Saved By the Bell

Oh my gosh, my favorite episode was when they dressed Skreatch(sp?) up as an alien and tried to convince that government agent he was an extraterestrial. *cracking up* I wish the show was still on, but it wasn't as good after they went to college ... >.<
Wow, sounds like I'm the only one who like The College Years. I really enjoyed it, probably because I'm a romantic and such a sucker for the whole Zack/Kelly romance. :smiley:
Oh, I loved Wedding in Las Vegas! I always thought it would be fun to see another season of the College Years, where Zack and Kelly try to balance married life with college. Though they probably wouldn't have gotten married if the show wasn't ending...
ooo...the wedding was always one of my favorites, but Zack's hair in it...🇳🇴 That wasn't exactly pleasant. :lol:

But the high school years were the best, minus Tori and the crazy jeans Slater wore. ;)
I was 14 years old, when the show first aired in 1989. (Dang, I feel old! :blink:smiley:

I've always liked Zack, and Slater.

Anyway, I saw that episode...when Zack and Kelly got married, I cried. :lol: I did taped it. But, the vcr ate my tape :angry: My Vcr had a very bad habit, then...:lol:
I loved Saved by the Bell when iw as growing up I had such a crush on zacK. and I always wanted Kelly& Zack to get back together. PLus Mark PAul is still a hottie!!!!
yep, i grew up on this show as well...i remember coming home from school to watch it

they are starting to have the seasons on DVD now...for my last birthday my brother got the Season's 1 and 2 for me as a joke...funniest part is that I actually watch em :D :rolleyes:
loved the show ... still watch it when they have re-runs ... my first TV crush was Zach ... what a cutie ... and what a man he has become ... :blush:
haha, something funny, me and my friend spent about 4 hours the other day watching the first and second season dvd's...hahaha, so funny to watch now... :lol: