Sci-Fi help

Hi everyone,

I use to read a lot of science fiction when i was younger but i kind of lost track of reading in the genre over the years. last week i read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and fell in love with it. So ive picked up a few more SF masterworks and am giving them a read right now. but outside of these novels do any of you have any suggestions for books on the genre or within the genre i should read in order to re familiarize myself with the going ons of sci-fi.

also a man i met in a pub was saying he had just started reading some really cool russian sci-fi or fantasy novels. he made them sound really cool only i was pretty drunk and dont remember what any of them were called. they sounded like an interesting blend of science fiction and modernity.


a sci-fi newbie.
Well, you can get a taste for authors if you look around on the web, as Baen and Tor offer some of their library free. Older books to get you interested in specific authors. Baen is free, Tor requires registration to get at the books.

Tor are currently offering a book I only bought last week in a charity shop to read! And it's a 2004 release too! L.E.Modesitt jnr : Flash
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Welcome to Cool Sci-Fi, glasshouseman!

Tim's right; both Baen and Tor have links to a good number of their books. Other places I'd go to look for sci-fi works are any public libraries and bookstores(local, used and otherwise) wherever you live; they can give suggestions and point out some of their favorites.

Anyway, welcome to Cool Sci-Fi! :) :)

Hal SpaceJock. A scifi comedy series of which the first novel in first print edition has recently been released for free.

Releases like this again are good for getting readers interested in the writers. I've been following the authors Livejournal blog as he talks about his life and the creation of the series.