Road Trip

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww total sweetness! ^_^ :love: I loved it Trish!!! :D hehe Sydney have a naughty mind :D and poor vaughn with his sand castle. :laughbounce: peanut war.. :lol: :laughbounce: :laughbounce: ing for the next chap Trish! It was awsome so great to read some S/V fluff again ;)
--Mandy :angelic:
yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!
thank u trish!!!!!! it's taken me all day 2 reed it bcos i was only able 2 get on the computer 4 5 mins and i only got half way though. i've had 2 make an emergency trip 2 the library 2 finish reading it!!!!

thanks again 4 your brillance & the pm
oops i forgot

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mine mind's proberly wandering more than syd's. :smiley: beautiful update. honestly they're like a married couple. peanut war! gr8 mental picture.
OK Trish, you did manage to NOT-send me a PM when you updated.
I'm not angry, just very glad that I did find a new chapter posted here!
It was ssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great! :D :lol: :D (y) (y) (y) (y)
please don't forget to PM me next time :( :( :(
and PLEASEEEEEE update soon!

bye :bye: bye!

that was awesome! i enjoyed it so much!!!!!! s/v make such a good couple and awesome fluff stories. plz write more so soon!

*can you PM me next time so i see it sooner. thanx
That's a great and cuite chapter!! i like peanuts-wars.... but pillows are better because peanuts are salty and after the war you'll have thge alt everywhere...
Thanks for the PM!
Please post more soon! :woot:
Heu guys. Yeah, RT also just after the 21st.

I have summer holidays! ^_^ It's summer down here in Brazil (really hot, btw).

Wish me luck with my finals! Love you all.

ETA: Oh, and we don't celebrate thanksgiving. ^_^ It's an American holiday.
Wow, so long no see, uh? I don't think anymore remembers me anymore. But I remember you, and I remember this fic, and though life has kept me REALLY busy and writer's block has kept me REALLY mad, finally we have an update.

Oh, and if all goes well, there should soon be up in my livejournal a little alternate scene for this fic. ;)

So with no further delay, part 5.


Ailish slept peacefully on the bed, guarded by a wall of pillows to the left and Vaughn’s body to the right. He watched as her little chest rose and fell on a steady rhythm, her cheeks tinted pink from the Sun, wisps of clear brown hair going in every direction, rosy lips sucking on a chubby thumb.

“Hey, Syd,” he called suddenly, turning to stare at the bathroom door. “How come she’s allowed to nap and I’m not?”

“Umm, let’s see.” Sydney called back from the bathroom, turning off the water. “I’m inclined to believe the fact that she’s four decades younger than you has something to do with it.”

“Argument declined. Try again.”

“Because when Sydney Bristow says you’re not allowed to nap, it means you’re not allowed to nap."

"Um, bossy. Me likes that."

Sydney laughed, and finally opened the bathroom door, emerging out of it wrapped in a fluffy towel.

Vaughn let off a long appreciative whistle from his place in the bed.

“Shut up.” Sydney said, shaking her head but laughing softly. He shot her a grin. “Go take your shower.” She commanded.

“Can I nap afterwards?”

“No, we’ll stick to the plan and do everything we programmed for today. Only kids and elderly have the need to nap after a morning at the beach.”

“I’m elderly, I’m over 40 you know?”

“You. Shower. Now.”

“I don’t like you.”

“Well, that’s something I’ll have to live with.”

“Fine.” He said and walked into the bathroom, only to pop his head out of the door one moment later. "And then nap?"

The door was closed one second before the heavily-embroidered cushion hit it.


"Ah, no you don't." Vaughn whispered to himself as he walked out of the bathroom to the sight of a sleeping Sydney next to her daughter. "If I can't, neither can you."

He walked silently to Sydney's side of the bed, grabbed one of the roses that lied upon the side table and ran it softly over Sydney's cheek.

She stirred, and one hand flew randomly up as if she wanted to catch an annoying fly. Then, she was quiet again.

He ran the flower over her ear, making her toss and reach out her hand again, and he had to duck not to be caught.

He prepared, and was about to proceed to tickling her neck when he found himself the aim of a directed attack that got him pinned down against the floor, his two arms held above his face, one hand still holding the rose.

Sydney just stared down at him, probably waiting for an attempt of explanation. Vaughn was silent, looking up with a guilty expression.

“You napped!” he burst suddenly. “You told me I couldn’t nap but you napped!”

“It was accidental, I didn’t mean to.”

“Like I’ll believe that…”

“And you tickled me in my sleep!”

“Because you weren’t supposed to be asleep!”

She found no reply to that.

“If I let you nap,” she finally asked. “will you let me nap?”

“I thought we had our day programmed, without the inclusion of nap time…” Vaughn’s voice had an undertone of mockery.

“It’s our day,” Sydney said defensively. “we can change the program anytime we like.”

“Fair enough.” He smiled happily. “I’ll put the baby in the crib.”

Gently, he picked up Ailish and laid her down again in her own crib.

Then, with a sigh of satisfaction, he jumped on the bed and cuddled against the pillows. Sydney had already kicked off her sandals and crawled under the covers.

“We’re old.” she mumbled. “Old old old.”

“But happy.” Vaughn said in the middle of a yawn. “Sweet dreams, Syd.”

“Mhumm…” was the only response he got from Sydney, and a few minutes later they were both fast asleep.


“Vaughn?” Sydney called, not yet able to open her eyes, and yawning hugely. When there was no response, she reached out for Vaughn’s side of the bed, hitting only on soft pillows and loose sheets. “Vaughn?” she called again, louder.

“Hey, you’re up!” Vaughn called from outside the bedroom.

“Sorta.” Sydney replied, rubbing her eyes and finally opening them. “Wow, what time is it?” the bedroom was dark save from the soft light coming through the window.

“Precisely eight forty-four.” Vaughn replied, showing up at the doorway. “I was considering calling for medical help if you didn’t get up in the next sixteen minutes.”

“I overslept, didn’t I?” Sydney smiled guiltily. “But it was a one in a life time event, no baby crying, no loud party at the neighbor house, no call from Will asking how to make rice-”

“Will calls you in the middle of the night asking you how to make rice?”

“It was only once. My cursing in different languages must have scared the thought of calling me again right out of him.”

Vaughn entered the bedroom and reached out a hand for her.

“Well, you’ve had your rest, now come, we have food.”

“Food?” Sydney sounded delighted. “Real food?”

“No, plastic food.”

“Don’t joke, I’m starving.”

“Turns out, room service does not take that long.” He said, turning and picking up a fussing Ailish from her crib. She babbled in appreciation, and grasped his nose, giggling.

“We’re supposed to eat all that?” Sydney exclaimed. Over the kitchen counter were spread plates with sandwiches, fruits, soup, cheese, a bowl of spaghetti and a bottle of wine.

Vaughn released his nose from Ailish’s grip and looked at Sydney with an innocent face.

“I didn’t know what to ask.”

“So you asked for all their food supply?”

“You said you were starving. Well, here you have it.” He sat down on a stool, placing Ailish in the baby chair.

“Alright.” Sydney smiled suddenly, as someone who’d just been challenged. “Let’s get down to it.”

By the end of the meal Ailish had not a moustache, but a whole beard of tomato sauce, Sydney looked like she couldn’t take in one grain of rice anymore, and Vaughn was poking the cheese around, but not very inclined to eat it.

“I believe…” Vaughn said, sipping his wine. “We ate way too much.”

“That’s an understatement.” Sydney said, grabbing a napkin and cleaning her daughter’s face. “What we ate here today was probably enough to eradicate world hunger.”

“At least for a couple of years.” He agreed, getting up. Sydney got up as well, and picked Ailish in her arms.

“Beddy time now, right, Aili?”

“Beddy.” Ailish repeated, and yawned.

“That’s right. Let’s get you all ready, shall we?”

“Beddy.” She said again, resting her head against her mother’s shoulder.

“I’ll be outside.” Vaughn whispered, kissing the baby’s forehead. Sydney nodded with a small smile, rummaging through Ailish’s bag to get her pajamas.

Vaughn walked out of the cottage, closing the door behind him.

The salty air tickled his nostrils, as the wind rustled against his ears. He sat down by the edge of the fountain pool, looking up at the very cloudy sky, catching only a glimpse of the moon before it was completely hidden. No stars could be seen. And still, on its own way, it was a beautiful night. The purplish shade of the sky announced it was going to rain, but he figured he still had some time.

Soon afterwards Sydney walked out, closing the door behind her.

“Passed out as soon as she set her head on the pillow.” She said with a smile, and then, rubbing her hands against her arms, “It’s cold out here.”

“Here.” Vaughn said, starting to take off his jacket. Sydney walked down to the fountain and sat next to him.

“Thanks.” She said with a smile, putting on the jacket, and raised her eyes to the sky. “They promised us starry evenings.” She pouted.

“The stars are there… somewhere.” Vaughn pointed out with a shrug.

“Hey, there’s the moon, look.” She pointed at the spot where the clouds thinned to a few wisps so it was possible to see part of the crescent moon.

“And I believe that over there is a star.”

“Make a wish.”

“You too.”

“Can we both make wishes for the same star? Won’t it be overloaded?”

“Sure we can. I mean, it’s not like there is a specific wish star for every single person in the world. I bet many people are making wishes upon this star at this exact moment.”

“Good point.” She paused. “Alright.” Sydney closed her eyes, smiled, and opened them again. “Done.”

“Do I dare to ask?”

“Oh, the usual, world peace and all.” She said with a half-shrug.

“You’ve just told me your wish, now it won’t come true.” Vaughn said dramatically, even though he was the one who’d asked to know anyway.

“Sure, because me wishing upon a star would totally accomplish world peace if I hadn’t told you.”

“Fair statement.” Vaughn agreed.

“Now it’s your turn.”

“Okay.” Vaughn raised his eyes to the sky, closed them, and opened them again just as the clouds were starting to cover both the star and the moon once more.


“Redemption for all.”

“You did not ask for redemption for all. You asked for the championship for the Kings, I know it.” Sydney said in a mockery tone.

“I did not!” Vaughn said indignantly. “I asked for redemption for all and don’t you dare doubting me again.”

Sydney made a mumble of assent. “Whatever you say.”

They talked about the weather they should have on the following morning, and tried to decide if they should stay by the pool or go down to the beach after they arrived from the field trip to the city’s botanic park. They joked about the amount of food they’d both eaten that night and how it reminded them of that Saturday, almost two years before, when Sydney had still been pregnant, and they’d gone out to a pizza festival at Paulo’s.

“I’m telling you, if I see one more slice of pepperoni in front of me….”

“Okay, so you better keep your eyes closed for all the time we remain here. Sydney, watch out! There it comes, there it comes!”

“Shut up.”

“The giant slices of pepperoni have come to get us, run, run all!”

“Vaughn! We’re in a public restaurant.”

“Yes, I kind of realized we weren’t at home when people started to come in without knocking first.”

“Humph. I think my baby’s lost in the many pounds I’ve acquired this evening.”

“Headline: A child is retrieved from her mother’s body after spending 24 swimming in tomato sauce. Medical community is dazzled..”

“Not funny.”

“Really? I kind of thought it was.”

“I’ve eaten way too much.”

“You? This is Mr. Twenty-five Slices you’re talking with, lady.”

“We’re insane.”

“A statement I cannot refute.”

“We’re never coming here again.”

“Hey, to that I’ll protest.”

“This was an experience you want to repeat?!”

“Well, they do make a fabulous pizza.”

“You’ll spend a week suffering from indigestion.”

“And it will have been worth it.”

“You’re insane.”

“Now I’m alone in the insane category, no way. You’re just as insane as I am.”

“Am not!”

“Two words for you: nineteen slices.”

“I’m eating for two!”

“So am I!”


“Er… Never mind.”

“That was a disturbing picture you just put in my head, you know?”


“It's like that movie Junior, the difference being that you, unlike Arnold, are capable of more than five facial expressions.”

“Poor Arnold.”

“Poor me. I’ll have to live with the image of a pregnant Vaughn forever in my head.”

“Nah, that’s just the paprika talking, you’ll be out of it tomorrow morning.”

They reminisced, laughing over their nonsense banter and humorous commentaries. Vaughn reminded Sydney’s bad reaction to the papaya pizza and she used his whole banana-olives-lettuce fiasco as a defense.

“Good times, uh?” Sydney said, wiping away laughter tears from her eyes.

“And they keep getting better.”

“Gotta agree on that.” She smiled, and clasped his hands with hers. “Thanks for doing this.”

“Sea, sun and sand. I should be thanking you for letting me tag along.”

“No.” Sydney said. “Not just for this. For everything.”

Vaughn smiled, and brought her hand to his lips.

“At your disposal.” He said, kissed her hand gently, and lowered it again, keeping it entwined with his.
