
Title: Rogue
Author: SpyChic16 (Tatyanna)
Rating: PG/R (language & smut)
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Blah, blah, blah....
Timeline: Starts in mid-S4 then jumps about ten years.

Summary: Sydney and Vaughn have a connection. Everyone in the APO team can see that. Their relationship with each other, both professional and personal, has served the team well over the past few years. Their connection is a great asset and makes both Sydney and Vaughn better agents so the entire APO team, Sydney and Vaughn included, have no problem exploiting that. But what happens when the unstoppable duo turns against their team? Does APO have what it takes to stop them? Fast Forward Ten Years: Sydney and Vaughn are now married and are running their own freelance syndicate. Old issues arise when they meet with a contact that, by a twist of fate, is also being surveyed by APO. While old friends clash over past betrayals, Sydney and Vaughn's two young daughters are kidnapped and used as leverage in a mind game none of them saw coming. Can this once unstoppable team put aside old differences and work together to save them? Or will Sydney and Vaughn have to pay for their past mistakes with the life of their children?

Chapter One: "They're just them..."​


Right. Left. Right. Right. Left. Block. Duck. Sidestep. Right kick. Duck. Block. Left. Right.

Sparring with Vaughn was quickly becoming more tiring than Sydney had anticipated. Not that she was complaining, mind you. Not complaining at all. She just wasn't expecting him to be this good against her. Vaughn was an incredible agent, and more than capable of kicking serious ass when he needed to, but Sydney had never seen him this good before. At least, not against her.

That's what I get for underestimating my boyfriend. Sydney thought to herself as she blocked one of his right hooks and elbowed him in the chest, sending him back a few steps.

"Getting tired over there, Syd?" he teased her. He always did when he was losing one of their little training matches. She just smiled one of her patented Sydney smiles. The ones that made the worlds worst scumbags think twice about messing with her, and quipped a reply right back to him.

"I never get tired of kicking your ass, Vaughn. I'm just getting bored with all this safe-fighting felgercarb. This is us. Let's take it up a notch or just stop altogether. What's it gonna be, Boyscout?"

Using his former handle was a sure fire way to piss him off. This is exactly what Sydney wanted. Just like clockwork Vaughn’s raised his eyebrows in an if-that’s-the-way-you-want-it look and started in on Sydney again.

After about a whole three minutes Sydney was beginning to regret her sarcasm towards Vaughn. Now she was the one losing. The next thing she knew, she was on her back, and Vaughn was pinning her down.

“Sure you’re not tired?” he asked in that adorably annoying cocky tone of his. Sydney used the opportunity to look into his sea-green eyes. The eyes that tell her so much. And right now they were telling her that he had her exactly where he wanted her and there was nothing she could do about it. Luckily, she had weapons at her disposal she knew he couldn’t beat.

Time to pull out the big guns. Syd thought to herself. Smiling in spite of herself, Sydney held Vaughn’s gaze and use her most seductive voice.

“Actually, I am getting a little tired of fighting. I was thinking maybe we should just call it a day and move on to something a little more…inventive.” She averted her eyes down to his lips and had to use every drop of self-control she possessed to stick with her plan and not actually give in to what she was trying to make Vaughn believe. So far, so good.

“Oh, really?” Vaughn asked. A truly surprised and completely interested look on his face. Good boy, Sydney thought to herself. Now stay with me on this.

This might work to her benefit after all…..

Unfortunately, Sydney never got to finish up her little mind game on the count of Eric Weiss sticking his head into the training room and royally screwing things up.

“Uh, guys? I know you two are back together and believe me, nobody’s more thankful than I am that you two have moved passed your ‘Year of Unending Angst’, but seriously, going at it in a very transparent training room while Jack and Sloane are both upstairs? Probably isn’t the best idea in the world!” Leave it to Eric to misinterpret a completely innocent situation into something dirty.

“Damn, and here I thought we were going to get away with it.” Vaughn replied with that slightly arrogant tone of his that made Sydney both annoyed and crazy at the same time. Leave it to Vaughn to side with Eric. The two of them drove her crazy!

Oh, well. Sydney thought to herself. At least I’ve got Nadia to deal with Eric now. He’s her problem. Vaughn is mine. And speaking of her annoyingly arrogant yet charming boyfriend, Sydney had just taken enough time to notice that since Eric had entered the room, Vaughn had left his guard down. Syd was going have fun playing that to her advantage.

While Vaughn was distracted, Sydney used the opportunity to wrap her right foot around Vaughn’s calf, and with her back pushed off the mat, using the momentum to catch Vaughn completely off guard and flip him over to where he was now the one lying on his back and she was pinning him to the mat.

“AH! Syd! What the hell was that?!” Vaughn asked, smiling despite his sudden shift in power.

That was you losing our little match, Vaughn.” Syd said with a poisonous smile on her face.

“No fair! I was distracted!” he interjected.

“Oh, please! What are you six? Distractions happen in the field. This is why we train. So we can be ready to defend ourselves if and when a distraction happens. You got distracted by Eric. You let your guard down. I used the opportunity to my advantage. You lost the match. End. Of. Story.” Sydney lifted herself off Vaughn and stood with her arms folded across her chest, daring him to counter. And him being Vaughn, she knew he would.

“I guess that makes me lucky,” he said as he too stood up. “A real enemy would’ve killed me.” He had that goofy I-know-something-you-don’t-know smile on his face as he looked at her, which made Syd all the more suspicious. She eyed him down from head to foot but couldn’t see any possible danger lurking in just talking to him.

“Well, just be thankful I’m your girlfriend and not the enemy.” She said simply.

“Interesting distinction Syd. I thought you were both.” He quipped back, enjoying the look of mock fury on her face. Just as she was about to retort something back...

“Hey! Hello? I’m still here! And as much as I like watching you two bite each other’s heads off, and you know I do, we’ve got bigger issues to deal with right now. National Security? Fate of the free world? Any of this ring a bell with you two?” Weiss interrupted.

Vaughn rolled his eyes and looked away from Sydney. “Sloane wants to see us?” he asked.

“Yeah, and he don’t look happy. So what crime against spy-nature have you two committed now?”

“What have we done? You’re the one dating his daughter. How do you know he just wasn’t happy with you, Eric?” Syd intervened.

Truthfully she was happy that Eric and Nadia had hooked up. They were really good together. Nadia was completely infatuated with him, and Eric? Eric wouldn’t stop gushing about how great his girl was if you paid him. It was truly a match made in heaven. Or at least, Spy Heaven. God only knew what kinds of Powers That Be looked over the espionage circle. It just goes to figure that as happy as Nadia and Eric were, Sloane couldn’t be any less thrilled that his daughter was dating Eric Weiss. Much similar to the way Jack resented Sydney and Vaughn’s relationship in the beginning.

If Sydney had learned anything from that little debacle, it was that fighting for your father to approve of your boyfriend was usually slightly impossible. Even though, in the past year or so Jack’s attitude toward Vaughn had shifted slightly, Sydney wasn’t going to push a miracle. Jack and Vaughn would rarely, if ever, see eye to eye. The one subject that they usually could agree on was Sydney. As irony would have it that was also the one subject they clashed about most often.

“Earth to Sydney! Where are you?” Vaughn’s voice brought her out of her tangent and straight back to reality. She blinked and shook her head, trying to rid herself of her thoughts and quickly pushed them to the back of her mind. Eric and Vaughn were both staring at her as if she had just broken out into a break dance.

“Sorry. I guess I just got lost in my thoughts.” She said.

“Not a hard thing to do. Especially in your head.” Vaughn teased her.

Syd just made a face at him and started to remove the bandages she had wrapped around her hands and wrists as Vaughn did the same with his own. Training was over for right now. If they were lucky, they could always pick up again later.

“Hey, just a quick question.” Eric said. “Do you two ever get tired of kicking each other’s asses?”

“No.” Sydney and Vaughn replied in unison. They took that moment to look at each other and smile. Great minds think alike. Syd thought to herself. And if that’s the case, Vaughn and I must have our own wavelength. We’re always on the same page, or thought.

“Right.” Eric nodded. “Just checking. Seriously, though? You two should really get out more. It might do you some good.” With that he turned and walked out.

With Eric gone, Sydney walked over to Vaughn and wrapped her arms around his neck, while his hands automatically wrapped around her waist. After just staring at each other for a second or two Vaughn was the first to speak up.

“We’re lucky Eric walked in when he did, you know.”

“Really? Why’s that?” Syd replied.

“Because if he hadn’t I might’ve just taken you up on your offer.” That arrogant little smile of his just drove Syd out of her mind. For two very different reasons. In two very different ways.

“There’s just one little problem with that, Vaughn.” Syd said, deciding to mess with his head a little more.

“What would that be?” Vaughn asked as his eyes involuntarily traveled down to her lips and his hand came up to run through her hair.

“Well you said being your girlfriend also made me the enemy, right?” She asked in her most innocent voice, toying with the stands of his hair.

“I said it and I meant it.” He teased.

“Well, then. Wouldn’t that make you my enemy?” She used her sweetest voice.

“Yeeeaah,” Vaughn said slowly, not sure where she was taking this.

“Well the problem is, Vaughn. I don’t sleep with my enemies.” She gave a pure on Sydney smile, leaned up on her toes, gave him a quick kiss, and then breezed towards the door.

Vaughn, laughing in spite of himself followed her.

“See? THAT is exactly why I call you my enemy.” He said. The both of them started laughing and went to see what exactly Sloane wanted.

As they entered the circular meeting room and sat down, Nadia sitting slightly across from them, leaned over to Eric and asked, “Why are Sydney and Vaughn acting so weird?”

Eric just looked over at the two and seeing them whispering and laughing with each other he shook his head replied, “Nadia. They’re just...them! And that’s really all I can tell you.” Nadia smiled, shrug her shoulders and looked towards her father as he begun the meeting.


PlEaSe R&R,
Luv, Tia :redhair:
I think I was reading this over at sd-1 and since I dn't go over there really anymore, Can I get a pm when you update please?
I love this story and can't wait to see it play out.
This is really good. I love CIA S/V. There's unfortunatly not a lot of it. The way they are interacting with eachother is great :love:. I'm not usually one to ask for a PM, but I really want to know how this is all going to play out :D.
I love it!!!

Syd and Vaughn are so cute and sexy!!! Love the bantering back and forth!!

Please pm me, if are that is, when you update!!
Chapter Two: Just another day at the office.

“Giovanni Molitas is probably the leading arms dealer in Europe at this time. Close personal sources indicate that he will be in Barcelona in two days looking to meet with a partner, Malachi DeMarcos. DeMarcos is well known in criminal circles as a freelance… ” Sloane droned on.

Syd still found it miraculous that she had willingly agreed to work for him again. Not just with him. For him. As in he was the boss and she was the idiot who took his orders. Just the sound of his voice made her skin crawl and churned her stomach.

As she tuned him out she took a look around the room and reminded herself of why she agreed to work with him.

Vaughn, Nadia, Weiss, Dixon, Marshall, and her father. Six living, breathing reasons why she had agreed to listen to this insipid sociopath once again.

Her father was probably the least of her worries. He had actually been friends with the little creation since before Sydney was born. He knew Sloane better than anyone else seated at that table. That also made him one of Sydney’s greatest concerns. He had already proven he could be duped, by none other than his own wife. Who was to say it couldn’t happen again with his quasi-best friend?

Marshall. Sweet, lovable Marshall. The APO team would be lost without him. He was as bright and brilliant as they come. God only knew where he came up with the ideas for some of his wackier inventions. Yet, those inventions had saved the lives of everyone in that room, at one point or another, countless times over. He was also innocent. Innocent people were easy victims for men like Sloane……

Then there was Marcus Dixon. Dixon had been Syd’s partner for what seemed like most of her life as a spy. He had been there when she first started at SD-6 and had looked after her ever since. He was truly one of Syd’s best friends in the world. It had broken her heart to lie to him about what SD-6 really was. For Dixon had also been duped, by Sloane directly. Sloane let Dixon believe that he had been working for a covert branch of the CIA, the same lie he told to Sydney and dozens of other people, and that he was working for the good of his country when he was really helping to destroy it. Dixon learning the truth had almost damaged his relationship with Sydney beyond repair. It took a long time for him to understand what lying to someone you loved did to you, even when you didn’t want to lie to begin with. Dixon was only a mild concern. He swore that he would never let Sloane use him, or any of the rest of APO, like that again, and Sydney believed him. The thing that worried her was, how can you stop a train wreck you don’t see coming? That was what Sloane was, too. A train wreck waiting to happen.

Again Syd’s gaze shifted and this time landed on Eric Weiss. Ah, sweet goofy Eric. He and Vaughn had been great friends for years and in the past few, Eric had become one of Syd’s greatest friends. He could always be counted on when things turned rough. Whether it was to lighten the mood with one of his patented jokes (like she had witnessed earlier in the training room with Vaughn) or just to be a shoulder to cry on (which she had several times last year during her, uh, “temporary parting” with Vaughn) Eric was definitely a true friend. Not to mention the little fact that he was beyond infatuated with Syd’s sister Nadia. Eric was definitely one of the most loyal and caring men Sydney had ever known. He wouldn’t betray a fly, let alone his best friends. Still, Eric had never really felt betrayal the size that most others in the room had, and Sydney hoped he never would. The team needed that kind of balance. Too much betrayal led to nowhere good with these agents.

Then there was Nadia. All of Sydney’s life she wished she had had a sibling to relate to. A confidant; someone she could talk to while her father was always away on business and her mother was (supposedly) dead. It took more than twenty years, but Sydney had finally gotten her sister. Unfortunately, as the fates would have it, said younger sister was also the product of an affair between their mother and Arvin Sloane. A bittersweet relationship. Nadia was convinced that Sloane had changed his ways, yet Sydney still knew better. Nadia also believed that there is more to Irina Derevko than just a sociopathic criminal. Again, Sydney believed she knew better. Therein lies sibling rivalry. Hey, no relationship is perfect, right? Despite her genetics, Sydney was drawn to Nadia as only a sister could be. It had taken a while, but eventually Syd stopped referring to Nadia as only a “half-sister” and embraced her fully as a sister, period. And Sydney would kill to protect her sister. As she almost had when Anna Espinosa decided to make Nadia her latest plaything in an attempt to get Sydney to retrieve something she wanted. Nadia wasn’t only a sister, though. She was truly becoming one of Syd’s best friends.

Last, but certainly not least, was Michael Vaughn. He (more than all the rest of them combined and multiplied a hundred times,) kept Sydney sane and grounded. He was the best of her best friends. He was the love of her life and her one true soul mate, if such things truly exist. Vaughn was pretty much the numero uno reason Syd stayed at APO. Over the years the two of them had gotten as close as two separated humans could get. Sydney’s heart, mind, body, and soul belonged strictly to Vaughn and she knew the feeling was reciprocated. The problem was everyone else knew it too. The easiest way to get to one of them was through the other. If Syd ever truly left APO, Vaughn would be the sole source of knowing how to get her back. He always knew. How could he not? They practically shared a single mind most of the time. Vaughn would be a big key-target if Sloane ever turned. Just the thought made Syd’s blood boil in her veins. If she had anything to say about it, nobody would ever manipulate Vaughn that way. Not again. Not after Lauren…..

Lauren Reed had been Vaughn’s wife of almost two years. In that time she had “helped” Vaughn get over Sydney’s supposed death. When Syd had “come back to life” after two years missing, to find her boyfriend married, it didn’t go so well. Yet a part of Sydney, although she would’ve rather died than admit it, was grateful to Lauren for easing Vaughn’s pain. That didn’t mean that Sydney had to like her though. All in all it didn’t matter. In truth, Lauren had been sent by the Covenant (the people who had kidnapped Syd and faked her death) to seduce and marry Vaughn. When her duplicity had been revealed, Vaughn went completely insane with rage and vengeance. It was all Syd could do to keep him from becoming someone neither she nor him would want him to become. Eventually, Lauren had tried to kill Vaughn, sending Sydney over the edge. That bitch was going to die and nothing anyone could say would stop Sydney from doing it. When Syd finally tracked her down, Lauren put up a hell of a fight. The duplicitous bitch got a lucky shot and Syd was about to lose her life…until Vaughn showed up extremely pissed off. Lauren made the stupid mistake of pointing a gun at Sydney’s head in front of Vaughn, which naturally pissed him off even more, and Vaughn killed her to save his real love: Sydney.

Unfortunately, Lauren and her death had taken a toll on Syd and Vaughn’s relationship. Vaughn was still reeling off of Lauren’s death and betrayal. Sydney was still questioning her faith in Vaughn. The fact that the two of them loved each other more than words could describe, or that they both knew that they were meant to be together didn’t matter. Well, it did, just not in the grand scheme of things.

The point of the matter was, Vaughn and Sydney’s love and relationship was in many ways both salvation and damnation. They had ruined love for each other. They both knew they would never love any other person the way they loved each other.

And if Arvin Sloane or anyone else ever used that against them, Syd swore to every and all powers, that person would pay with their blood.

“Sydney, any questions?” Sloane’s voice brought her out of her reverie.

“No,” she put on a fake smile and pretended like she knew what he was talking about. “No questions at all.” She would love to boil the little creation in a vat of acid just to hear him scream.

As predicted, Sloane just gave her that paternal creepy leer-like grin that made Sydney’s skin crawl. “Now that that’s settled, you have your assignments.” Just like that the briefing was over. Sloane and Jack got up and walked back to Sloane’s office and the rest of the team just broke out into usual conversation again.

“Just another day at the office…” Sydney thought to herself.


Please R&R
Luv, Spy :redhair:
Yay! This is so great! I just loved the way you described the feelings between Nadia and Syd. . .
Please write more! And can i please have a pm? Please?

Thanks! :hug:
The duplicitous bitch got a lucky shot and Syd was about to lose her life…until Vaughn showed up extremely pissed off. Lauren made the stupid mistake of pointing a gun at Sydney’s head in front of Vaughn, which naturally pissed him off even more,
Love Vaughn in protective, pissed off mode...

“No,” she put on a fake smile and pretended like she knew what he was talking about. “No questions at all.” She would love to boil the little creation in a vat of acid just to hear him scream.
she has no idea what she just agreed

Great Update.
Thanks for the pm.
That was great!! Thank you so much for the pm!!
He was the best of her best friends. He was the love of her life and her one true soul mate, if such things truly exist. Vaughn was pretty much the numero uno reason Syd stayed at APO. Over the years the two of them had gotten as close as two separated humans could get. Sydney’s heart, mind, body, and soul belonged strictly to Vaughn and she knew the feeling was reciprocated.

That sums them up in a heartbeat!!

I miss them so much!!
Hey, Here's chapter three. Don't have time for PMs right now, so will do later.
~Tia :redhair:

Chapter Three: With friends like mine...

Carmella’s Pool Hall had become a local haunt for the younger of APO’s senior officers. Meaning: it had been a place that Eric had stumbled upon thus dragging Sydney, Vaughn, and Nadia later to check it out. As time went on Dixon and Marshall started showing a liking to the place as well.

So now hanging out at Carmella’s became a regular pre- as well as post-mission thing.

Right now Syd and Vaughn were engrossed in playing a game of pool (that Vaughn was shamefully losing) and Nadia, Weiss and Dixon were deep in conversation about the upcoming mission. Marshall had opted out saying that Carrie needed him at home with Mitchell. Usually Dixon would be at home spending some rare quality time with his kids, Steven and Robin, but as both were staying over at a friend’s house he had opted to spend some quality time with the gang.

“All I’m saying is, if we know that this guy is going to be there and that he has ties with Molitas maybe Syd shouldn’t be going in alone.” Eric said, slightly exasperated at having to argue with his girlfriend and friend.

“Maybe, but Syd can handle herself. She wants to do this. She knows the dangers involved and had agreed to the mission specs earlier in the briefing.” Dixon countered.

Nadia had to mull that over for a moment as the two agents looked at her to be the tie breaker. She knew that her sister could handle pretty much anything and yet something still didn’t seem so right with Sydney lately and decided to relay her concerns to her friends.

“Sydney does know the risks and she can handle herself, but to be honest I don’t really think she knows what she agreed to in the briefing earlier.”

“What do you mean?” Dixon asked. It was a fair question after all. And Dixon had known Sydney a lot longer than anyone else on the team, with the exception of her father, Jack. It’s natural that he would be worried about her.

“I mean that Sydney seemed a little distracted in the briefing earlier. I don’t think that she heard my father when he described the mission. It was like her mind was somewhere else.” Nadia concluded.

“That’s not like Syd,” Eric said. “Normally she’s so focused and down to earth when it comes to this I’ve-gotta-go-save-the-world stuff. She takes it too seriously to just space out in the middle of a briefing. Are you sure she wasn’t paying attention?”

“I know what I saw, Eric. I’m telling you her mind wasn’t there. And if she can’t focus on the briefing how do we really know she won’t space during the mission? I’m not saying it to try to negate Sydney’s abilities as an agent, I just don’t want to see my sister get hurt, you know?”

Eric seemed to take that in stride. His mind conflicted between Nadia’s keen observance of her sister, and all that he knew about Sydney in the past few years. He decided on playing the third party card. “What do you think Dixon?”

Dixon turned his attention and stared across the room at the table where Sydney and Vaughn were deep in their game of pool. Sydney was bent over the table, concentrating on her next shot and Vaughn was leaning against the wall watching with a characteristic smirk on his face. As Syd made her shot and sunk the 8 ball Vaughn hung his head and looked up at Syd barely containing his laughter at having his girlfriend beat him. Syd just wore a Cheshire cat grin and Dixon could tell that she was teasing Vaughn about his shameful loss.

“She seems like Syd to me,” Dixon answered.

“Well of course she seems fine now,” Eric said dismissively. “She’s too busy flirting with Vaughn to be bothered by anything else. You know how those two are when they get around each other. They’re up on cloud-9. Nothing can penetrate their little love bubble when they get caught up in it.”

“When who gets caught up in what?” Sydney asked. It seems like her and Vaughn had made their way back over to the group when the others weren’t paying attention.

Nadia and Dixon both turned to Eric to see if he could talk his way out of Sydney’s unanswered question. Eric just sat there with a panicked expression on his face with his mouth hanging open, not wanting to reveal to his friends what he had just said.

Luckily he didn’t have to. After seeing the look on his friend’s face, Vaughn chose to interrupt.

“You know what? Don’t tell us. Whenever Weiss gets that look of stupefied shock on his face, we’re usually better off NOT knowing what the conversation was.”

The whole group-minus Weiss-busted up laughing as Vaughn sat down on the fourth (and last available) chair at the circle table the agents had gathered around. With no other available seats left, Sydney sat across Vaughn’s lap with her arm around his shoulders. One of Vaughn’s hands automatically went to the small of Syd’s back and the other ran back and forth across her knee.

“So who won the game?” Nadia asked. She already knew but chose to steer clear from the previous conversation and thus keeping her boyfriend from getting the third degree from his two best friends.

“I totally kicked his ass.” Syd said immediately in a self-satisfied tone that showed how much she enjoyed beating her boyfriend at a game of pool.

Vaughn scoffed, “Yeah that just means that I have to stop letting you win, Sydney.”

“You didn’t let me win!”

“Um, yeah, I really kind of did, Syd.”

“No way. I’ve just gotten so good at kicking your butt that you had to invent some ridiculous story about ‘letting me win’ so your poor little ego won’t be crushed.” Syd quipped back, rolling her eyes and “acting” annoyed that Vaughn just couldn’t seem to accept her win. Unfortunately, Vaughn was prepared for that.

“Hate to break it to you Syd, but the only ego I worry about getting broken is yours. I let you win.”

“See that doesn’t make any sense to me,” Weiss interrupted. “’Cause I stopped letting Syd win months ago and she still kicks my butt.”

“Yeah, but dude, you suck, so…” Vaughn trailed off as the table started laughing again.

It felt nice for the group to just fall into an easy banter. Vaughn and Weiss arguing, and occasionally having Sydney or Nadia enter a little comment that sent the boys on another tangent. Dixon just sort of withdrew from the conversation and did a little people watching with his friends specifically choosing to focus on Sydney.

She was smiling that patented Sydney-million-watt smile. The smile that could just light up an entire room. Occasionally she would smile down at Vaughn when he wasn’t looking and Dixon could almost feel the love that radiated from her eyes. She was happy with him. She was more at peace around Michael Vaughn than Dixon could ever remember seeing her since he had known her, and he had known her a long time.

That stray thought led Dixon back to his previous conversation with Nadia and Weiss. They were both right in what they said. Sydney usually took the spy-game very seriously, often at her own expense. It wasn’t like her to let her mind drift off, even if she did revile Sloane as much as Dixon knew she did. Despite their cold and heartless leader, Dixon knew Sydney wouldn’t let anything stand between her and doing her job.

However, she did seem a little more distant lately. Although you wouldn’t tell it by the way she was acting around her friends…

“All right,” Sydney’s voice brought Dixon’s attention back to where it was supposed to be. “Now that we’ve all been sufficiently distracted from reality for a while, I think we should call it a night. We do have work tomorrow.”

“Syd we always have work tomorrow. Besides, having a fun night out was your idea.” Vaughn interjected.

“No it wasn’t. You and Weiss were practically desperate for a night out and decided to drag Nadia and me along and she and I invited Dixon to join us.” Sydney said.

“Oh, now who’s inventing stories, Sydney?”

“Actually she isn’t Vaughn.” Nadia interrupted. “Eric told me pretty much the same thing before we left the office. You two wanted a night out. Sydney and I being the loyal, dutiful girlfriends that we are agreed to come along and then we asked Dixon.”

Sydney and Nadia just stared at Vaughn who just glared at Weiss.

“Hey, don’t shoot me the death glare just because you can’t control your own girlfriend.” Weiss retorted. Vaughn just rolled his eyes and turned his attention towards Sydney who was, once again, wearing a Cheshire cat grin and just waiting for him to make a retort.

“Do you always have to be right?” he asked.

“No. But I usually am.” Syd replied and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on his lips, both of them smiling the whole time.

Please as always, R&R
Quotes are loved
and so are all who respond to this fic

Luv, Tia! :redhair:
Hey! Sorry about not sending out the PMs for chap 3. :blush: I got distracted and then forgot. SO anyway here is chapters 4 & 5 and then you'll have to wait until I finish chap 6 for me to post that. Thanks for all your support and reviews. Quotes are loved. I love hearing feed back.

~Tia :redhair:

Chapter Four: A perfect storm…

Sydney had always been fascinated with thunderstorms. Even when she was a little child, she would stay up late and listen to the rain beat against her windows, followed by the booming thunder, and flashes of bright lightning that always accompanied it. Tonight was no different.

The gang had decided that enough was enough and was getting ready to leave Carmella’s. As soon as they walked outside they were stuck in a tremendous downpour.

“Damn, when the hell did this start?” Weiss commented. Sydney just ignored him and stared at the falling sheets of water droplets, deeply transfixed by it.

She heard the others talking, probably saying good-bye or something, but Syd ignored them and just stepped away from the group and stretched her hand out into the storm. Her hand was immediately soaked, but she just kept waving it back and forth through the falling water as if she had never seen rain before.

“Sydney, what are you doing?” she heard Nadia ask.

Temporarily withdrawn from her fascination with the rain, she turned around and looked at her friends. Nadia had this curious, what-do-you-think-you’re-doing look on her face, Weiss and Dixon had similar looks on their faces, but Sydney was drawn to Vaughn’s expression. He was looking at her and then looking out at the storm, and as if putting two and two together, he got a small, understanding smile on his face that the others didn’t see. Choosing to play this to her advantage Sydney looked back at her friends with a serene expression on her face.

“I’m going to take a walk in the rain.” She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. With that she turned and walked straight into the storm, tilting her head up, closing her eyes, and stretching out her arms, letting the rain pour down upon her.

“Sydney! What are you doing!? You’ll get soaked! Get back here!” Nadia shouted. Dixon and Eric looked just as equally astounded that Sydney Bristow was willingly walking into a downpour without a care in the world. Honestly, to Sydney, it was worth getting drenched just to see and hear their reactions. While Nadia, Dixon, and Weiss were both parts equally worried and confused, Vaughn just stood there leaning against the doorway watching Sydney with an amused look on his face. He knew about her fascination with storms, she had told him about it years ago, but he had never seen it firsthand. Sydney knew by the look on his face, that man-I-love-this-girl look that he was okay with what she was doing. Sydney pulled her attention from Vaughn temporarily and focused on the other three.

“It’s just water Nadia. It can’t hurt me.” She told her sister with a small laugh.

“Syd, that water has to be freezing.” Weiss added. They were trying to be rational and Sydney didn’t want rational right now. She just wanted to be in the rain. Maybe even let Heaven’s falling water wash away some of her pain. Pain her friends couldn’t understand and she wasn’t ready for them too.

“It isn’t that cold actually,” she replied. Once again raising her face and arms to the skies to let the water pour over her.

“Syd, you’ll make yourself sick. Get back here.” Dixon ordered her. Sydney started laughing. Really, they were treating her like a porcelain doll or something. She wouldn’t break: just get a little wet. However her friends were getting a little less than patient with her by now.

“This is ridiculous!” Nadia exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, completely frustrated by the situation, which naturally just amused Sydney even more.

“Vaughn! Will you talk to her? She’s completely crazy!” Weiss shouted over a particular loud thunder clap.

Naturally, whenever something was wrong with Sydney, they all turned to Vaughn. However, they would find him very little help in this particular case. He had not moved from his position in the doorway, and was still wearing that little smirk of his that told Sydney he knew exactly what she was doing. She returned the look, a little I-dare-you-to-try look that Vaughn knew all to well by now. He smiled and turned to the rest of them.

“We knew she was crazy a long time ago, Eric. What exactly do you think I should do about it now?” he replied, shrugging one shoulder. Weiss just dropped his jaw in astonishment and frustration. Before any of them decided to turn on her boyfriend any further, Sydney decided to interrupt.

“There isn’t anything he can do, Weiss. There isn’t anything any of you can do. I’m going for a walk in the rain. If any of you want to stop me, you’ll just have to come out here and get me.” With that, she turned away from her friends and sauntered out into the storm, fully knowing that one of them would follow. Smiling, knowing who that someone would be.

“I can’t believe that she did that.” Nadia half-said half-laughed.

“Sydney has definitely lost her mind on this one.” Dixon agreed.

“Yeah, and know she’s out in the middle of a small hurricane and our asses are the ones that'll get kicked if Jack ever finds out we let her do it.” Weiss added. “Now what do we do?”

Vaughn still staring after Sydney said the only thing that made sense. “You heard her, Weiss. The only way to get her is to go after her.” Weiss just snapped his head up towards Vaughn.

“You cannot seriously be suggesting what we all know you’re suggesting, that I’d have to kill you for suggesting because it is beyond insane for you to even think let alone suggest what you are suggesting, are you?”

“Was that an actual sentence?” Nadia asked Weiss.

“Vaughn, do you really think that’s a good idea?” Dixon asked, ignoring Nadia and Weiss.

Vaughn just smiled and looked out into the storm where Sydney had fled, Syd herself just barely visible through the pouring rain. He shrugged his shoulders and turned to his friends. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.” He said before walking out into the storm, a smile still visible on his face.

“They’re both crazy,” was the last thing Vaughn heard before he allowed the storm to swallow him the way it did Sydney.

Lightning clapped and thunder boomed but Sydney didn’t care. She was in the center of a powerful force of nature, much like herself. Leaving her friends questioning her sanity was fun in its own little way, but Sydney loved this much better. She still didn’t know why, but she was drawn to storms in a way she wasn’t drawn to anything else, not even to Vaughn.

Speaking of Vaughn, Sydney could hear him behind her, calling out her name, trying to find her through the darkness and rain. This was going to be even more fun.

Syd ducked behind a tree and waited for him to get close enough. Finally when he was practically right next to her, Syd jumped out from behind the tree, grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him to her, pinning him between herself and the tree. This was the kind of fun Sydney never got tired of having and she knew Vaughn felt the same way.

Sydney crashed her lips against Vaughn’s and let passion overtake them as easily as they had let the storm rain upon them. They were pressed so tightly against each other that neither one of them could really breathe. They wouldn’t have it any other way. Fighting fire with fire, Vaughn responded just as passionately, but letting Sydney lead, as always. Soon they were fighting for breath and had to break apart. But that didn’t mean they still didn’t hold each other as close as possible.

Syd had her hands around his arms, keeping him from moving, and Vaughn’s hands were gripping her waist tightly. They had their foreheads resting against each others, with eyes closed, both sopping wet, but they didn’t care. It had been said by someone once, that storms brought out the craziness in people. In Sydney and Vaughn, it just brought out another storm that was just as powerful as the force currently surrounding them.

When Sydney opened her eyes she found Vaughn staring right back down at her. Words could not describe how much she loved the man in front of her. He was her everything. They were connected in so many ways that words could never begin to describe. And Sydney didn’t want to wait for the words to come either. She didn’t want words at all right now. Sensing that Vaughn was about to say something, Syd rose up on her tip-toes and cut him off with another passionate kiss. Teasing his lips a little before quickly cutting off and running away from him back out into the storm.

She turned around in the pouring rain to see Vaughn push away from the tree and quickly walk towards her. Sydney just smiled a Cheshire cat smile and walked backwards, not caring where she was going, and let Vaughn catch up with her.

When he did, he wasted no time with pleasantries. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer to him again. Syd threw her arms around his shoulders, pulling him to her and met him in a kiss that sent the world spinning around them. He was getting back at her for running away from him and she knew it. Not that she cared at all. Quite the opposite, she encouraged it to happen. Often.

She got lost in the feel of his hands running all over her rain-soaked body, sending vibrations all through her. She loved that feel of his heart racing underneath his now-drenched t-shirt, more so that she could be the one to make his heart race. When the need to breathe overtook her again she pulled away, but Vaughn would have none of it. He still held her close and starting kissing along her jaw line, slowly around to behind her ear, and even slower down her neck, leaving Syd moaning with pleasure. He was torturing her and she loved every minute of it.

It was one of those times Sydney knew she would remember forever. She was standing in the middle of a miniature hurricane making out with a man she loved more than words could tell, and she couldn’t remember a time when she had been happier. It was a moment that was burned in her mind and heart, and would be for an eternity.

“Vaughn, we should really get out of this storm.” Syd said as he found a particularly sensitive spot on her neck.

“Why? Aren’t you having fun?” he whispered huskily into her ear before resuming kissing every part of her neck he could get his seductive little lips on. Running her hands through his hair, it took Sydney a moment to fight the feelings coursing through her body to be able to respond.

“Yeah, I am actually. That’s why I think we should get out of this storm.” She said before pulling him into a fiery kiss that made their hearts skip.

Vaughn, never missing a beat with her picked up on exactly where she was with this.

“Your place?” he questioned before capturing her lips in another duel of passion.

“I really don’t want to deal with Nadia or Eric right now.” Syd replied when they broke apart. “What about your place?”

“Closer than yours is. Which is good for so, so many reasons.”

“Your place it is.” She smiled and pulled him back into another long passionate kiss. Tonight would be a very long night.


Chapter Five: Dreams and Schemes

Content in Vaughn’s arms, Sydney slept. It wasn’t a peaceful sleep, however. It was the same dream that had been haunting her for weeks now. Sydney dreamed of the night Lauren Reed met her fate at Vaughn’s hands.

She was watching the whole thing from a third person’s view. She saw herself battle Lauren; the two of them crashing all around, throwing kicks and punches at each other like there was no tomorrow. Sydney saw herself knock Lauren to the ground and using a shovel handle, try to strangle the life out of her. She also heard Lauren’s words: clearer now then they had been the night all of this had happened the first time:

“If you kill me, you’ll never know the truth.”

“This is the truth. Sucks, doesn’t it?” Syd heard herself reply.

At the time, those words made sense. Lauren was just trying to throw her off, and buy time until who knows what could’ve happened. Sydney watched more as Lauren knocked her to the ground and more fighting began. Lauren picking up a pick-ax and the two engaging in a type of sword fight. Until, Lauren spoke again:

“You think the CIA couldn’t find you when you went missing? Or that you learned what happened to you by chance?”

Sydney didn’t buy any of it. At least not at the time. She just kept swinging at Lauren, determined to bring her down. Lauren persisted.

“And if your mother’s really been helping you since you left, why haven’t you spoken to her?”

“You’re just trying to buy time.” Sydney insisted.

The battle between the two continued, but Syd stopped watching herself fight Lauren and paid closer attention to the words the evil wench was saying. She had a feeling that that was what all these dreams were really about.

“You can’t believe that you and your sister just happen to both be agents.”

“This isn’t going to work.” Sydney watched herself say. She was right. This was all some trick Lauren was playing with her mind. But what did that have to do with Nadia?

“There’s a bank in Wittenberg. A numbered vault. Proof.”

Yeah, Syd thought, and I went there and found proof that my dad is responsible for the death of my mother, so why do I keep having these freaking dreams? I already know what’s there!

Syd again watched as Lauren knocked her to the ground and tried to strangle her with the handle of a shovel, just as Sydney had done to her only a few minutes earlier.

“We’re both pawns in the same game. The difference between us is I know who controls me.”

“Who controls me?” Sydney shot back. She had spotted a gun just a little out of her reach. Unfortunately Lauren saw it too.

“I guess you’ll never know.” Lauren shot back. Lauren had the gun and Syd remembered the feeling that she had right then. She felt like she was an instant from death. Until…

“Stop,” came a voice from behind her. Sydney spun around in shock. Vaughn. How in the hell could Sydney have forgotten that he showed up right when Lauren had a gun to Syd’s head?

Syd watched more as the scene played out. Lauren demanding that Vaughn put the gun down, “If you love her, you’ll put the gun down.” Vaughn temporarily lowering the gun. Proving he loved Sydney more. The minute Lauren looked away, Vaughn bringing the gun up again and firing a bullet into her shoulder, then two more into her chest when she was away from Sydney. Lauren dropped to the ground.

Sydney watched, with immense satisfaction, as the other Sydney ran straight into Vaughn’s arms; her eternal sanctuary. She watched herself cling to him and then pull back.

“Vaughn, what are you doing…how did you get here?” she heard herself ask.

“I came for you.” Was his only reply. It was the only one Sydney needed to hear from him. She watched as the two kissed, passionately, for the first time in what seemed like forever. But while the two of them were so wrapped up in each other, Sydney saw Lauren rise from the ground, gun in hand. She turned to see her counterpart still wrapped up in Vaughn’s arms. This couldn’t happen.

“Look out!” she yelled. Wait, nobody can hear me. I’m dreaming. She thought to herself. All she could do was watch. She saw herself pull away from Vaughn and then him pull her closer, raising his gun towards Lauren, shooting her repeatedly before she could shoot them.

As Sydney relived this moment she heard Lauren’s final words: “1-0-6-2.”

Before Vaughn pulled the trigger one last time, and Lauren fell dead.

“What was that?” Vaughn had asked her. Sydney, not wanting to worry him, just told him that she didn’t know, and that it didn’t matter. At that moment nothing had mattered except the fact that Lauren was dead and Sydney and Vaughn were finally able to be together again. Sydney pulled Vaughn back to her and they kissed again. This time not so eager to separate.

“How romantic.” A familiar voice behind Sydney drawled. Sydney spun around and there she was. Lauren Reed. Sydney looked back and saw that her other self was still occupied with Vaughn, and this being a dream neither of them could see that Lauren was back from the dead.

“That’s not possible,” Sydney said, fear evident in her voice. “You’re…”

“Dead?” Lauren finished for her. “Yes, I am. My dear husband, your beloved Vaughn, killed me in cold blood, see?” Bullet holes, fresh as if they just happened appeared over her chest slowly, blood pouring from each wound.

“The thing is, Syd,” the dead Lauren continued. “That hardly matters here. This is a dream after all.” The simple tone of Lauren’s voice, as if they were having a conversation about the weather, made Sydney’s blood run cold.

“What do you want? Why the hell won’t you leave me alone, Lauren?” Sydney questioned. She and Vaughn were supposed to be past Lauren and all the drama she both caused and left in her wake. Why was Sydney having these dreams?

“You didn’t listen to me, Sydney. This is your consciousness’s way of letting you know that. Until you listen, you’ll never have peace. I’ll never leave,” Lauren replied.

“Wait…what? I did listen. I went to Wittenberg. I found the files. I know what’s there. What more do you want!?” Sydney screamed back.

“Yes, yes,” Lauren said in an almost bored fashion. “You went to Wittenberg and found files confirming that your dear old dad had killed your sainted mother. But that’s not why I sent you there is it?”

“What are you saying, Lauren?”

“I’m saying that you didn’t listen to me at all.” Lauren’s voice took on a harsher and more accusing tone as she advanced towards Sydney, who backed away in fright of the representation of one of her greatest fears.

“All you did was act like a little foot soldier and carried out orders. I told you there was a bank in Wittenberg, you found it. I told you the box number, you got it. You opened it and found files that didn’t relate at all to what I just told you, Sydney, of what these dreams you keep having are trying to tell you. Think about everything I said on this night and figure it out.”

Sydney stumbled backwards over a rock and fell to the ground, when she looked up it was in horror to find the dead Lauren Reed with blood dripping down her chest from the stigmata of the wounds that killed her, holding a gun straight at Sydney’s head.

“Or you’ll be the one that has to pay in blood,” was all that Lauren said before pulling the trigger. A loud bang… a bright white light…


Sydney bolted up in bed gasping for breath. She ran a hand over her forehead, as if making sure that no real blood was there, and sure enough, she found none. Slowly trying to bring her racing heart back under control, Sydney pulled the sheets up around her, and collapsed back onto the bed, her breath still coming in quick gasps.

She turned her head and saw Vaughn lying next to her, still perfectly asleep. She smiled at how peaceful and content he looked when he slept. The mere fact that Sydney had not woken him spoke volumes about how much she had exhausted him. Vaughn was always so in tune with Sydney (and vice versa) and her emotions that sometimes it surprised even them.

Sydney thought it was best not to disturb him. After the night they had had, she was certain that Vaughn would need rest, especially since they were leaving at noon to go on a mission in London. Noon was only about ten and a half hours away.

She wrapped the sheet around herself and quietly maneuvered around the bedroom. Luckily, Sydney had left some clothes over at Vaughn’s apartment for nights such as these. Having mastered the art of being discreet, so far Sydney was able to put on underwear, a tee shirt, some track pants, and socks without waking up Vaughn. The fact that she managed to do all this without waking him was another testament to how exhausted Vaughn was. He could wake up at the drop of a pin. An excellent quality for a spy, but an annoying trait as a boyfriend; it made being sneaky around him near impossible.

As Sydney tip-toed to the closet to grab her running shoes and jacket, she had forgotten that the door was broken. When she opened it, it let out a shrill little squeeeeeeek, and naturally woke Vaughn. As he looked over to the closet door, Sydney knew that she was busted.

“Syd?” he questioned, his voice still groggy from sleep. “What are you doing?”

“Sshhhh,” she responded. “Go back to sleep.”

Vaughn rolled over onto his side and grabbed the alarm clock. The LED lights illuminated his tired face even more and Syd’s heart just broke.

“Vaughn, I’m just going out for a few minutes. Go back to sleep. I’ll be back soon.” She said as she pulled on her shoes.

“You’re going out at 1:30 in the morning?” he questioned.

“It stopped raining,” Sydney shrugged. She hated making Vaughn worry about her, at least more than he had to, and she didn’t want to worry him with some stupid dream that freaked her out. Besides, she needed a little space and a little air to figure some things out.

“What was it this time?” he asked as he fell back against the pillows and looked at her with a knowing look. Sometimes it just annoyed Sydney that he could read her so well.

“What was what?”

“Syd, the only reason you go running at ridiculous hours of the night is when you can’t sleep or because you were sleeping and something in that seriously twisted head of yours concocted up some bizarre nightmare that wouldn’t allow you to sleep after you woke up. Since you were out before I was, I know that you could sleep, you just saw something that caused you to wake up. The only thing that does that to you is a nightmare. What happened?”

Sydney chuckled a little. He really could read her like a book.

“You are so cute when you analyze me.” Sydney replied. She settled for distracting him as to not have to answer the question that she knew would upset him more than it would her.

“You’re even cuter when you’re avoiding questions,” Vaughn countered. He knew her diversionary tactics by heart at this point. It was just another thing that made him Vaughn.

Sydney sighed and walked over to the bed. She sat on the edge and looked down at Vaughn, no smile evident on her face, just truth. Vaughn, seeing the patented Sydney Bristow, I’m-not-ready-to-talk-about-this-just-yet look on her face, raised a hand to cup her cheek. Sydney sighed and let her eyes close as the feel of his hand on her face soothed her just a little. When she opened her eyes again, it was to see Vaughn staring at her with a look of understanding and acceptance. What else from him?

“How ‘bout I go with you,” he negotiated.


“Wherever it was you were planning on running off to.”

“I didn’t really have a place in mind. Just running around.”

“O-kaaaay. How about I go ‘just running around’ with you?”

“Don’t you need to sleep?”

“Don’t you?”

“Not really sure if I could right now.”

“Too much on your mind?”

Sydney just nodded.

“You wanna tell me about it?”

Sydney shook her head, “Not yet. I kind of need to figure out what it all means first.”

“Can I keep you company while you do?”

“No questions?”

“No questions.”

“Just running?”

“Just running.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

“If I decide that I do want to talk?”

“Then we’ll talk.”

“But not before?”

“Sydney,” Vaughn sighed.

Sydney was silent for a moment, thinking things over. She needed to figure out what her dreams meant, but she also wanted Vaughn near her, around her, with her, while she tried to figure it out. He had always been there for her when she needed him and would always be there for her, too. That’s all he was really asking for now, and who was Sydney to deny him that after everything the two of them had been through? Who was she kidding? She couldn’t deny him anything.

Sydney smiled. “Just one more question.”


“After what happened a few hours ago, do you even have the energy to keep up with me?”

Vaughn got a patented smirk on his face. “Well I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

“Well, in that case you better get dressed. I’m walking out that door in three minutes. With or without you.”

“You really know how to break my heart sometimes, Bristow.” he countered in mock pain.

“Yeah, but I’ll always fix it in the end.” With a wicked little smile on her face, she leaned down and captured his lips in a passionate kiss that was dangerously becoming too passionate if Sydney wanted to leave.

“Two and a half minutes, Vaughn,” Sydney commanded as she reluctantly pulled away.

“Slave driver,” he teased.

“Do you want to come or not?” She countered, raising an eyebrow. Smiling, Vaughn finally got up and started getting dressed.

Sydney walked out to the living room and picked up her keys and cell phone. Why, she didn’t know. It had just become habit for her to take them with her everywhere. She also picked up her watch. How it had come off her wrist, or even when it had, Sydney didn’t know, either. Time got skewed whenever she was even near Vaughn, let alone when the two of them were caught up in rounds of passionate love-making or animalistic make-out sessions. The why’s and how’s never really mattered. Glancing at the time, she called back to Vaughn, noticing his three minute warning was almost up.

“Forty-five seconds, Michael, and then I’m leaving.”

With her back turned to the bedroom, Sydney was still strapping the watch around her left wrist. She barely got the words out of her mouth when she felt a pair of arms slide around her waist.

“Ready when you are,” a voice whispered in her ear, before she felt a kiss pressed into her neck. She turned and faced Vaughn, who was also wearing track pants and running shoes, and a long-sleeved, grey, tee shirt.

“About time,” Sydney teased. “I just need to grab my…” Before she could finish her sentence, Vaughn held up a black sweatshirt that Sydney had left in the bedroom. Smiling in thanks, she took it from him and slipped it over her head. Satisfied that she was ready to go, Sydney shot Vaughn a look that asked if he was. He nodded, and motioned towards the door, indicating ladies first, picking up his own keys and cell on the way out. Sydney smiled at this. Maybe it was a spy thing.

The two of them headed out into the night air at a slow walk. Sydney linked her arm through Vaughn’s, and the two of them just strolled aimlessly for a while. The whole time, Sydney had her dream on her mind.

Lauren told me there were files in Wittenberg and I found them. What wasn’t I listening to? Except everything that she was saying. The woman was a murdering sociopath for crying out loud! Why should’ve I listened to anything she said to me.

Because a part of me knew she might have been telling me the truth. A part of my mind had been asking the questions she was offering the answers to for weeks. My curiosity was too strong and I know I can’t fight myself. I can’t fight my own consciousness; my own curiosity.

I knew that the CIA had resources to find me when I went missing. I questioned why Kendall chose to break everything I asked him to do when he told me the truth about my missing two years. I just never told anyone. I just wanted to get past it; move on with my life. Why can’t I just do that already?

Because I need answers.

Okay, based on the files I found in Wittenberg I know that my dad killed my mother. I know there was evidence in those files that proved my mother was a threat to me, and she was. But what I don’t know is why my consciousness won’t just accept that. And what does that have to do with my missing two years?

“Uh, Syd?” Vaughn’s voice broke the silence that had surrounded them, and temporarily brought Sydney out of her reverie. “I know I said I wouldn’t ask questions, but I kind of have just one.”

“What’s that?”

“Didn’t you say we were going running? It’s been like twenty minutes and we’ve just been walking around.”

“Sorry, I just got lost in my head. You wanna pick up the pace a little?” Sydney asked as she turned to face him.

“Kind of,” Vaughn laughed. “I’m sorta falling asleep over here. And don’t be sorry. You wanted to get out so you could get your mind off of whatever it is that’s keeping you from sleeping.”

Sydney smiled. How she loved this man. She stepped up on her tip-toes and gave him a lingering kiss, before pulling back so that they were only a breath apart.

“Catch me if you can,” she whispered. And with a childish smile, that Vaughn noticed actually went all the way up to her eyes, Sydney turned on her heel and started running at a mild pace.

‘Oh, she is so gonna get it,’ Vaughn thought to himself. After waiting a few seconds to give her a head start, he took after her; having the time of his life in the process.

Sydney had always enjoyed running. It was a way of escape and relaxation. As the slight Los Angeles wind blew across her face on that crisp early morning, Sydney felt that she had never been more relaxed.

Running was always fun. It was even more fun when Vaughn was chasing her. Who was she kidding? Having Vaughn around made everything more fun.

He was her way of escaping reality, or at least making reality more bearable. He always knew the right thing to say, and the right time to say it. He knew how to push her buttons to make her mad. He even knew how to keep her from following every killer instinct in her body (that she suspected that she had inherited from her mother). He even knew that when she wanted to disappear from the world for a while, that she went to the observatory to lose herself among the ‘real stars’.

Oh, no. Sydney thought. Now I’m sending myself on a guilt trip. I have to tell Vaughn about my dreams. He might get upset, but that’s inevitable. He’ll find out one way or another, and it will be better from me.

Without really paying attention to where she was, Sydney stopped to catch her breath. She leaned down and put her hands on her knees when she heard Vaughn’s voice behind her.

“SYDNEY!!!” he shouted. When she turned, the first thing she saw were two bright headlights aiming right at her. Too shocked to move, the next thing she knew she was falling to the ground and felt a sharp pain in her side.


Tell me what you think!
Love, Tia! :redhair:

Omg! :jawdrop: what great updates! I just love how they kissed in the rain! That was so sweet and intense. ;)

and oh no... 🇳🇴 i hope Syd or Vaughn didnt get knocked! What a way to end a chap. . Youve got me on the edge of my seat.
Please pleeeeze update soon or else im gonna give into the temptation to rush over and read it over at SD-1 Tia!

Thanks so much for the Pm!

I feel like I am watching an episode of Alias!! What a cliffhanger!!

Please update as soon as possible!!

I love stores where we get to see more detail on what happened in a season!

And picking season 4 is awesome, because I felt that with Syd and Vaughn getting back together, they never showed enough of them being "together", so this is great!!

What can I say, just plain awesome!!
Glad you guys love it. Now all I have to do is finish up chaps 6 &7 and update. Oh and NadiaSantosFan, I haven't posted past chapter 5 on Sd-1 so you'll just be reading the same chapters posted here :P
