxy hotter, colder, denser, sparser or irradiated with a form of energy that is hostile to life?
?Does this region of space move at a constant to the solar system position?
Figuring that the galaxy is bound by the known laws, A center of gravity spinning derbis would tend to toss the outer layers away from their orbital plane. Spiral arms would break off and be thrown outward into other arms.
The Orion Arm is an example of this.
Orion Arm (AKA Local Spur Arm) is evidence of this action
Notice that the Sun is depicted in the Orion Spur between Perseus and Sagittarius Arms.
Now. If the galaxy is thowing off some of its outer matter and spinning at roughly 225 million miles per year. The position of the Sun cannot be constant.
Not only is it slowing it is also covering more distance.
If there is a 'Death Zone' in the galaxy it would be likely that the Sun would stay in its area longer and longer as time passes. It would also take longer and longer to encounter that zone in its galactic year.
Can we perceive the gravitational force of the galactic center apart from other gravitational forces like the planet, moon & sun?
As the Sun wobbles in and out of the galactic plane it gathers momentum. At present it has a deviation of only a few degrees but as time progresses that wobble will get worse, pushing it up(or down) and away from the galactic plane. The SOLar system rotates about 60 degrees off the galactic plane. We are travelling around the galatic center tilted at an angle. Everytime the planets align it wobbles the Sun away from the galactic plane. So, not only are we moving round and round we are moving up and down and side to side at the same time. As time progresses this movement will increase.
I get dizzy just thinking about it.
Relativity is construed by us using our planet as the stationary. Speeds are determined in relation to movement to or away from our point of reference. A stationary point in the universe would apear to be moving to any observer within the influence of the galaxy. Though completely motionless to the universe it would affect the galaxy as if it were moving incredibly fast. Its mass would affect the gravitational forces the galaxy produces. From quarks to superclusters the effect would be immense and would change the paths of galactic arms and little star systems like ours. We must also remember that the Milky Way galaxy also rotates around in a local group called The Local Group
The Local Group Rotates around the Virgo Supercluster and the Virgo Supercluster is part of a group of superclusters that move about the Universe
If we were able to create a method of making a ship completely stationary in respect to the universe could we use it to 'travel' space and time?
- 0 GY: Birth of the Sun
- 4 GY: Oceans appear on Earth
- 5 GY: Life begins
- 6 GY: Prokaryotes appear
- 7 GY: Bacteria appear
- 10 GY: Stable continents appear
- 13 GY: Eukaryotes appear
- 16 GY: Multicellular organisms appear
- 17.8 GY: Cambrian explosion
- 19 GY: Great Dying
- 19.6 GY: K–T extinction event
- 19.999 GY: Appearance of modern humans
- 20 GY: Present day
At the approximate position of the Sun we set this spot as time zero. Our SOLar System has passed this point 20 times. The 'atomosphere' in this zone is conducive to life but there is history of this region related to mass extinctions of life and major planetary changes.
The above graphic does not designate the relative position of the Sun. It does however show a point of peak mass extinctions.
?Is this region of the galaxy hotter, colder, denser, sparser or irradiated with a form of energy that is hostile to life?
?Does this region of space move at a constant to the solar system position?
Figuring that the galaxy is bound by the known laws, A center of gravity spinning derbis would tend to toss the outer layers away from their orbital plane. Spiral arms would break off and be thrown outward into other arms.
The Orion Arm is an example of this.
Orion Arm (AKA Local Spur Arm) is evidence of this action
Notice that the Sun is depicted in the Orion Spur between Perseus and Sagittarius Arms.
Now. If the galaxy is thowing off some of its outer matter and spinning at roughly 225 million miles per year. The position of the Sun cannot be constant.
Not only is it slowing it is also covering more distance.
If there is a 'Death Zone' in the galaxy it would be likely that the Sun would stay in its area longer and longer as time passes. It would also take longer and longer to encounter that zone in its galactic year.
Can we perceive the gravitational force of the galactic center apart from other gravitational forces like the planet, moon & sun?
As the Sun wobbles in and out of the galactic plane it gathers momentum. At present it has a deviation of only a few degrees but as time progresses that wobble will get worse, pushing it up(or down) and away from the galactic plane. The SOLar system rotates about 60 degrees off the galactic plane. We are travelling around the galatic center tilted at an angle. Everytime the planets align it wobbles the Sun away from the galactic plane. So, not only are we moving round and round we are moving up and down and side to side at the same time. As time progresses this movement will increase.
I get dizzy just thinking about it.
Relativity is construed by us using our planet as the stationary. Speeds are determined in relation to movement to or away from our point of reference. A stationary point in the universe would apear to be moving to any observer within the influence of the galaxy. Though completely motionless to the universe it would affect the galaxy as if it were moving incredibly fast. Its mass would affect the gravitational forces the galaxy produces. From quarks to superclusters the effect would be immense and would change the paths of galactic arms and little star systems like ours. We must also remember that the Milky Way galaxy also rotates around in a local group called The Local Group
The Local Group Rotates around the Virgo Supercluster and the Virgo Supercluster is part of a group of superclusters that move about the Universe
If we were able to create a method of making a ship completely stationary in respect to the universe could we use it to 'travel' space and time?