that was REALLY great!
im not confused, youre on a roll! lol
thanks for hte PM, and keep up the TERRIFIC work, cause i love it!
“Sydney…” he says in a whisper.

Then he hears some footsteps from behind the wall. He sees someone unexpected. Jack Bristow and Michael Vaughn are there probably to search Sydney. He catches her and carries her to the car.

“Oh my God, what happened to her?” asks Irina worried.

“Allison shot her” Sark replies.

They lay Sydney on a couch and Sark takes the medical stuffs to help her. Irina angry takes them from his hand.

“I will help her” she says to him.

“I can cure wounds like this” he replies firmly.

She doesn’t looks at him and she begins to disinfect the wound. Sydney is still unconscious. When she has finished she turns to face Sark.

“Why did you let this happened?” she says angry to him.

“Sloane discovers me and I can’t tell him why I was there. Then came Allison and he asked us to kill the person that was outside his house” he replies.

“Sydney” she says firmly.

“I saw Sydney hidden behind a wall and I told to Allison to go on the other side to let Sydney escape” he adds.

“But she saw her”

“I told her to drop the gun but she shot. But I was able to throw her on the floor and don’t let the shot kill Sydney”

“So, you’re saying that you saved Sydney’s life?” she asks him.

He is now very afraid of her. Irina pointed a gun at him.

“You’re a little bastard that thinks only of himself” she says angrier.

He looks terrified at her. He is unable to move or to say anything. Then Sydney wakes up and sees that scene.

“Mom, what are you doing?” she yells at her.

“Sydney, go away from here” she replies angrier.
Irina comes closer to Sark and throws him on the couch. She then pointed again her gun at him.

“Mom, please!” says Sydney looking at her.

“Sydney, go away! He nearly killed you!” she replies.

“No! He saved me!” she says.

Sark’s eyes become polishes. He looks at her. Sydney looks at his eyes and sees fear and pain. Irina’s gun is still aimed at him.

“Please…don’t do it” Sydney says to her mother.

Irina turns to look at Sydney and she sees her face soaked with tears. She looks again at Sark and drops the gun. She then walks to the window and stand in front of it. Sark sits properly on the couch. Sydney is still looking at him. Now she knows why Sark was so afraid of her mother. She is safe because she is her daughter, but Sark can be killed every moment.

“I saw Jack Bristow and Agent Vaughn there” Sark says with fear in his voice.

Irina turns slowly to face him.

“So Vaughn is an ally of your father” she says to Sydney.

“We will go to bed now. We need to have some rest” Sydney says to her mother and she leaves with Sark.

“There’s Sloane here!” Vaughn says to Jack.

“Do you see Sydney or Sark?” he asks

“No, there’s only Sloane here” he replies.

Sydney and Sark enter in Sydney’s room. She closes the door and reaches the bed while Sark stands there without moving.

“Sark…come here” she says to him.

“It’s better if a sleep in my room” he replies.

“You don’t want to sleep with me?” she asks him.

“It’s not you…” he begins but he can’t add anything else. He just stares there speechless.
Sydney understands that the problem of all is her mother. She reaches Sark and leans very closer to him.

“Don’t worry. She won’t say anything” she says in a whisper.

She then gently touches his cheek. He flinches at her touch.

“You saved my life. I don’t want to stay here alone, I need you”

He leans closer to her and kisses her. They kiss passionately.

Sydney and Sark are normally walking on the street when they heard someone who is following them. They begin to walk faster and find themselves at a dead end street. They turn to face the man who followed them. McKenas Cole is there with his gun pointed at them. They raised their hands.

“Bristow and Sark. What a surprise!” he says to them.

He approaches them.

“You didn’t say hello to me Julian” he says to him.

Suddenly Sark kick Cole’s hand with his foot causing him to fall on the floor. Sark then catches the gun and he and Sydney pointed them at him.

“Hello Mr.Cole” he says with his usual British accent.

Somewhere in an abandoned house.
“Well, Mr.Cole we meet again. But this time our roles are reversed” Sark says to him.

“Julian, you will pay for that!” he says angry.

“Why are you followed us before?” Sydney asks from behind him.

“Miss Bristow. What are you doing here?” he asks her.

“It’s none of your concern!” says Sark angry.

“Oh, I see. I always said that you are a cool couple” he says smirking at them.

“Answer to the question” she begins.

“We needed you” he looks at Sark.

“Me? Why?” he asks worried.

“You know it!” he says firmly.

“Are there other 800 million $ that I don’t know to own?” he asks him.

Cole doesn’t answer. He looks at him.

“We don’t need to play games Mr.Cole. Now you will tell me exactly what’s going on” Sydney says angry.

“There are some top secrets files” he begins.

“What about?” she asks him.

“I don’t know what’s inside those files but I know that they’re hidden in a vault” he replies.

“Where’s the vault?”

“I told you, I don’t know anything about this”.

“What’s my role in all this story?” Sark asks to him.

He doesn’t answer.

“Let me make clear a thing to you Mr.Cole. I can’t kill you right now because I need you alive. But I can torture you to let you speak” Sark says to him.

Sydney and Sark begins to walk away and when she opens the door Cole speaks again.

“You mother” he says.

“What about her?” she replies.

“She knows about those files”.

Briefing at the CIA with Dixon, Sydney, Vaughn, Marshall, Weiss.

“One of my contact told me that Sloane is searching some top-secret documents” says Dixon to them all.

“Which documents?” asks Sydney.

“Based on what Sloane said they must be documents regarding Sark” he replies.

“What? Other 800 milion $?” asks Vaughn.

“It could be, but we don’t know it” he says firmly.

“So, Sloane have no idea where to find these documents?” asks Sydney.

“No, for the moment” Dixon replies.

Sydney returns home in the evening and finds Sark sitting alone on the couch.

“Where’s my mom?” she asks him.

“She has some stuffs to do. She will be back in two days” he replies.

“Did you discovered something at the CIA?” he asks her.

She sits on the couch in front of him.

“No, they don’t know anything but it seems to Sloane too is after these documents” she says.

“Would you like to play a game?” he asks her.

“What?” she replies.

“How about truth or dare?” he asks looking at her.

“Ok. You begins first” she says.

“Right. Truth or dare?”

“Truth” she replies immediately.

“When you told me that I was a hearted cold assassin were you really thinking that?”

“Well, I have to tell the truth right?”

He looks at her.

“The fact is that I always thought that you became an assassin because you wanted to do it, and in that moment I was shocked by the discover of my father working with Cole. When I told you that and you left the house I felt terribly sorry for what I’ve done to you. You were right and I was wrong. I said that only because you were talking about my father but I didn’t really think that”.

“Did you felt…” he begins to say but Sydney interrupts him.

“Now it’s my turn!” she says looking at him.

“Right. Go on”

“Truth or dare?” she asks him.

“Truth” he answers.

“When you told me not to be jealous because there wasn’t anything between us, were you serious?” she asks him.

“In that moment I told you that because I was thinking that I’ve failed my mission, but after I thought of you, being jealous of me, and I understood that you really loved me” he says.
They look at each other when they sudden hear a knock on the door. They immediately pointed their guns to the door. They carefully open the door.

i hope you like them!! thanks for reading!!
i loved it, like always! keep up the AWESOME work....
you can tell me *bats eyes* LMAO....hehe, PLEASE
thanks for the PM, and UPDATE SOON!!!
“Mom!” says Sydney.

“Irina, you’re back earlier” Sark says.

Irina enters and closes the door. She addresses Sydney.

“Do you mind if a have a work with Mr.Sark?” she asks her.

Sydney stares at her.

“Sark’s personal stuff. He can shares it with you after if he wants” she says.

Sark looks at her shocked. Sydney looks one more time at her mother then goes away.

“Please, sit down” Irina says to Sark.

“What you discovered?” he asks her.

“I don’t know anything as I told you before about those files. But with my contacts I knew the contents of some files. The ones regarding Sydney during her past two years”

“I don’t understand” he says.

“Someone unknown ordered Sydney to kill you” she answers.

He looks at her in disbelief.

“But…” she continues “…the fact is that she didn’t remember anything” she added.

“What about the others?” he asks her.

“Well, a file, I think the most important belonged in this moment to Lauren Reed, because she was ordered to investigate on the murderer of your father. I think that it’s strictly related to you” she answers.

“I have to find Lauren” he says.

“No, you have to wait right now. Everybody now know about those files and she may kill you if you go to her now” she says looking at him.

“Why do you care for my life now?” he asks her.

“I’m sorry for what happened that night but as you know very well you’re still the best. I don’t want to loose a valuable asset like you” she says.

After an hour Sydney returns in the living room to searching Sark. She only founds her mother.

“Where’s Sark?” she asks her.

“I don’t know. I thought he was with you” she replies.

Sydney looks at her then begins to search Sark. She knocks at his door. Nothing comes out. She then slowly opens the door and enters. Sark stares in front of the window looking outside. She approaches to him.
“Sark” she says.

“What do you want?” he asks her coldly.

“What happened? What did she told you?” she asks him.

“It’s none of your business” he replies coldly.

“What’s going on?” she asks again.

He turns to face her.

“Leave me alone” he says.

“I want to help you Sark. You can’t act like this!” she says.

“Like what?” he asks her.

“You only think of yourself, that’s what I think. You’re only an egoist and arrogant assassin” she says angry.
He stares at the floor while she goes out.

“Vaughn where are you?”

“I’m coming. What happened?” Vaughn asks.

“We saw Jack Bristow around Sloane’s house in Moscow with another man” says Dixon.
Vaughn glanced at this.

“Who is he?” he asks.

“We don’t know. We don’t see his face” he replies.

It’s midnight. Sydney can’t sleep and she goes downstairs to drink something. When she arrives in the kitchen she finds Sark. He is there, with a beer in his hand. He first looks at her then stares at the floor.
She comes closer to him.

“Sark…” she begins “…I’m sorry for before” she added.

“You told me what you think of me” he replies.

“It’s not true” she says.

She leans closer to him as to kiss him but he goes away. She stands there looking at him then tears begins to flow over her face.

“I hope those tears aren’t for me Sydney, because they won’t change anything” he says to her.

She returns to her room without saying anything else. She lays on the bed thinking of what she done to him. She has lost the man she loved, and that was only her fault.
Sark too returns to bed. He passes next to Sydney’s room and rests at the door than he reaches his room.

The next morning Sydney wakes up and goes downstairs for breakfast. She finds only her mother sitting at the table.

“Where’s Sark?” she asks worried.

“He’s gone” she replies.


“I don’t know. I didn’t saw him this morning” she answers.

“Yesterday…he seemed in trouble for something that you have probably told him. What was it?” she asks her mother.

“So, he didn’t told you?”

“Don’t begin with your games now. Answer to me” Sydney says angry.


Lauren hears a knock on the door. She takes her gun and pointed it at the door. She carefully opens it only to find Sark standing there. She drops her gun.

“May I enter?” he asks her.

She stands aside the door and let him enter. She closes the door and looks at him.

“To what do I owe this visit?” she asks him preoccupied.

“To this” he says and then he kisses her. She kisses him back passionately.


“Have you heard about Sydney?” Vaughn asks to Dixon.

“No. For that reason I called you before. I want you to go and find her” he replies.

“But, where do I find her?” he asks.


The next day Sark wakes up and looks at Lauren lying on the bed next to him. He stands up and begins to search to documents everywhere in the room. He first searches in her bag, then in the wardrobe. Nothing. It’s impossible, he thinks. She must have this files according to Irina.

“Sark” Lauren’s voice reaches him.

He immediately left everything and goes to her. She was sitting on the bed looking at him.

“Goodmorning love” he says to her.

He leans closer and kisses her. She pulls him back.

“What were you doing?” she asks worried.

“Nothing. I just went to the bathroom” he answers.

Lauren looks at him.

“Can I ask you a question?” he says to her.

“Of course” she replies.

“When you investigated on my father’s murderer you studied his life as well right?”

“Yes” she answers.

“Can I see those documents?”

Lauren looks at him suspiciously. “Only to have a look at” he adds quickly.

“I haven’t them here…” she begins “…they’re in a vault in Milan”

“If you don’t mind I will go there” he replies.

“Not alone”. He looks at her.

“I will come with you” she adds.

“Why don’t we go there by day?” Sark asks Lauren.

“First, I’m on the CIA hit list; second, you’re a terrorist“ she replies.

They take their guns and begin to get out of the Covenant’s safe house. They are about to reach the exit when they found someone in front of them. They immediately pointed their guns at the two people in front of them. Its dark and they can’t recognize them. Then someone approaches and Sark stares at Vaughn’s face. Behind him Jack Bristow pointed his gun to Sark. Lauren looks worried but then she begins to escape. Vaughn runs behind her but she disappeared. He returns to where Sark and Jack are.

“Mr.Bristow and Agent Vaughn. What are doing here?” Sark asks them.

“You aren’t in any position to question us” Jack replies coldly.

Jack has still his gun pointed at Sark.

“Jack, drop the gun” Vaughn says.

Sark looks at him in disbelief.

“We lost many opportunities to kill this bastard” he yells at him.

“I don’t want him dead” he answers coldly to Jack.

Jack stares at him and then he drops his gun.

“Is this a joke?” Sark asks Vaughn.

“Shut up” says Vaughn. He then takes his cell phone to make a call.

“Dixon” says the other man on the phone.

“I apprehended Sark” he says.


i'm sooooo sorry for the delay :blush: ....hope you like it! ;)
Great Chapter! love laurens line, "'first i'm on the CIA hitlist and second you're a terrorists" Loved it!

keep it going!