sark's beginning

<Shotgun> said:
Was it Page 47 when he came out shooting that man?

It was The Coup - when he came out shooting that man in Hong Kong. Trust me. I know. That episode changed my whole Alias experience.
that to changed my Alias life forever. He didn't even have any lines but he came out guns blazzing and the close up on his handsome face :P was like so incredible that he didn't even need lines to get his point ,and excatly who he was, across to the audience. Just one firing of a gun and close up and we were hooked (y) What would Alias be without Julian Sark???
ALIAS would be nothing because it would ALIA minus the S because I'm a firm believer that the S stands for his hottness Sark. And ALIA isn't a word or anything at all so yeah ALIAS would just be gone. God bless Sark.
out of interest, this is the first look we get of sark, ever, in alias...


just for your enjoyment :D
the pic is lovely...
he was scary when he first came out. broad daylight and just blowing people away. of course now i got back and watch it and giggle uncontrollably because that's all i do when i see him.


ps meg-where'd you get your sig?