Sanity Saved

All righty, new fic I wrote. I wasn't going to post it until I was actually done, but I'm at like 20 something pages, so what the heck? Chapters are fairly long, so it will probably end up being like just over 10 chapters. It's a AU one (shocker, eh). I don't usually write AU ones, expecially teen Sydney, but what the hell? So, I hope you like it!

Summary- Sydney Bristow feels trapped inside her own life with her robot family, and her non-existent social life. Her life dosen't seem to have much meaning. She then meets Micheal Vaughn, who is interesting and funny, but could he cause her more suffering than hapiness?

Disclaimer- I obviosuly don't own Alias :P

(OOO and it's S/V :D)

Chapter 1

The world to me looked different. The ground wasn’t just the ground; it was the land that could swallow me up into darkness. The sky wasn’t just the sky; it was an intimidating, scary stretch of blue. Mocking me, showing me just how much was out there, when I only saw the black and white town I was confined to. I was too scared to try and get out of the place that was suffocating me, so I stayed, and let myself surfer. I couldn’t do anything else about it, so I dealt. I wasn’t the rebellious type. I took things as they came, and I took them calmly. The only place that I ever let myself express and vent were the journals I kept under my bed, away from my parents. They were my outlet to anything and everything that was bad in my life.

Another day. Sunlight bathed my large, open room. I opened my eyes to see my mother pulling back the shades on my window. I rubbed my eyes, and tried adjusting to the harsh light.

“Sydney, up, up! Breakfast’s on the table.” And she was gone. I sat up slowly, and placed my feet firmly on the floor. I made my way over to my closet, and wrapped myself in my warm white robe.

“Good morning, Sydney.” My sister greeted me as I clumsily sat down at the large kitchen table across from her. I awkwardly smiled back at her, thinking how ridiculous it seemed to greet someone like that at this hour. To the outside world we would seem like the perfect family, which I guess in most ways we were, but what outsiders couldn’t see was that this perfection only caused despair throughout the entire house.

I pushed a long strand of brown hair out my eyes as I tried to eat the meal that was placed in front of me. I would have simply preferred Cheerios.

Nadia impatiently tapped her foot against the cold marble floor. “Sydney, are you almost done?”

I looked up at her, and back down at my full plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. My mother turned away from the kitchen sink, and glanced over at the clock.

“For heavens sakes, Sydney, it’s 5:47. Get going!” She scolded me, as she took away my plate of food. I sighed, and pushed my chair back, and made my way back to my room.

Every morning the same routine was repeated. I had to change into my jogging pants and tank top. At this ungodly hour my mother would make me and Nadia run. Her worst fear was one of us becoming fat. Sometimes I wondered if she would still love us if we ever did become overweight. Not that she would ever let us, anyway.

Quickly I put my hair in a ponytail, changed my clothes, and ran down the stairs to meet my impatient sister.

“We’ll be back soon, mother.” Nadia called, as she opened the front door. A hot blast of air immediately greeted me as I stepped out on the porch.

It was already hot at this time in the morning.

Great…I thought.

Slowly we passed houses, and other early morning goers. We hardly ever talked while going on these jogs, which seemed odd to me. Weren’t sisters supposed to be friendly towards one another, and share things? That was one thing I longed for: to share a meaningful relationship with my only sibling. I often wondered if this life seemed as meaningless to her as it did to me. I doubted it.

The sound of feet pounding against the sidewalk was the only sound on this warm Monday. I tried to think of something that I could say to my sister that would help with our communication issues, but nothing seemed appropriate. Our breathing began heavier, and I doubted we would be able to keep a conversation anyway, so I just kept my words inside. Each time that I did this I knew I was killing that small piece of hope that one day we would be have an actual relationship.

Gradually I could see our house coming back into view, and without a single word spoken between us we automatically slowed the pace.

“How was your run, girls?” Our mother asked us as we entered the air conditioned house, wiping her hands on a towel, and handing both of us water bottles. Not the normal kind of water bottles, though. The kinds that were insanely expensive, that people like Madonna bought. I never understood it though- what the difference was between water from these bottles, and water from the tap? It all came from the same place! Per usual, though, I said nothing.

We both graciously accepted them.

“Now go and wash up. I want you both down here and ready in the next 40 minutes,” she told us, glancing at her watch.

Together we climbed the stairs, walking to our separate rooms. Today was my first year of being a senior. Soon, I would be able to escape this town, and do all the things that I so desperately wanted to do.

I quickly jumped in the shower, and watched as the tiny beads of water ran down my body. I turned up the heat of the water. Enjoying the burning sensation it was causing on my bare skin. Hastily I scrubbed soap and shampoo onto my body and in my hair. The water pressure was beginning to decrease, meaning Nadia was getting into the shower in the room next door. I turned off the water, knowing how upset she could get when I used up all the hot water.

I tried drying out my hair with my blow dryer. My mother despised wet hair. She said it made me look sloppy. Another one of my mother’s weird traits. I pulled my blue uniform over my head, pulled the plaid skirt up my long legs, and buttoned up the grey sweater. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and eyed the minimal amount of make-up on my vanity.

Why not? I thought.

I applied a little of mascara, brushed my lid with a nice shad of eye shadow, and added a touch of lip gloss.

It always amazed me that I could look so different with just that small amount of make-up, but it was the first day of school, so I might as well. It would make my mother happy, that’s for sure. She always told me that I could use sprucing up. A real confidence booster for me!

I looked at the red numbers glowing from my digital clock. I still had ten minutes before I was supposed to be ready. I knew that Nadia would defiantly take those few precious minutes to make herself look picture perfect. I didn’t want them.

I tied an elastic around my wrist, and headed down stairs, ready to start another year at McWilliam Private School.


The hallways looked no different; the same spotless white, marble floors. The people were all the same- jerks. Well, at least most of them. I protectively put my books in front of me, and headed over to my new locker. This was always fun: trying to open my lock. I fumbled with the numbers, while squealing girls reunited with their friends, and the boys talked about this season’s hockey team. Hockey was the thing at my school.

I always did very well in school. I actually had one of the highest percents in the school, but I wasn’t the type of person to go and tell everyone about this accomplishment. I actually never really told anyone anything. I wasn’t the social type; not like Nadia, who seemed to be constantly surrounded by a group of people.

Over the years many people had tried being my friend, but they most defiantly weren’t my type of people. I was always very friendly with them, and acted like myself, but once they realized I didn’t have the same personality as my sister they were gone in a flash. For a while my mom thought there might be something wrong, but she was slowly coming to terms that she had produced a social outcast, as she liked to say.

Truthfully, I didn’t see what was wrong with me, but people still didn’t seem to want to be around me. Constantly I had boys hitting on me, with their stupid pick up lines, and continuous batter about insignificant subjects that didn’t interest me in the slightest. As they liked to say I was “hot.” Obviously, not their personality type, though. Most of the time it didn’t bother me: it was who I was, and no matter what people said it didn’t matter.


The last bell of the day finally rang, and I headed out into the school grounds, pulling out a book of my bag as I was going, ignoring all the groups of people. I opened it to page 247, and began to read from where I left off. Over the years I had mastered being able to read while not tripping or walking into people. I could hear voices approaching from behind, but I decided it was best if I just left it. Surprisingly I heard my name.


I tore my eyes away from my page, and spun on my heel to see my sister and a couple of her friends in a large clump.

“Sydney, come walk with us,” Nadia’s friend, Jane called. Nadia gave her a death glare. I gave them an unsure glance, but when Jane smiled at me I decided that walking with them wouldn’t be so bad.

I shut my book, and tucked it under my arm, and waited till they all caught up. My sister wouldn’t even look at me. I smiled at all of them.

“Hey, Sydney! I haven’t seen you in so long,” Jane said, as she approached. Jane was the only friend of Nadia’s that had actually ever been nice to me. I liked her for that. She was short, with bright red hair, and green eyes as large as apples. People naturally just liked her. I wished it was that simple for me.

Nobody else greeted me; they continued on with their separate conversation, try to ignore the fact that someone new had joined the group. Some of the boys were looking at me with interest, and most of the girls were looking at me like I was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of their shoe; they couldn’t seem to unstick the gum. I decided it was best if I didn’t try to talk to them either, so I just listened to everyone else’s voices float around me.

“Hey, look guys, it’s the losers from Collin High,” one of the bigger guys called out for everyone to hear.

Wow, could you think of a synonym to loser, buddy, I thought to myself.

The group of boys turned to look at us. My school and Collin High didn’t get along well, especially after last year when we beat them in the hockey finals, unfairly mind you.

“Hey look, it’s the preps from McWilliams,” a guy retorted.

Collin High school was a public school. The public schools and the private schools had to play sports against each other because there weren’t enough teams for separate groupings.

I really regretted taking up Jane’s offer now. I didn’t feel like getting mixed up in this insanity.

The two groups were now in front of one another, everyone giving each other death stares. Everyone except me, of course

“How’s your leg, Vaughn?” Ricky, the captain of our team, asked.

“Better, thanks,” he replied, sarcastically.

“The steroids still working for you, Rick?” one of the Collin’s students asked. That one wouldn’t really surprise me.

Ricky made a leap for him, but his two friends caught him before he could do anything.

“Good job, boys. You better keep the guy calm or he might get suspended, and where would your team be without their team captain?” One of the Collin’s boys asked in a mock baby voice.

“Let’s go guys; we don’t need to mess with these asses,” one of the Collin’s boys said.

They turned around to leave.

“That’s right, go home and complain to your mommies!” Ricky called after them.

The boy they called Vaughn turned. My breath caught in my throat- he was gorgeous.

“Oh, ‘cause you guys are ones to talk, with your hopeless girlfriends hanging off your arms. Does that one actually have a book in her hand?” he said, pointing to me.

My face instantly turned red.

“Do you even know how to read, honey?” His friends laughed, and they all left.

“We’re going to murder them this season,” Rickey said, scrunching his hands into tight fists.

We all walked a little further. I kept quite, while the rest of them went on about the little incident that took place a couple minutes ago. I saw our house coming up, and sighed with relief. Even a 10 minute journey from school to home with these people was a nightmare. We stopped in front of the house. Nadia stayed outside, and I strode right past her. Nobody bothered with saying their good byes to me. Jane gave a small wave, but even her mood was brought down. Did I some how offend them by caring a book? If that was it, then they obviously had some issues.

I ran up the two little steps to the front door, and made my way inside to the large foyer.

“Sydney, Nadia, is that that you?” I heard my mother call from upstairs.

“It’s me, mom. Nadia’s still outside.”

“All right, dear. Now go get started on your homework.”

My mother never said things like that Nadia. Nadia was never told when or how to do her homework. Sometimes, I knew she didn’t even to do it, but my parents had always pushed me to do mine as soon as I received it. I guess that was their only hope for me- my intelligence.

I didn’t fight it, though. I had nothing better to do with my time, so I slid off my shoes, grabbed my yellow backpack, and made my way to my room.

I opened up my books, and looked at the endless amount of complicated math problems, and sighed. I wasn’t in the mood for numbers right now. I could hear the distant hum of my computer running in the background. I looked over at it, and regarded it with a sense of curiosity. I looked back down at the numbers, and sighed. I shut the book in defeat, and made my way to the large computer chair, and sat myself down.

I waited for everything to load, and took hold of the mouse. I didn’t really know what my purpose for going on the computer was, but I was there. I clicked on a few random things, went on some sites, and then somehow ended up on the Collin High website.

I scrolled down a little, until I saw a link to the sports page. I opened it up, and saw the entire hockey team posing for a picture. Underneath was a small caption, explaining how this was year, blah, blah, blah (the normal team spirit felgercarb). I read the names off, recognizing some of the people from the fight. Then I got to the top row: captain, Michael Vaughn. I peered closer at the picture looking back at me. It was the same boy who had insulted me.

I quickly exited the window; suddenly angry.

He had no right to treat me like that. He didn’t even know who I was! I didn’t know what I found so insulting. Most of the time I didn’t take things badly. I was used to the regular verbal abuse, but for some reason this one hurt.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get into the mind set for math.


Dinner that night was quite, as usual. Nobody said much, we all just ate our steak. Once in while the sound of someone repositioning themselves in their chair could be heard, or someone trying to hide a polite cough, but the only other constant sound was the clinging of forks and knifes on the expensive china.

The silence drove me crazy. Why couldn’t someone just say something; make some type of conversation? I would have been happy to just hear my father talk about the airplane parts that he sold, but he continued to look down at his plate. My mother was looking at her plate, making sure there were no chips on it, and Nadia was looking around the room.

Didn’t anyone else find this silence odd? Or was it just me? Okay, then maybe I should try thinking of something we could talk about, if it’s bothering me so much, but I couldn’t think of something that would interest all of us.

I tried to swallow my food as hastily as possible. I just wanted to get out of here. Finally, I was down to the last piece of broccoli. I stabbed it with a sense of urgency, and pushed back my chair.

“May I be excused?”

My mother nodded. Nobody even looked as I left the table.

I bounded up the stairs, pulled out one of my journals from underneath my bed, and wrote:


~Andrea :angelic:
that was really good!!!! God, how could anyone take a family like that??!!! I want to know how Syd and Vaughn meet!! (aside of course for the little incident on that chapter)
Please, PM me!!
I'm gald that you all liked it. I'm working on the third chapter now. Hopefully the PMs work when I post the second chapter. If they don't I'm apologizing in advance, lol :D

~Andrea :angelic:
that was fantastic!! poor syd i hope that she is able to lead the life she wants eventually!!
could you please PM me when you update? :D
cant wait for more!
update soon :P
Pm List

Faye Vaughn

~Andrea :angelic:
evil vaughn
n her family is insain
please pm me when update
its a great start
update really soon please

luv Chicketepee :seehearspeak:
woah what the hell? :lol:
sydney's family is soo... not normal! they're cold and all. I feel bad for her!
pm me please! ^_^