Rough Day


An Old Friend
Had a rough day at work today. It wasn't from being busy but from standing around waiting for something to happen - ma feets hurt.

Relaxin now with a cold pepsi and the www.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Some times a slow day at work can be just as bad as a day of getting swamped with work.

Do you at least get to see the sun during the day? I have my own office at work but it is windowless. There are days when I walk outside and go "Oh, it rained!" :(
I feel guilty here, my life is kind of stable. I don't have to worry too much about losing the roof over my head, I've found university work to be easier than I thought and although I do suffer with my head injury, the worst thing in my life right now is the pain of dieting to lose 4 stones!

Theres always tomorrow lads, you go to sleep and wake up and maybe things are better. But then, what am I talking about. Family is the most important thing in your life, whether you have money or not, an office window or not, disabled, enabled, whatever. Concentrate on family and you're assured of completeness.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Some times a slow day at work can be just as bad as a day of getting swamped with work.

Do you at least get to see the sun during the day? I have my own office at work but it is windowless. There are days when I walk outside and go "Oh, it rained!" :(

I work in an auto parts store (VLP = very low pay)
When its busy I work too hard for the pay, When its slow It pays but its mind numbingly boring.
I figure this job as a stepping stone to my next good job and its JUST paying the bills - well some of them.
Tim: Yeah, I know... complaining about a window is a minor thing. When it comes to 'bad day at work' though being in the corporate version of isolation can be a bit fraying. Usually I see nobody for 8-10 hours and then head home again in the dark. Fortunately I get to work from home some days so those days I enjoy. I just keep reminding myself that the job allows me to pay my mortgage and allows me to live the lifestyle that I am (eg: wife, dog, creature comforts like TV & computer, etcetera).

Skwirl': You allowed to do anything in the slow periods (eg: read a book, newspaper, crosswords) or just have to stand there? Years ago I did retail and in the slow periods it was a lot of just mindless work to pass the time. Fortunately during the summer hours the store had a garden center so I got to spend a lot of time outdoors.
Its a new store and we have it all set up and ready - When its dead we do little makework projects but after a few hours it gets tedious. It should pick up when the phone number gets published. By then I hope to have a better job.
I stayed up till 5:30am today and finished the Torchwood series. I am up now again at 10:30am because I have to try to keep my newly formed sleep schedule so I can get up at 5am for work tomorrow.
Now I have been tasked to watch the last Dr Who series Too.