Sanity Saved

awhhhhh i think syd and nadia are going to have fun rasing this baby :smiley::smiley::smiley:

im so glad vaughn is allways there for her :smiley:

thanks for the pm
I know it's been a while, but I wrote out the next chapter to Sanity Saved :woot: To make up for my lack of updates, it's a fairly long update. I'm in one of those writing moods so don't be surprised if you see an update for one of my other fics today or tomorrow. All right, on with chapter. Hope you like it! Please read and review (because you guys know I love to hear what you have to say :D ).

Chapter 30

I calmly stood up from my chair, and wrapped my arms around him, placing my full weight against his body. Without a word or question he responded by putting his arms around my back. He held me tight, comfortingly stroking my hair. Vaughn was the only person in the world who could carry my full weight and everything that came with it. He would always be there to save me.

He held me tight like that on the front porch for at least a full five minutes. I rested my head on his shoulder. He didn’t question me or ask me what was wrong; just let me have my moment. He was getting use to this, which caused me to feel like a burden to him. Why should he have to deal with my constant misery? I pulled away, but kept my head close to his.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

He brushed away the hair from my eyes.

“About what?” he asked.

“For always asking you to piece the broken pieces together,” I said as a tiny sob escaped my lips.

He pulled me back into his embrace. “Sydney Bristow, you are one of the strongest people I know. With everything you go through, I don’t know how you’ve made it this far.”

“Well, then thank god I found you.”

I felt the soft vibration of his chest against my ear. He gathered me into his arms; lifting me off the ground, and pushed the wheelchair with his foot. I laughed hysterically.

“Vaughn, put me down.”

“Oh, yes, because you’re so capable of walking right now,” he said, sarcastically.

I laughed quietly, but then looked away, remembering what had been troubling me before I had got here.

“You’re fine now,” he whispered into my ear, noticing my quick change in emotions. I nodded, trying to believe that. He gently put me down me onto the couch, but I didn’t move my head from his chest.

“What happened, Syd?’ he asked.

“Nadia told my mom,” I said, simply. He nodded. That’s all he needed to hear to understand. That’s what I loved most about him. He just understood.

“Is she okay?”

I was silent for a moment. Truth be told, I didn’t really know. I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts, feelings, and emotions that I was barely concerning myself with my own sister. I looked down at my lap, the tears threatening to fall once again.

“I’m such a horrible person. Oh god, I’m awful,” I said, as I brought my head into my hands.

I felt Vaughn place a hand on my back.

“Syd, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, god. What the hell is wrong with me?”


“I never care about anybody but my self. I barely even spoke to Nadia after the whole thing. I mean, this isn’t even about me. This is about her! I’m awful and don’t deserve to live,” I called out, dramatically.

Vaughn laughed softly beside me.

“This is not a funny matter, Mr. Vaughn.”

“Only slightly, but this can easily be fixed.”

“Really? How?”

Vaughn reached for something beside me. “Well, you see this is what we call a phone in the 21st century.”

“Yes, and what exactly do I do with this phone you speak so fondly of?” I asked, going along with his joking banter. He was somehow always able to put a smile on my face, no matter what horrible ordeal was going on in my life at the time.

“Well, you could maybe call her,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was.

“What would I do without you?” I said, grabbing the phone from him. I punched in my number, praying Nadia would be the one to answer. I couldn’t deal with talking to my parents right now. Thankfully, I heard her voice on the other end of the receiver.

“Syd?” she asked hopefully when I spoke.

“Nadia, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even thinking! Are you okay?” I asked, without beginning a conversation. All she needed to know was that I was truly sorry.

It was quiet on the other end. I waited patiently. “No, I’m not okay,” she whispered.

“Oh god, umm…do you need to get out of the house because you can come to Vaughn’s if you want,” I told her as I motioned to Vaughn, asking permission if that was all right with him. He nodded his head with a wave of the hand.

“Is that okay? I don’t want to intrude.”

“Yah, of course it’s okay. We’re not doing anything. We need some company.”

I heard Nadia laugh. “I’m sure you could find something to do if you really put your minds to it, but I would love to come over if you sure it’s okay with Vaughn.”

“Come over!” I said, enthusiastically.

“Um, I don’t really know how to get there.”

“Hey, Vaughn!” I called to him, covering the phone with my hand.

He turned around as he was walking towards the kitchen presumably to get something to eat.

“Can you maybe, possibly go pick up Nadia, please? I asked, smiling the biggest smile I could.

“Yah, sure,” he said without a second thought.

“Vaughn can pick you up,” I told Nadia, which she of course responded with that she didn’t want to put him out of his way. So, basically, the whole conversation ended up Nadia feeling guilty about invading our personal space, and me telling her it was no big deal, which ultimately in the end I won. Nadia was coming over.

“Should I get her now?” Vaughn called from the kitchen.

“If that’s okay?” I called back.

Vaughn emerged from the kitchen door, carrying a drink in his one hand. He passed it down to me.

“Yah, I’ll be back soon. Just stay here. My mom’s out of town till late tonight, anyway.”

“Okay,” I said, feeling a little awkward being in his house alone, but at the same time not feeling like moving from my comfortable position on the couch. He kissed me on top of the head, and dashed towards the door.

“Be right back,” Vaughn called as he grabbed his keys and wallet.
He was gone.

The house was suddenly very quiet. When ever I was here the whole place was constantly bursting with noisy activity. I suddenly felt very much alone. I looked down into my hands, noticing the drink Vaughn has passed off to me. He was so thoughtful. He didn’t even have to ask anymore, and I didn’t have to question. We just did things like they were routine. I liked that, and smiled gently to myself with a look of pure happiness.

I glanced around the room, trying to take in all my surrounding, but quickly got bored. I slid over to my wheelchair, and started rolling around the open space, looking at the family photos of Vaughn and Mia. They were adorable together, always smiling cheerfully for the camera.

Moments later I found that I had somehow made my way to the other end of the large room. Vaughn’s room was just off to the right. The door was slightly ajar, calling to me softly. I looked away. I couldn’t go in there. That was the biggest invasion of privacy, but it was so tempting. What did he live like? Was he one of those messy people that kept things scattered around the room, or was everything piled in nice neat stacks? I contemplated with the idea for a moment. Nobody was home and if I didn’t touch anything he would never know, right? On the other hand, it was an invasion of privacy and would be extremely weird.

I slowly wheeled over to the door. I figured if I just peeked in it would get rid of the urge, but the result was the complete opposite. I peered through the tiny little crack in the doorway. The room was dark, but I could still make out the faint silhouettes of furniture. All it would take was one push and I would be in Vaughn’s room. I turned my head away, knowing it was wrong, but in the end the little devil on my shoulder won the battle. I flicked on the light, and watched as Vaughn’s private possessions came into view. I was too scared to move out of the doorway. I had this odd image of alarms going off and me getting caught in his room red handed.

I shook my head. “You’re being stupid, Sydney.”

I looked down at my watch. I had at least eight minutes before Nadia and Vaughn would arrive. I wheeled in further. The room was pleasantly neat. There were two shirts lying on the ground, but that was completely normal for anyone our age. All of the items lined on his shelves were in a neat and orderly fashion. His room appeared to be some sort of shrine to hockey. Everything was hockey. I laughed softly to myself, expecting nothing less from my hockey crazed boyfriend.

His desk was lined with textbooks and a small light. Next to his desk was a queen sized bed, which caused me to blush profoundly, although nobody could actually see me. He had a comforter that looked like it was probably for a child at the age of 10. I laughed out loud. It was obvisouly in a hockey theme. He must have had some sort of attachment to it. A glass of water sat next to it on an end table. I picked it up. I don’t know why. Vaughn had drunk from that cup, most likely before going to bed…
Quickly I set the glass of water down, which caused a splash of water. I looked around for anything that could assist me in cleaning it up. In a panic I took the end of my shirt and wiped up the mess I had made. Before I could let any other thoughts enter my head, I moved away from the bed. I wheeled over to the dresser. One was open with shirts overflowing over the side. I looked on top of the dresser where a picture of his mom and him sat. Next to it was a watch. I picked it up to examine. It was broken. I frowned slightly. He most likely had it out so it could be fixed. I replaced it back on the dresser. I moved my eyes down along the surface. Lying on its back sat a silver picture frame with a yellow sticky note stuck to it.

“Ask!” it said.

I looked at it curiously, but stopped when I realized I had definitely been in here longer than eight minutes. I threw the picture onto the dresser, making sure it was still in its original spot. I exited the room quickly; doing a quick scan to make sure nothing was out of place. Everything looked all right. I shut the door so it was shut about the same amount it was before I came along. I rolled over to the couch, as my heart returned to its normal pulse. With a sigh of relief I fell on the couch just as I heard Vaughn call out my name.

“In here!”

Vaughn walked in with Nadia trailing in his footsteps. Her eyes looked slightly red and puffy, but a smile was present nonetheless.

“Haven’t moved, I see.” Vaughn said with a smile.

“Nope…”I said.

Nadia came to sit next to me.

“I’m going to get us all something to eat,” Vaughn said, noticing Nadia and I needed to talk. I threw him an appreciative smile as he left us alone. I grabbed Nadia’s hand.

“Are you okay?” I asked. She looked away, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She was quite for a moment.

“It just didn’t even feel like it happened, you know? I mean, they barely said anything to me. I’d rather have someone yell at me, then this painful silence.”

I nodded in understanding. “That’s exactly how I felt.”

“Yah, well at least you have someone with you throughout this insanity…”

“Nadia, you have people. You’ve got me!”

She smiled, and hugged me tightly. “Thanks, Syd.”
“Of course.”

“Do you mind if we don’t talk about it anymore?” Nadia asked. “I just want to feel normal for a little while.”

I nodded in complete agreement, just as the doorbell rang. Vaughn came back threw the kitchen door to see who it was.

“Do you know who it is?” I asked.

“No idea,” he responded. He continued walking towards the door. I heard him opening it.

“Hey, man! I thought you could use some company! I’ve got pizza,” I heard Eric say. I laughed. It was quiet for a second.

“Oh, you’re so not here alone, are you?” He laughed loudly. “Sydney!” he called.

“In here,” I laughed.

Weiss came walking in with two large pizzas balanced in his hands.

“Hey, long time no see.” He hugged me quickly.

“Got enough pizza there?” I asked, indicating to the pizza that was originally just meant for him and Vaughn.

“You can never have too much pizza,” he said, patting his slightly rounded stomach. He looked towards Nadia curiously.

“Oh Eric, this is my sister. Nadia, this is Vaughn’s friend, Eric Weiss.” Nadia stood, straightening out her red shirt.

“Nice to meet you,” she said with a genuine smile, extending her hand. Weiss shifted the pizzas to his left hand as he took Nadia’s hand with enthusiasm.

Vaughn came to sit down next to me. “Do you mind?” he asked, referring to Weiss.

“Of course not!” I whispered back. Eric was as much of a friend as anyone.

“Mike, you want to take these?” Eric asked without taking his eyes off my sister for a moment.

“Nope, I think I’m pretty comfortable right here, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find your way to the kitchen by yourself,” Vaughn said, settling back into the couch and putting an arm over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

“Ugh, fine,” Weiss said, stomping off into the kitchen.

I tilted my head onto Vaughn’s shoulder, attempting to get comfortable. Tonight was going to be a very interesting night…

Okay, I just want to point this out. A lot of you are probably going, "Andrea, what about the whole Mia/Irina thing? And are you just going to completely forget about Irina and how she reacted to Nadia's pregnancy?"
I want you guys to know that I haven't forgot about these stoylines at all all! If anything, it's the complete opposite. These are probably the two bigger things that happen in the fic, so they have to be built up, so don't worry! I haven't forgotten, lol :D!!!
I was just thinking about this story when I was on here earlier and I check back and you've updated.
I love how Syd takes care of Nadia and Vaughn takes care of Syd...
Now with Weiss over, I think they will indeed have an interesting night.
Thanks for the pm.
Can't wait for more.
WOOOHOO!! I wasn't expecting an Update and then all of a sudden it poped up and I got all excited!!

great Update!! I loved always
Aww Weiss likes Nadia!!!
-Hopefully he still does after he finds out she's pregnant!!
Hmm...what does Vaughn have to 'ask'!?? :Ponder:
-Can't wait for more! Loved it! Thanks for the pm!!
Oh yer neiss is comeing into play!!!
thankyou sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for updating
i love when yuou update and i hope your muse stays with you FOREVER!!!
loved it and vaughn is just too perfect

o and the watch
i cant wait to see how ull use that
aww that was really cute!
i am so glad that syd has vaughn be her side!
thanks for the PM :D
cant wait for more