Season 3

Coming soon...

A L I A s episodes from AliasDog! To keep us interested...

1st episode description: (6/28/03)

Sydney returns to the CIA, only to find major differences in everything going on, including situations with her mom...Meanwhile, Jack has to face something he never thought he would have to face again...and Syd finds Vaughn's wife.

Clips from the episode:

KENDALL: You may have known about our little incident in Ireland last week. However, Sloane was almost caught. I'd like to take a moment to welcome back Sydney. She's been away from the CIA for about 2 years, and it's good to have her back. Speaking of Bristow, we found a suspect of observation while we invaded the safehouse. Jack, your interrogation.

(Later, in the interrogation, Jack meets an orphaned child, after asking a few questions)
JACK: Why don't you tell me your last name, Keith?
KEITH: I've been abandoned for 2 years! I've made up my own name? I just barely know anything from my past. All I know about is my father. He, he exported airplane parts.
(Jack looks up, interested, because he had used that same excuse with Sydney for the CIA and SD-6.)
JACK: And...what was your father's name?

COMING SOON: 6/28/03!
This is a fan fiction that will be the course of about 10 episodes over the summer. Look around on June 28th.

1st Episode Cast:

Sydney Bristow
Michael Vaughn
Jack Bristow
Marshall Flinkman
Will Tippin
Arvin Sloane
Irina Derevko


**Keith Haladki
*Agent Connoway
*Agent Ronalds

* - Indicates special character will be in at least next 2 episodes.
** - Will be a reoccuring character throughout the 10 episodes.

ALSO: Correction in the episode description:

and Syd MEETS Vaughn's wife.

Look out for a small spoiler soon.
yes.......i agree with lighttraveller. if you have so many spoilers, please post it! would you mind PMing me when you finally do post it? please and thank you.

Season starts NOW.


VAUGHN: They asked me to come back, to explain...
SYD: Come back from what? Vaughn...why are you wearing that ring?
VAUGHN: Syd...since that were missing...(sniffs) you've been missing for almost two years...

SYD: Vaughn, what are you talking about? My identification code is the same! Francie is the double! That all happened yesterday...or, wait, maybe...
VAUGHN: Then explain the different shirt!

(Sydney pauses for a second, and looks down at her shirt, and then looks back up at Vaughn)

VAUGHN: Syd...this is too awkward. I've...gotta go.
SYD: Where? Where do you have to go? Vaughn...I have no recollection of what has happened lately.
VAUGHN: (Almost closes the warehouse door, but stops) I know what you mean.
SYD: What...?
VAUGHN: I'd forget that husband of yours too if I were you.

(Vaughn walks out, very sad and angry. Syd looks down at her finger, on her left hand, and sure a 6-karat diamond clinging to her ring finger.)

E p i s o d e 1 : R E M E M B E R M E

More coming soon.
omg!!!!!!!!! u have to post that story! dont make us wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please! it looks soooooooo good!

Ems *sniffles* write more plz?

(Syd walks into the airport, now knowing what's going on. She finds a line for the US. Syd walks up and starts talking to the person behind the desk.)
SYD: (Translating) One ticket for the United States.
LADY: That'll be $83.69.

(Syd tilts her head back, not believing the day she is having. She feels something in her pocket. She pulls out...a wallet, filled with about $500 cash. Paying the lady, she goes over and sits in the US plane's waiting room. As she looks around, she sees the cubicle for Ireland, and sees Vaughn, Weiss, and other CIA operatives she remembers. Syd gets up and starts to walk back when the P.A. announces:smiley:

P.A.: All boarding for the 8:47 plane back to the U.S. Last call for U.S.

(Syd hesitates, and looks at Vaughn. Then she remembers the conversation in the warehouse earlier. Angry, Syd walks without hesitation to the plane and boards immediately.)