Revealing the Truth

Revealing the Truth

CIA Parking Lot

Vaughn: What do you have against Lauren?
Syd: I’m not getting into this right now, Vaughn, just let me-
Vaughn: Syd, we have to talk about this
Syd: We will --ahh

Sydney in pain clutches her stomach and faints.

Hospital Room

Syd is in hospital bed and Vaughn is by her side, very nervous and looking guilty. Syd wakes up…

Syd: How long have you been here?
Vaughn: I lost count after your 5th round of tests.
Syd: So, do they know what’s wrong with me?
Vaughn: No, not yet. About before…
Syd: It’s okay.
Vaughn: No, it’s not Syd.

He pauses for a moment and starts talking again.

Vaughn: Why do you hate her? You’ve had this tension between you since she started working at the agency. Did she do something? Did you do something? Syd, explain to me what you have against her!!
Syd: (screams) She has you and I don’t!
Vaughn: What?!?!
Syd: Vaughn, just listen ok?

Vaughn nods.

Syd: When I walked into the CIA 5 years ago, I felt like felgercarb. My life turned out to be a lie, I lost my fiancé and life sucked. When you walked into the room, I felt this feeling come over me. A feeling of comfort, and that everything would be okay and we grew closer. But then we learned that my mother killed your father (crying) and I was petrified that you would leave me. But you didn’t. And that day when we took down SD-6, when we kissed, I felt like I was on the top of the world. I had freedom, I had peace… I had you. (pauses for a few seconds) But then that night came and it was all screwed up. I woke up and you were married!! (crying even more) I knew I had to be dreaming when you told me it had been 2 years and you had gotten married. I couldn’t believe it for the life of me that the man I lived more that life itself would EVER leave me.

Vaughn interrupts: Syd
Syd: Vaughn wait. Let me finish… I cried night after night but the pain wouldn’t go away. Then when you walked into the room, and I saw her hold you and kiss you like I once did, I wanted to go over to her and punch her right in the face. Vaughn, I HATE her. I do. And there is nothing either of us can do about it, okay? She took the man I love away from me and that will NEVER change.

Syd is sobbing now and Vaughn doesn’t know what to say. He tries to comfort her, but it doesn’t help. The doctor walks in.

Doctor: hello Agent Brisow, how are you feeling?
Syd: Better. Do you know what’s wrong with me?
Doctor: You’re pregnant.
Syd: What?!?!? This is impossible. I haven’t been with anyone for 2 years. How can this be?
Doctor: I’m not sure but these tests aren’t wrong. Congratulations and get some rest.

The doctor leaves and Syd turns to Vaughn.

Syd: This is impossib- oh my gosh!!!
Vaughn: What? What is it?
Syd: When the covenant kidnapped me, they left me with a scar on my stomach. I assumed it was to extract my eggs for the Rambaldi baby, but I think they put his DNA in me. Vaughn, I’m having Rambaldi’s baby!

CIA Board Room

Jack is addressing the team.

Jack: Sydney is carrying Rambaldi’s baby, so we’ll be 1 member short for a while.
Syd: Dad, no I can still work.
Jack: Sydney, this is not up for discussion!

Syd sits back in her chair and has this look on her face which she gets when she is annoyed at her father.

Syd’s Apartment

Syd is sitting at her table drinking tea when the doorbell rings. She opens the door. Vaughn is there.

Syd: Oh, hi. Um, come in.
Vaughn: Thanks.

They walk over to her table and Vaughn sits down.

Syd: Tea?
Vaughn: Sure, thanks. How are you doing?
Syd: Okay, I guess. It takes some getting used to the idea.
Vaughn: I love you, but I can’t leave Lauren, whether you like it or not, we’re married.

Vaughn’s cell phone rings. He picks it up.

Vaughn: Hey honey. I’m by Sydney, were talking about some work stuff….Ya, no problem, Ok. See you at home. Bye.

Vaughn hangs up and shooting breaks out.

Syd: What’s going on?!
Vaughn: I don’t know, Get down!!

Lauren walks in.

Lauren: Sorry honey, I don’t like men who cheat on their wives.

She shoots Syd in the stomach and runs. Vaughn runs after her with his gun in hand. He shoots her in the leg. She falls.

Vaughn: It was you! You were the mole in the CIA!! Let’s call this the part in our vows which say “till death do us part.”

Vaughn shoots her two more times and runs back to Sydney. He calls an ambulance.

Hospital Room

Vaughn is sitting by Syd’s bed. She wakes up.

Syd: Haven’t we done this before?
Vaughn: (smiling) Yes, I think so.
Syd: Was that Lauren who shot me?
Vaughn: Yes.

Vaughn kisses her.

Syd: What was that?
Vaughn: An apology.
Syd: For what??
Vaughn: Trusting Lauren. I knew in my gut something wasn’t right, but I didn’t-
Syd: Vaughn, she was your wife. It’s understandable.

Vaughn still disagrees. The doctor walks in.

Syd: Is the baby okay?
Doctor: Yes. We were able to patch you up before you lost to much blood. You and your baby are in great health.
Syd: Thank You.

Hospital Parking Lot

On the way to the car…

Syd: Would you like to come over for dinner?
Vaughn: I’d love to.

They walk away holding hands and kiss before they get into the car.