Scientists="ET Likely"

Here is some of the rather large article
ET Visitors: Scientists See High Likelihood
Decades ago, it was physicist Enrico Fermi who pondered the issue of extraterrestrial civilizations with fellow theorists over lunch, generating the famous quip: "Where are they?" That question later became central to debates about the cosmological census count of other star folk and possible extraterrestrial (ET) visitors from afar.

Fermi's brooding on the topic was later labeled "Fermi's paradox". It is a well-traveled tale from the 1950's when the scientist broached the subject in discussions with colleagues in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Thoughts regarding the probability of earthlike planets, the rise of highly advanced civilizations "out there", and interstellar travel -- these remain fodder for trying to respond to Fermi's paradox even today.

Now a team of American scientists note that recent astrophysical discoveries suggest that we should find ourselves in the midst of one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, they argue it is a mistake to reject all UFO reports since some evidence for the theoretically-predicted extraterrestrial visitors might just be found there.

The researchers make their proposal in the January/February 2005 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS).
he scientists point to two key discoveries made by Australian astronomers and reported last year that there is a "galactic habitable zone" in our Milky Way Galaxy. And more importantly that Earth's own star, the Sun, is relatively young in comparison to the average star in this zone -- by as much as a billion years.
Haisch said that superstring dimensions and wormhole and spacetime stretching possibilities address the "can't get here from there" objection often argued in view of the interstellar, point-to-point distances involved. Also, diffusion models predict that even a single civilization could spread across the Galaxy in a tiny fraction of the age of the Galaxy - even at sub-light speeds, he said.
"This potentially changes the relationship of the UFO phenomenon to science in a significant way. It takes away the 'not invented here' prejudice, pointing out that a 'yes' to ET visitation is exactly what side our current physics and astrophysics theories would come down on as the most likely situation," Haisch concluded.
I always go with the thing that if we have been visited then they would've left behind some traces of it. Is there life out there, at least of some type? Yes. Have they visited us yet? Doubtful. Unless, of course, all of their probes keep crashing upon impact. :P
Is there life out there-You betcha
Is there Intelligent life- You betcha
More advanced than us- about a half a billion years- I once read that our star is a second generation star, Yeah there's more advanced lifeforms- You betcha
Has a non-earth lifeform visited our planet- Likely
Is it still here- You betcha
Our chemical makeup was delivered by a comet back when the earth was forming. We are the ET.
Who is to say there is no evidence of ET? Pictures that are only seen from orbit, Refernces to spacemen in ancient cultures, Technology Questions like the pryamids. Why does the evidence have to be recent? What if we are only in the galactic neighborhood at a certain point during our galactic year {225my} and we have exceeded 'their' distance capacity.
I don't do much ET tracking and I don't follow that aspect of scifi. There is a googlplex of data out there on the subject. I just find it strange that 'science' is debating the idea now.
Makes me wonder what they will debate in the next decade.