Scrubs [title clarified]

my favorite has to be Dr. Cox when he starts talking to JD or Elliot...i always crack up... and i think that deep down the janitor does care for JD, in his own little sadistic way*sigh* but the pranks are really inventive and creative!
SCRUBS is one of my faaaaaaaavorite shows... it just cracks me up, and it definitely is a post-friends show... but alias of course still tops it ALLLLL!!!!!!!
I LOVE Scrubs. :smiley:

JD is so cute. He has the nicest lips and...ok I'll stop now. :P

Dr.Cox is hilarious and so is the Janitor.

I love all the characters although, Eliot tends to get on my nerves sometimes, but she's alright.

Does anyone know if Scubs is on DVD or will be released on DVD? Thanks.
elliot is the comic relief woman on the show. she tries so hard to be "one of the men" that she tends to look almost blondish!! :lol: but i guess on a sit-com if you do that a a woman you need to be a little neurotic!!