THis is going to be a cowrite between Carolyn ((Sexcivaughn14)) and Me ((Shotput25ash)) right now are you thinking... 'Ohmigoodgod, dont they have enough fics already' and ok, so youre right, but oh well...i love to write and im pretty sure that Carolyn does too....and haha *not bragging*<-- seriousally we can write well together...i think? anyways, heres the fic...
Disclaimer: WE dont own anything....we wish we did, but we all Belongs to JJ Abrams mind, and the other people who created Alias...
And many thanks to Shelby and Janet for betaing this fic!
Rating- PG13, for Language and Suggestivness...
She Never Looked Back
Chapter One-
By Ash
Sydney was siting on her couch staring at the Christmas tree placed infront of the bow window. It was covered in white lights, and had red and gold ornaments all over it. There were a few homemade ones that the nanny had made for Sydney when she was just little, but other than that everything was new. There was an angel at the very top, adorned in an off-white gown. Everything seemed so perfect, but in reality it was far from it.
She was alone, as she had been for a while now. There was her and the tree tonight, one more than usual. She sat there, just staring at the beautiful evergreen in front of her. Sydney was thinking. About anything and everything. Mostly Michael Vaughn.
Sydney had died, well to the world around her. She wasn’t dead, and now everyone knew that. When she came back from the Covenant though, she wanted more than anything to be dead. Hearing the news of him being married.
He was married. That’s all Sydney thought about lately. She had been gone, and he moved on. How was that fair? It wasn’t fair to her. Wasn’t he in love with her? Why did he have to give up on her?
Sydney took another sip of her wine, and sat it down on the coffee table. Maybe she could get totally hammered tonight. Forget all about Vaughn, and how the Christmas they had together was spent.
“Too late.” She said to herself, as her mind drifted to a perfect night.
It was about seven o’clock when the doorbell rang. Sydney’s heart jumped in her chest, for she was well aware who was standing on the other side. She looked at the fireplace, just to make sure the steady blaze was still going. She smoothed down her hair, and tugged on her blouse a little. She checked herself in the mirror one last time, then walked to the door. Opening it with ease she saw him standing on the other side, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Hey you.” He smiled, and kissed her gently.
Pulling back she replied, “Hey.” She wanted to collapse, but decided it probably wouldn’t be the best thing. After a moment of silence, she opened he door wider. “Come on in.” she smiled. He walked, in and placed his coat on the rack. Smiling he followed her into the kitchen.
They had eaten dinner, and talked about everything under the sun. He had helped her clear the table and now they were both seated on the couch. She was in his arms, just like it should be.
“Sydney.” He asked her out of the blue. They were sitting in a nice peaceful silence, and there he went, ruining it. But she really didn’t care.
“Yeah?” she asked looking up at him. He had such a look of seriousness on his face, it almost scared her.
“Merry Christmas.” He smiled, and she relaxed a bit.
“Merry Christmas to you too.” She smiled back, and kissing him lightly.
“Hey Syd?” he asked pulling back.
“Hmm?” she mumbled into his neck.
“I love you.” He whispered. She immediately stopped kissing him, stunned by the words that had just escaped his mouth. “Sydney?” he asked concerned about her sudden awkwardness.
“I love you too.” She smiled, and kissed him again.
They way they felt for each other was made very clear that night. They had seen each other in a new perspective, which only brought them closer together. She could almost still feel his touch. The way he had kissed her, everything. And she wanted more than nothing in the world to feel that way again.
~*~Across Town~*~
Lauren had her suitcase sprawled open on the bed, packing almost every piece of clothing she owned.
“Lauren, its Christmas Eve, and you have to go to Washington?” Vaughn asked disappointed.
“Michael, I told you already. Something has come up, I have to go.” She zipped her suitcase shut, and went to the bathroom with a smaller one.
“Yes, but...” Vaughn started, and then stopped. It wasn’t worth it. She wasn’t going to stay because of him, so why even bother.
“What is it Love?” she asked sweetly walking towards the bed again.
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
“Alright then, I'm ready, shall we?” she handed him a suitcase. Kissing him on the lips softly she whispered, “Take my bag.” And then she walked out of the room.
He sighed. “What am I? Your maid? No, wait…maid’s wear those little black dresses and the white aprons, I dong think that would look so good on me. So I guess I'm your butler?” he asked sarcastically.
“Oh, what did you say Darling?” she asked walking back into the bedroom.
“Nothing. Lets get you to the airport.” He said walking out the front door and then letting it almost slam in Lauren’s face.
She gasped. “Thanks for holding the door!” she yelled irritated.
Michael just smiled. “What’d you say Hun?”
Lauren let out a heavy sigh. “Nothing.” She replied upset.
The whole way to the airport was spent silent. When they got to the terminal he got her bags out of the trunk and sat them on the curb. She climbed out of the front seat and shut the door.
“Have a good flight.” He said kissing her cheek and then getting back in the car.
“What you aren’t getting my bags for me? Michael!” she stamped her foot and he just sighed.
“I'm sorry Sweetheart, but I have to go.” He turned on the engine, and sped off. Not even three minutes later his cell phone rang.
“Vaughn.” he answered.
“Hey Man.” Eric Weiss said on the other end.
“Oh, hey.” Michael replied easing a bit.
“So what are you up to?” Eric asked as Vaughn could hear the fridge being opened and then slammed shut in the background.
“Nothing much.” He replied. “EH!” he slammed on his breaks, because the car infront of him had just cut him off. Laying on the horn Eric got a bit worried.
“MIKE?!” he yelled. “Where the hell are you? Please tell me you aren’t at home, because…”
“Eww, Eric, no.” Vaughn said interrupting him. “I just dropped Lauren off at the airport. She had a flight to Washington.”
“Oh, that sucks dude. It’s Christmas!” Eric said.
“Why thank you Captain Obvious.” Vaughn replied sarcastically.
“Eh, I was just giving you my pity. If you don’t want it all you had to do was say so.” Weiss responded happily.
“I say so.” Vaughn laughed, at the look he pictured would be on Eric’s face. “So what are you doing tonight?” Vaughn asked.
“I have a date.” Eric said proudly. “And no, you can’t come. Find another way to get your jollies.” Vaughn just rolled his eyes.
“I can just find something on the television.” Vaughn replied.
“Oh, sounds like so much fun.” Eric said sarcastically. “What’d you do the last year anyways?”
“I hung out with Lauren.” He replied.
“And the year before that?” Eric asked.
“I was with Lauren.” Vaughn answered, and Weiss was starting to see a pattern.
“And the year before that?” he pried.
“Well…” Vaughn thought for a minute. “I was at Sydney’s.” he sighed.
“So then, go see her. It’s basically your house anyways.” Eric laughed.
“No, I don’t think…”
“Just go. We both know you want to.” Eric interrupted.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Vaughn admitted.
“So how are you and Lauren doing anyways?” Eric asked.
“Is it bad when you want to kick her out of the car? And then run her over with it?” Vaughn laughed.
“I believe it is.” Eric laughed too. “So I'm sorry Buddy, but I have to go.”
“Fine, I’ll talk to you later.” And with that Vaughn hung up.
~*~Sydney’s Appartment~*~
Sydney decided she had had enough whine for the night, and walked out of the living room. She was in the foyer on her way to the kitchen when the doorbell rang.
She almost dropped the glass on the floor, from being so surprised. She walked slowly to the door, whine and all. Opening it she gasped. Standing in front of her was none other than Michael Vaughn.
“Vaughn, what are you doing here?” she managed to get out. And a full sentence at that. She was stunned.
“Well…I just wanted to be someplace where it felt like home.” He said, his voice almost inaudible.
“Oh.” She replied. “Well, um…I guess, you can come in…I mean only if you want to.” She said, opening the door farther.
He stepped over the threshold. “Lemme just put these in the kitchen.” She said quietly. He nodded, and walked into the living room.
She joined him only a moment later. “So, erm…”
“The tree is beautiful Syd.” He said honestly. She smiled up at him.
“Thanks. I had Eric help me with it last week.” She sat on the couch which she had occupied minutes before.
Vaughn was still standing a few minutes later, looking out the window, while Sydney sat on the couch. She didn’t know what they should talk about. What was there to talk about? ‘Oh, yea, you're married that’s right. And why is that again?’ perfect topic, eh?
She stood next to him. “Do you want something to drink?” she asked.
“No.” he replied plainly, only looking at her for a second.
“Would you like to watch some t.v.?” she asked, trying to think of something to do.
“No.” he replied again.
“Well then, how about you think of something I'm out of ideas.” She responded annoyed.
He stayed quiet for a moment. Thinking over his actions. ‘To every action there is a reaction.’ He thought. ‘Now the question is making sure you get the right reaction.’
He couldn’t possible dissect it any longer. He took her into his arms, kissing her with more passion than ever before. She was stunned, and he knew it. Her knees locked and she was leaning on him for the support to stand. She shouldn’t be doing this. He was married.
‘He started it.’ She thought. ‘Oh, way to go Sydney…blame it all on him.’
It took all the will she had in her body to pull away from him. She pushed him away, her hands on his chest. His chest, there she went, heading to the gutter. How was she supposed to resist him? But she had to, she needed to.
“Vaughn…” he silenced her with a kiss, and she didn’t disagree. But then her mind wandered again. She was the other woman, the person she swore to never be. And she pulled away again.
“Sydney I love you.” He whispered, and she could feel the tears that were running down her face.
“I love you too.” She whispered, kissing him with all the love she had been holding for the last year. He kissed her back, until she pulled out of his embrace, yet again.
“Lauren?” Sydney asked scared. She didn’t want to know about her, but the conscience she had was all too nice.
“Don’t worry about Lauren.” Vaughn said walking towards her. “Just forget all about her.” he whispered into her ear.
His hott breath sent chills down her spine. And that’s when she couldn’t take it any longer. She longed to be in his arms again. To feel his touch. To be with him. And most importantly to be loved by him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck putting her hands on the back of his head, bringing their lips together. Kissing avidly somehow they managed to stumble through the hallway and into her bedroom. Where he laid her ever so gently on the bed, and started to unbutton her shirt.
We hope you liked it!
Luvs-Ash and Carolyn
Disclaimer: WE dont own anything....we wish we did, but we all Belongs to JJ Abrams mind, and the other people who created Alias...
And many thanks to Shelby and Janet for betaing this fic!
Rating- PG13, for Language and Suggestivness...
She Never Looked Back
Chapter One-
By Ash
Sydney was siting on her couch staring at the Christmas tree placed infront of the bow window. It was covered in white lights, and had red and gold ornaments all over it. There were a few homemade ones that the nanny had made for Sydney when she was just little, but other than that everything was new. There was an angel at the very top, adorned in an off-white gown. Everything seemed so perfect, but in reality it was far from it.
She was alone, as she had been for a while now. There was her and the tree tonight, one more than usual. She sat there, just staring at the beautiful evergreen in front of her. Sydney was thinking. About anything and everything. Mostly Michael Vaughn.
Sydney had died, well to the world around her. She wasn’t dead, and now everyone knew that. When she came back from the Covenant though, she wanted more than anything to be dead. Hearing the news of him being married.
He was married. That’s all Sydney thought about lately. She had been gone, and he moved on. How was that fair? It wasn’t fair to her. Wasn’t he in love with her? Why did he have to give up on her?
Sydney took another sip of her wine, and sat it down on the coffee table. Maybe she could get totally hammered tonight. Forget all about Vaughn, and how the Christmas they had together was spent.
“Too late.” She said to herself, as her mind drifted to a perfect night.
It was about seven o’clock when the doorbell rang. Sydney’s heart jumped in her chest, for she was well aware who was standing on the other side. She looked at the fireplace, just to make sure the steady blaze was still going. She smoothed down her hair, and tugged on her blouse a little. She checked herself in the mirror one last time, then walked to the door. Opening it with ease she saw him standing on the other side, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Hey you.” He smiled, and kissed her gently.
Pulling back she replied, “Hey.” She wanted to collapse, but decided it probably wouldn’t be the best thing. After a moment of silence, she opened he door wider. “Come on in.” she smiled. He walked, in and placed his coat on the rack. Smiling he followed her into the kitchen.
They had eaten dinner, and talked about everything under the sun. He had helped her clear the table and now they were both seated on the couch. She was in his arms, just like it should be.
“Sydney.” He asked her out of the blue. They were sitting in a nice peaceful silence, and there he went, ruining it. But she really didn’t care.
“Yeah?” she asked looking up at him. He had such a look of seriousness on his face, it almost scared her.
“Merry Christmas.” He smiled, and she relaxed a bit.
“Merry Christmas to you too.” She smiled back, and kissing him lightly.
“Hey Syd?” he asked pulling back.
“Hmm?” she mumbled into his neck.
“I love you.” He whispered. She immediately stopped kissing him, stunned by the words that had just escaped his mouth. “Sydney?” he asked concerned about her sudden awkwardness.
“I love you too.” She smiled, and kissed him again.
They way they felt for each other was made very clear that night. They had seen each other in a new perspective, which only brought them closer together. She could almost still feel his touch. The way he had kissed her, everything. And she wanted more than nothing in the world to feel that way again.
~*~Across Town~*~
Lauren had her suitcase sprawled open on the bed, packing almost every piece of clothing she owned.
“Lauren, its Christmas Eve, and you have to go to Washington?” Vaughn asked disappointed.
“Michael, I told you already. Something has come up, I have to go.” She zipped her suitcase shut, and went to the bathroom with a smaller one.
“Yes, but...” Vaughn started, and then stopped. It wasn’t worth it. She wasn’t going to stay because of him, so why even bother.
“What is it Love?” she asked sweetly walking towards the bed again.
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
“Alright then, I'm ready, shall we?” she handed him a suitcase. Kissing him on the lips softly she whispered, “Take my bag.” And then she walked out of the room.
He sighed. “What am I? Your maid? No, wait…maid’s wear those little black dresses and the white aprons, I dong think that would look so good on me. So I guess I'm your butler?” he asked sarcastically.
“Oh, what did you say Darling?” she asked walking back into the bedroom.
“Nothing. Lets get you to the airport.” He said walking out the front door and then letting it almost slam in Lauren’s face.
She gasped. “Thanks for holding the door!” she yelled irritated.
Michael just smiled. “What’d you say Hun?”
Lauren let out a heavy sigh. “Nothing.” She replied upset.
The whole way to the airport was spent silent. When they got to the terminal he got her bags out of the trunk and sat them on the curb. She climbed out of the front seat and shut the door.
“Have a good flight.” He said kissing her cheek and then getting back in the car.
“What you aren’t getting my bags for me? Michael!” she stamped her foot and he just sighed.
“I'm sorry Sweetheart, but I have to go.” He turned on the engine, and sped off. Not even three minutes later his cell phone rang.
“Vaughn.” he answered.
“Hey Man.” Eric Weiss said on the other end.
“Oh, hey.” Michael replied easing a bit.
“So what are you up to?” Eric asked as Vaughn could hear the fridge being opened and then slammed shut in the background.
“Nothing much.” He replied. “EH!” he slammed on his breaks, because the car infront of him had just cut him off. Laying on the horn Eric got a bit worried.
“MIKE?!” he yelled. “Where the hell are you? Please tell me you aren’t at home, because…”
“Eww, Eric, no.” Vaughn said interrupting him. “I just dropped Lauren off at the airport. She had a flight to Washington.”
“Oh, that sucks dude. It’s Christmas!” Eric said.
“Why thank you Captain Obvious.” Vaughn replied sarcastically.
“Eh, I was just giving you my pity. If you don’t want it all you had to do was say so.” Weiss responded happily.
“I say so.” Vaughn laughed, at the look he pictured would be on Eric’s face. “So what are you doing tonight?” Vaughn asked.
“I have a date.” Eric said proudly. “And no, you can’t come. Find another way to get your jollies.” Vaughn just rolled his eyes.
“I can just find something on the television.” Vaughn replied.
“Oh, sounds like so much fun.” Eric said sarcastically. “What’d you do the last year anyways?”
“I hung out with Lauren.” He replied.
“And the year before that?” Eric asked.
“I was with Lauren.” Vaughn answered, and Weiss was starting to see a pattern.
“And the year before that?” he pried.
“Well…” Vaughn thought for a minute. “I was at Sydney’s.” he sighed.
“So then, go see her. It’s basically your house anyways.” Eric laughed.
“No, I don’t think…”
“Just go. We both know you want to.” Eric interrupted.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Vaughn admitted.
“So how are you and Lauren doing anyways?” Eric asked.
“Is it bad when you want to kick her out of the car? And then run her over with it?” Vaughn laughed.
“I believe it is.” Eric laughed too. “So I'm sorry Buddy, but I have to go.”
“Fine, I’ll talk to you later.” And with that Vaughn hung up.
~*~Sydney’s Appartment~*~
Sydney decided she had had enough whine for the night, and walked out of the living room. She was in the foyer on her way to the kitchen when the doorbell rang.
She almost dropped the glass on the floor, from being so surprised. She walked slowly to the door, whine and all. Opening it she gasped. Standing in front of her was none other than Michael Vaughn.
“Vaughn, what are you doing here?” she managed to get out. And a full sentence at that. She was stunned.
“Well…I just wanted to be someplace where it felt like home.” He said, his voice almost inaudible.
“Oh.” She replied. “Well, um…I guess, you can come in…I mean only if you want to.” She said, opening the door farther.
He stepped over the threshold. “Lemme just put these in the kitchen.” She said quietly. He nodded, and walked into the living room.
She joined him only a moment later. “So, erm…”
“The tree is beautiful Syd.” He said honestly. She smiled up at him.
“Thanks. I had Eric help me with it last week.” She sat on the couch which she had occupied minutes before.
Vaughn was still standing a few minutes later, looking out the window, while Sydney sat on the couch. She didn’t know what they should talk about. What was there to talk about? ‘Oh, yea, you're married that’s right. And why is that again?’ perfect topic, eh?
She stood next to him. “Do you want something to drink?” she asked.
“No.” he replied plainly, only looking at her for a second.
“Would you like to watch some t.v.?” she asked, trying to think of something to do.
“No.” he replied again.
“Well then, how about you think of something I'm out of ideas.” She responded annoyed.
He stayed quiet for a moment. Thinking over his actions. ‘To every action there is a reaction.’ He thought. ‘Now the question is making sure you get the right reaction.’
He couldn’t possible dissect it any longer. He took her into his arms, kissing her with more passion than ever before. She was stunned, and he knew it. Her knees locked and she was leaning on him for the support to stand. She shouldn’t be doing this. He was married.
‘He started it.’ She thought. ‘Oh, way to go Sydney…blame it all on him.’
It took all the will she had in her body to pull away from him. She pushed him away, her hands on his chest. His chest, there she went, heading to the gutter. How was she supposed to resist him? But she had to, she needed to.
“Vaughn…” he silenced her with a kiss, and she didn’t disagree. But then her mind wandered again. She was the other woman, the person she swore to never be. And she pulled away again.
“Sydney I love you.” He whispered, and she could feel the tears that were running down her face.
“I love you too.” She whispered, kissing him with all the love she had been holding for the last year. He kissed her back, until she pulled out of his embrace, yet again.
“Lauren?” Sydney asked scared. She didn’t want to know about her, but the conscience she had was all too nice.
“Don’t worry about Lauren.” Vaughn said walking towards her. “Just forget all about her.” he whispered into her ear.
His hott breath sent chills down her spine. And that’s when she couldn’t take it any longer. She longed to be in his arms again. To feel his touch. To be with him. And most importantly to be loved by him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck putting her hands on the back of his head, bringing their lips together. Kissing avidly somehow they managed to stumble through the hallway and into her bedroom. Where he laid her ever so gently on the bed, and started to unbutton her shirt.
We hope you liked it!
Luvs-Ash and Carolyn