Feedback Replies/Comments not working in Gallery


An Old Friend
I tried to post a comment on a Science Fiction Theater podcast I uploaded and noticed that the replies are not posting at all no matter what editor you use.

Most of the Escapepod uploads are showing as invalid file. They are mp3 and none are over 50 mb (Max is set at 200mb)

I am wondering if any replies work in any gallery?

You might want to check into this...
...mp3 = Invalid file extension. Allowed extensions for this category are jpg, gif, png, jpeg, bmp, mp3, wma, mpeg, wav, avi, midi, mpg, ram, wmv, swf, zip, mid, asf, psd, rm, mov, txt, ra, ico, swc, flv, pdf.

That is the error I get when I try uploading an mp3

What is the exact file name that you were trying to upload? There was a security exploit found in the gallery software so I had to do some quick hacks to it to avoid us getting hit.
That's a file extension, not a file name. ;)

From your PM, though, that file name should be working. What I was kind of expecting to see was a file name with multiple periods in it (eg: a.b.c.mp3) since the security patch would've given the error that you're describing.

I'll have to experiment a bit with different MP3 files to see if I get an error from them.