Season 5 Script Pages - Ep 10

I like your theory. We did see the guy lining up the crosshairs on her head, so i would be a little iffy on that, too. Lindsey is a rather scary man and I wouldn't really trust him to do anything sane. I hope he dies. (n)
Tee hee hee! I can't wait too see this epi! First Lindsey..then Lazeray....then JULIAN!!!! Guahahahahah that's great. :lol:

I kinda thought that might have been what happened..I think Syd and Laz were working together..though I do wonder why they faked his death? *sigh* My poor whittle Sarkie-pie. So unloved. Or so he thinks. :cool: :blush:

As for Syd/Vaughn...for cryin' out loud..I sure HOPE Vaughn pushes her away!!! Or better yet- the other way around! S/V is ooooollld news.
oh no... Jan. 11 :thinking: that's more than a month away! please....MORE SPOILERS!!! i need something to hold me over until then. ㊙️