Sark's Return


Krisin at EOnline said today that Sark is definitely returning, and his first appearance will be in Episode 8!!! Since he's returning so early in the season, I'm hoping he'll be in quite a few episodes. There's also a spoiler that can be found here: Sark Spoiler I'm so excited that he's coming back!!!!! :D
LOL! I was wondering the same thing. Or maybe Sark will be working undercover as someone named Bob. I hope his real name isn't Bob. Julian Sark sounds sooo much better. :smiley:

I agree...Bob Sark? Bobby Sark?......nope. Maybe it stands for something. Maybe Sydney has APO, Sark has BOB :lol:
burly? he's not burly. that makes me think of old fat men going hunting. haha. i don't really know why but it does :blink:
badass outlaws from britain?

If you watch the AOL preview for the next episode, you will learn the meaning of "Bob". What a great clip! I can't wait to see the entire episode!
I try to stay spoiler free, but I accidently saw promo pictures on, and in the pictures was SARK!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a long time since I was soo happy about Alias ;)
And then I had to go to AOL and watch the promo. And it was SOO good.
Can't wait to have my baby back!
I hope he will be back for more than one episode.
I hope that too. That he will be back for some more episode. And what is Sark's task this season? Is he involved in the prophet five? :blink: