Shadow of Deceit

I think Jack is about to tell Nadia the truth about Irina and Julia.

When they extract Sydney, I hope she still has memories of her true identity and can be turned back again.

Thanks for the PM.

Aww man. . .Awesome update!
I just love the idea of Jack and Nadia going in to get Syd. .
This is gonna be so great. .
Please Please Please Please
update soon!

lmao ballarat
hahaha love it
but omg when syd meets vaughn wont it be romance?
so this should be in romance? right?
argh im confused
but syd evvil NO WAY
not possible
but how awesome a ruthless killer is always cool
Oh my god! It's getting more and more exicting, isn't it? Great chapter! I, too, can't imagine that Sydney should be evil. I wonder what Irina has told her. :thinking: So Jack will tell Nadia the truth about Sydney and Irina. Can't wait for her reaction. Please update soon and thank you for the pm.
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Chapter Three:

Michael Vaughn sauntered into the ballroom, a glass of champagne in his hand. After taking a sip, he placed it back on the silver tray of a passing waiter. His eyes scrutinized every person in the room, searching for Julia Thorne.

“See anything yet Night Hawk?” Weiss said over the comm.

“Nothing. Thorne isn’t here yet.” He replied, slipping though the crowd.

“What can I say, she’s a woman. She’s probably getting her hair done or her nails manicured.” Weiss muttered as he snacked on a crab puff. “Besides, she wants to be fashionably late.” He added dramatically.

Vaughn chuckled and rolled his eyes. Eric always had a way of making the missions more interesting.

Before long, Vaughn was asked to dance by a stunning blonde model. He politely declined, wanting to keep his eyes open for Julia. The model glared at him before strutting back to her entourage of rich, giggling, model friends.

A few more women asked Vaughn to dance. He turned them all down, sighing. He could hear Weiss muttering to himself over the comm., complaining how even though they were on a mission, Vaughn could still get women but no one had asked him to dance.

“I hope you know that you sound like a 5th grader at his first dance.” Vaughn mumbled in amusement. “And maybe no one’s asked you to dance because you’ve permanently stationed yourself where all the food is.”

“Fine, fine, mock me pretty boy. One of these days-”

“She’s here.” Vaughn said urgently, cutting off his friend’s ranting.

Vaughn felt his heartbeat quicken as a tall beautiful blond walked down the marble steps and into the room.

Her curled hair was pinned up, a few loose strand framing her face. The short red dress hugged her body, almost as if it were a second skin. She didn’t have much make up, but she glowed with a natural beauty that he had never seen before.

She glanced around the room casually, her eyes lingering on him for a moment before she looked away.

He wove through the crowd until he had reached her side. “May I have this dance?” he asked, holding out his hand.

She studied him intently, almost as if she were trying to read his mind, to learn of his true intentions. After what seemed like a lifetime, she gently placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her to the middle of the dance floor.

He took her into his arms and they began to sway to the music, waltzing. His right hand rested on the bare skin of the small of her back. They began to chat pleasantly, talking about nothing of great importance. Julia tilted her head slightly and he could see the carefully hidden earpiece.

Thinking quickly, he began to tap out a message in Morse code telling her who he was, onto her bare back. She looked alarmed at first, but relaxed when she realized what he was doing. They glided across the room silently, allowing her to concentrate on decoding his message. Julia looked up into his eyes and nodded slowly. Her arm snaked up his shoulder. She placed her slender fingers on the back of his neck and quickly tapped out a message.

“F.O.L.L.O.W.M.Y.L.E.A.D.” Vaughn nodded, relaxing slightly as he gently twirled her.

During the course of the song, their bodies moved progressively closer to each other. Julia had her arms wrapped round his neck, her head resting lightly on his chest. His hands were on the small of her back, resisting the urge to trace small circles onto her skin.

She lifted her head and placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. He was shocked at first, but then he understood her plan. He tilted his head and captured her soft, sweet lips in his.

They kissed a few more times before she pulled back and whispered, “Let’s go somewhere more private.”

Taking his arm, she led him down to the end of the hallway, pushing open the door. After the door had closed, she pushed Michael up against the wall and kissed him. He let out a small, involuntary moan. After a few minutes, she reached up and switched off her comm., backing away from Michael.

“Sorry about that. But I had to make it convincing. They won’t come looking for me for awhile.” She explained softly. “Your name is Michael right?” She asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, Michael Vaughn.” He nodded, walking over to the window.

“Ok. I was just never good with Morse code… that’s all.” She explained quietly, blushing slightly.

Vaughn smiled, pushed the dark blue curtains aside, and peered out the window. He saw that a large pool was underneath them, with many people swimming around. There was no way they could escape this way without being seen.

“Damn it.” He muttered. Then he noticed the door that was partially covered by a large old bookshelf. “Come help me with this.” Michael said to Julia and together they pushed the barrier aside.

He jiggled the knob, but as he had predicted, it was locked. Julia reached up into her hair, pulled out two bobby pins and easily picked the lock. They stepped into the previously hidden room and coughed, an inch of dust covering everything. The only light came from the hole in the wall, where a few boards were missing. Vaughn pulled off a couple more boards making the hole larger, a stream of moonlight illuminating the boxes that were being stored in the room.

“Houdini, this is Night Hawk. We’re on the east side of the building. Meet us at the extraction point in 5 minutes.”

“Copy that Night Hawk.” Eric said, abandoning his faithful post beside the snack table and left to get the van ready.

Vaughn jumped out the window first, rolling into some bushes and hitting his head painfully against a rock. Julia followed him, clutching her high heeled shoes in one hand.

“Why don’t you just leave those?” Vaughn whispered as they made their way cautiously through the undergrowth.

“We might need them later.” She whispered. Vaughn rolled his eyes and shrugged, a drop of blood sliding down his cheek.

“Run as fast at you can to the other end of the garden. Just beyond the statue of an angel, there’s a car waiting.” Vaughn instructed gesturing vaguely in the right direction while wiping the blood out of his eye.

Julia nodded and took off, barely noticing the pain that crept up her legs as she ran upon the sharp rocks.

Vaughn ran after her, amazed at how fast she could run without even breaking into a sweat. He caught a glimpse of the tip of a gun barrel as the moonlight reflected on it.

“Look out!” Vaughn warned as he threw himself forward, knocking Julia to the ground, the rocks stabbing painfully into their bodies. An onslaught of bullets flew past them, missing their bodies by centimeters. They rolled to the right, hiding in the temporary shelter of a large fountain.

Vaughn pulled out his own gun, but there was no way he could get a good clean shot without being in the line of fire. Julia grabbed her shoes, took apart the heels, and pulled out two small grenades. She listened carefully, deducing where the attackers were positioned before she stood up and threw the grenades.

The bombs exploded, knocking the men to the ground. A small bush caught on fire and the flames licked the bottom of Julia’s dress. She ran through the fountain, dousing the fire. Covered by a blanket of debris and dust, they ran toward the extraction point.

As they ran past a large hedge, two men stepped out. One was grasping a metal bat and he hit Julia squarely in the stomach. She fell to the ground the wind knocked out of her. Without wasting a second, she jumped back up, her foot colliding with the man’s leg. He fell to his knees, surprised at how unfazed she was. She picked up the bat he had dropped and struck his head. Dropping the bloody bat, she looked around to find Vaughn.

He was fighting off someone who was quite obviously a rookie agent. His fighting skills were no match for Vaughn’s. With one final punch, he knocked the young blond to the ground, his head hitting the edge of a concrete bench before he lay motionless.

Vaughn and Julia shared one quick look before they broke into a sprint, covering the short distance to the extraction point easily.

Weiss flung the doors open and before they were even fully in the vehicle, the van had taken off.

Weiss glanced back at them. The bottom of Julia’s dress was damp but slightly singed, her hair covered with dust and debris, dirt caked her face, and she had numerous scratches and cuts on her arms and legs. Vaughn wasn’t any better, a large gash on his forehead, a mixture of blood and sweat dripping down his face. His suit was tattered, ripped by their fall onto the rocks.

“Are you ok?” Weiss asked, turning around and watching the road.

“I’m fine.” Julia replied, running her fingers through her hair to dislodge the leaves and twigs that had landed there during the explosion.

Vaughn grunted in response, touching the small gash on his head gingerly, his fingers becoming covered in crimson blood.

Julia grabbed the first aid kit, sat down next to him, and began cleaning his wound.

“Thank you.” She whispered softly, her fingers dancing across his forehead.

He just nodded, not able to find any words to say.

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PM LIST- let one of us know if you want on or off

Agent Bristow-Vaughn
They got Julia out of there safely, though it was a close call. Now I hope she'll recognize her father when she finally sees him.

Thanks for the PM.
